./shells/sheldon, Fast, configurable shell plugin manager

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.8.1, Package name: sheldon-0.8.1, Maintainer: schmonz

Sheldon is a fast, configurable shell plugin manager. Features:

- Plugins from Git repositories
- Branch / tag / commit support
- Submodule support
- First class support for GitHub repositories
- First class support for Gists
- Arbitrary remote scripts or binary plugins
- Local plugins
- Inline plugins

Master sites:

Filesize: 82.851 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-08 19:21:56 by Amitai Schleier | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
sheldon: update to 0.8.1. Changes:

- Update to libgit2 1.9
   2024-11-14 23:22:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2429)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76 shlib major version bump
   2024-11-01 13:55:19 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2426)
Log message:
*: revbump for icu downgrade
   2024-11-01 01:54:33 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2427)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for icu 76.1 shlib bump
   2024-09-09 09:51:12 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
sheldon: Fix RPATH - BUILDLINK_PREFIX.curl is undefined
   2024-09-08 20:38:33 by Amitai Schleier | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
sheldon: fix rpaths to openssl and curl, noted by wiz@.
   2024-09-02 03:01:11 by Amitai Schleier | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
sheldon: update to 0.8.0. Changes:

### Breaking changes

- Remove deprecated config key and template filters

- Remove deprecated directory support

- Stop defaulting to Zsh and allow unspecified shell. This change stops
  the shell defaulting to Zsh when unspecified and allows you to use
  Sheldon without specifying a particular shell.

- Remove experimental Fish shell support. Sheldon is shell agnostic
  enough that you can still get support for Fish by overriding the
  default `match`, `apply`, and `templates` values in the config file.

### Features

- Support all clap complete shells. The `sheldon completions` command
  now supports all shells that clap supports, regardless of whether they
  are supported by Sheldon.

- Add Nix Flake support. This repository is now a flake, and can be
  installed using nix profile:

- Add feature flags to control dependency vendoring. This adds various
  Cargo features to control the vendoring of dependencies when
  installing Sheldon using Cargo. For example if you want to install
  Sheldon with a vendored OpenSSL you can use the following command.
   2023-11-20 15:42:52 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
shells/sheldon: update to 0.7.4

0.7.4 November 19th, 2023
 - Support optional access in templates. This allows you to use the .? operator
   in templates to optionally access a field in templates, for example
   {{ hooks?.pre }} will return None and not error if pre is not present in
   hooks. You will now receive a deprecation warning if you use the get filter
   which does the same thing.

   Custom templates might have to be updated.