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The meta-package for Amanda, a network backup system
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 3.3.9,
Package name: amanda-3.3.9,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersAMANDA, the Advanced Maryland Automatic Network Disk Archiver, is a
backup system that allows the administrator of a LAN to set up a single
master backup server to back up multiple hosts to a single large capacity
tape or disk drive. Amanda uses native tools (such as GNUtar, dump) for
backup and can back up a large number of workstations running multiple
versions of Unix/Mac OS X/Linux/Windows.
Required to run:[
sysutils/amanda-client] [
sysutils/amanda-plot] [
Required to build:[
Version history: (Expand)
- (2019-12-13) Updated to version: amanda-3.3.9
- (2012-07-30) Updated to version: amanda-3.3.1
- (2008-02-16) Updated to version: amanda-2.5.2p1
- (2008-02-15) Updated to version: amanda-2.5.2p1
- (2006-02-06) Updated to version: amanda-2.4.4p4nb1
- (2005-10-05) Package added to, version amanda-2.4.4p4 (created)
CVS history: (Expand)
2020-07-27 18:36:35 by Greg Troxel | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
systuils/amanda: Drop semi-MAINTAINERship
2012-10-23 21:51:39 by Aleksej Saushev | Files touched by this commit (447) |
Log message:
Drop superfluous PKG_DESTDIR_SUPPORT, "user-destdir" is default these days.
2012-07-30 08:57:22 by Steven Drake | Files touched by this commit (8) |
Log message:
Add a file with AMANDA_VERSION in it and use that in all amanda
packages (including the meta-package) and in the buildlink.
2012-07-14 09:43:04 by Steven Drake | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
Update sysutils/amanda* descriptions.
2009-02-24 15:53:08 by Greg Troxel | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
use META_PACKAGE, delete other variables
2008-06-12 04:14:58 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (1134) |
Log message:
Add DESTDIR support.
2008-02-15 17:23:09 by Greg Troxel | Files touched by this commit (47) |  |
Log message:
Update to 2.5.2p1, provided by Nick Goffee of BBN.
[bugfixes and minor improvements omitted; see NEWS]
Changes in release 2.5.2
* krb5 auth is working
* Works with IPv6 address
* Amanda configuration file changes
o amanda.conf changes
+ debugging is enabled in the config file
see all debug_* config option
+ tapetype 'readblocksize', if maxtapeblocksize is set too
larger for your hardware
* Amanda command changes
o amadmin: new 'holding list' and 'holding delete' subcommand.
Changes in release 2.5.1p3
* Works with tar-1.16 and exit status of 1.
Changes in release 2.5.1p2
* amoverview is working
* dumptype starttime is working
* Amanda command changes
o amtape accept the -o arguments
o amgetconf --list to list all tapetype, dumptype, holdingdisk
or interface
o amgetconf can return a value of a specific tapetype, dumptype,
holdingdisk or interface
Changes in release 2.5.1p1
* Remove contrib/sst.
Changes in release 2.5.1
* Defects found by Coverity scan and Klocwork K7 analysis tools fixed.
* Works with GNU tar 1.15.91 - work with new gtar state file format.
* Open SSL encryption support
* Two new authentication methods: bsdtcp, bsdudp.
* Unlimited number of DLEs on a client with bsdtcp, rsh and ssh
authentication methods.
* Recovery process amrecover uses Secure API. amoldrecover command
(same syntax and functionality as amrecover command) is provided for
compatibility with old Amanda releases. amoldrecover command uses old
amidxtaped/amindexd protocol.
* Amanda debug files are separated into client/server/amandad and
are also classified based on Amanda configuration name.
* Amanda command changes
o amfetchdump -o is replaced by -O.
o amcheck -w option does all tests including the tape writable test.
Use amcheck -t -w to do only the tape writable test.
o -o command option to override Amanda configuration. See amanda man
page for details.
o amgetconf command doesn't write the BUGGY message when a entry
is not found in the configuration file.
* Amanda configuration file changes
o amanda.conf changes
+ amrecover_do_fsf in amanda.conf defaults to yes
+ amrecover_check_label in amanda.conf defaults to yes
+ usetimestamps in amanda.conf to support multiple
backup runs in a calendar day.
+ holdingdisk in amanda.conf supports new values:
+ amandad_path, client_username and ssh_keys in
amanda.conf for ssh/rsh authentication.
o New amanda client configuration file - amanda-client.conf.
Different client configuration file can be used for each Amanda
+ gnutar_list-dir and amandates can be specified in
Amanda client configuration file - amanda-client.conf
o .amandahosts format changes to allow use of secure API for recovery.
o Amanda service entries in xinetd configuration has changed.
Changes in release 2.5.0p1
* Add the 'amtape update' command.
Changes in release 2.5.0
* Communication security/authentication: Kerberos 4/5, OpenSSH
* Data security: Symmetric/Assymetric encrytion algorithms (aesutil
and gpg encryption), Encryption can be done on server or client,
Custom encryption utilities can be used.
* Compression: Ability to add custom compression tools. This is a
really useful feature especially since it can specified for a DLE. You
can use different compression algorithm for images, binaries, ascii files
and so on.
* Dump images spanning multiple media volumes - Dump images are no
longer restricted to a single media volume (tape or vtape). Data restoration
can be done using amrecover and amfetchdump commands.
* Auto tape labelling - This optional feature is good for disk backups.
Change in release 2.4.5
* new displayunit global option to select the unit use to display number
k=kilo, m=mega, g=giga, t=tera.
* new amoverview -skipmissed option.
Change in release 2.4.5b1
* holding disk disk use timestamped directory.
* autoflush flush today's dump.
* new bumppercent global option, this should improve bumping criteria,
the bumpsize is set to a fixed value which can be adequate for small
and large disk.
* bumpsize, bumppercent, bumpdays and bumpmult can be in a dumptype.
* calcsize support include and exclude like gnutar.
* new 'estimate' dumptype option to select estimate type:
CLIENT: estimate by the dumping program.
CALCSIZE: estimate by the calcsize program, a lot faster but less acurate.
SERVER: estimate based on statistic from previous run, take second but
can be wrong on the estimate size.
2007-10-26 00:01:10 by Johnny C. Lam | Files touched by this commit (158) |
Log message:
* If PLIST_SRC is explicitly set to an empty value in a package Makefile,
then automatically generate a PLIST that says "${PKGNAME} has no files".
* If PLIST_SRC and GENERATE_PLIST are not set in a package Makefile,
and no PLIST files exist, then fail during the package build with
* Remove "intentionally empty" PLISTs again.
Now, the easy way to say that a package installs no files is to just
add the following to the package Makefile:
PLIST_SRC= # empty