./sysutils/eza, Modern, maintained replacement for ls

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.18.23, Package name: eza-0.18.23, Maintainer: fox

eza is a modern, maintained replacement for the venerable file-listing
command-line program ls that ships with Unix and Linux operating systems,
giving it more features and better defaults. It uses colours to distinguish
file types and metadata.

It knows about symlinks, extended attributes and Git. It's small, fast and
just one single binary.

Master sites:

Filesize: 1353.112 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-04-27 10:08:45 by Santhosh Raju | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
sysutils/eza: Update to 0.18.13

Changes since 0.18.11:

eza v0.18.13


So tiny :3

[0.18.13] - 2024-04-25


  * Generate completion/manpage tarballs on release

Miscellaneous Tasks

  * Release eza v0.18.13
   2024-04-19 11:46:37 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
sysutils/eza: update to 0.18.11

[0.18.11] - 2024-04-19
Bug Fixes
    Fix clippy lints
    Enable the rule only for NetBSD.
    Build aarch64, arm without libgit2

    Bump NetBSD version to 10.0
   2024-04-11 08:52:56 by Santhosh Raju | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
sysutils/eza: Update to 0.18.10

Changes since 0.18.9:

eza v0.18.10

[0.18.10] - 2024-04-11

Bug Fixes

  * Bump trycmd from 0.15.0 to 0.15.1

Miscellaneous Tasks

  * Release eza v0.18.10


  * Bump nu-ansi-term from 0.49.0 to 0.50.0
   2024-03-27 10:15:02 by Santhosh Raju | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
sysutils/eza: Update to 0.18.9

Changes since 0.18.8:

eza v0.18.9

[0.18.9] - 2024-03-27


  * Switch out ansiterm crate for nu_ansi_term

Miscellaneous Tasks

  * Release eza v0.18.9


  * Bump DeterminateSystems/nix-installer-action from 9 to 10
  * Bump plist from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1
  * Bump rayon from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0
  * Bump git2 from 0.18.2 to 0.18.3
   2024-03-22 09:28:46 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
sysutils/eza: update to 0.18.8

[0.18.8] - 2024-03-21
Bug Fixes
    Avoid deprecation warnings
    Rustfmt issues

    Add fennel lang icon and associations
   2024-03-14 21:30:23 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
sysutils/eza: update to 0.18.7

[0.18.7] - 2024-03-14
Bug Fixes
    Bugfix to resolve absolute paths that are not symlinks

    Add filetype and icon for .hh extension
   2024-03-08 16:36:39 by Santhosh Raju | Files touched by this commit (7)
Log message:
sysutils/eza: Update to 0.18.6

Changes since 0.18.6:

eza v0.18.6


Bug Fixes

  * NetBSD did not have fflagstostr and as such did not build properly
  * Fix total-size option
  * Add fortran to source filetypes
  * Fix absolute_path() for broken symlinks
  * Update line numbers in panic messages in tests


  * Add filetype and icon for age
  * Adding icons for graphql extensions
  * Add nim icons
  * Use fsharp icon for fsproj files (similar to cs/csproj)
  * Add new icons, diverse selection
  * Adding more haskell related icons
  * Adding more icons for docker specific files
  * Adding more dockerfile icons
  * Add --absolute flag
  * Add shell completions for --absolute flag

Miscellaneous Tasks

  * Cleaning dirs
  * Release eza v0.18.6


  * Port grid and grid-details to new uutils-term-grid


  * Add integration tests and powertests for --absolute flag
  * Add directory symlink to tests/itest/


  * Bump log from 0.4.20 to 0.4.21
  * Bump rayon from 1.8.1 to 1.9.0


  * Add NetBSD to CI.
  * Fix warnings.
  * Add FreeBSD to CI.
  * Add OpenBSD to CI.
   2024-02-29 11:41:11 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
sysutils/eza: update to 0.18.5

Bug Fixes
 - Bump palette from 0.7.4 to 0.7.5

Miscellaneous Tasks
 - Release eza v0.18.5