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LaTeX to HTML translator
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 2.35nb1,
Package name: hevea-2.35nb1,
Maintainer: tonio HEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a fairly
complete subset of LaTeX2e (old LaTeX style is also accepted) and the
output language is HTML that is (hopefully) correct with respect to
version 5.
Exotic symbols are translated into the so-called HTML 'entities',
in other words into references to UNICODE chararacters.
HEVEA understands LaTeX macro definitions. Simple user style
files are understood with little or no modifications.
Furthermore, HEVEA customization is done by writing LaTeX code.
HEVEA is written in OCaml, as many lexers. It is quite fast
and flexible. Using HEVEA it is possible to translate large documents
such as manuals, books, etc. very quickly. All documents are
translated as one single HTML file. Then, the output file can be cut
into smaller files, using the companion program HACHA.
Required to run:[
Required to build:[
Master sites:
Filesize: 983.177 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2022-05-24) Updated to version: hevea-2.35nb1
- (2021-05-20) Updated to version: hevea-2.35
- (2021-03-08) Updated to version: hevea-2.23nb8
- (2018-11-12) Updated to version: hevea-2.23nb7
- (2018-07-24) Updated to version: hevea-2.23nb6
- (2018-04-13) Updated to version: hevea-2.23nb5
CVS history: (Expand)
2022-05-24 20:51:57 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (118) |  |
Log message:
Recursive revbump associated with update of ocaml.
Also change of mk/ to lang/ocaml/
2021-10-26 13:23:42 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1161) |
Log message:
textproc: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
2021-10-07 17:02:49 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (1162) |
Log message:
textproc: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-05-20 15:53:29 by Antoine Reilles | Files touched by this commit (3) |
Log message:
Update textproc/hevea to 2.35.0
version 2.35
* Release
version 2.34+02
* Some petty optimisation in text output (replace ' '+ '\n' by '\n').
* Correct bug in text mode (012 by Florian Angeletti).
On bad combination of indentation and version 2.34+01
* Correct bug in text mode (012 by Florian Angeletti).
On bad combination of indentation and underlining.
version 2.34
* Add command \formatlinks for greater control over navigation links.
version 2.33
* Compatibility from 4.02.3 to 4.10.0
version 2.32
* Introduce SVG arrows, contribution by Florian Angeletti
version 2.31
* Correct doc typos.
version 2.30
* Better error message when several \documentclass are present.
version 2.29+5
version 2.29+4
version 2.29+3
version 2.29+2
* mathjax 'automatic' support
version 2.29+1
* mathjax support
version 2.29
* Correct bug around double quotes. Notice that the "plain" status
of double quotes is no expansion, by contrast with all other special
version 2.28
* lstlisting: find files lstlang?.sty in path (as latex does).
version 2.27
* info: Add initial capitals for some words
(workaround against (reported) info reader v 6.0 bug
version 2.26
* add a warning in case of missing \end{document}
* cleveref.hva patch (removes extra white space), credit: Tim Bourke.
version 2.25
* Oups !! Forgot to add svg.hva, corrected.
version 2.24
* Add svg.hva style file, to produce svg images.
* More robust build.
2021-03-08 09:13:10 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (214) |  |
Log message:
Recursive revbump associated with update of lang/ocaml
2018-11-12 17:10:29 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (141) |  |
Log message:
Revbumps associated with update of lang/ocaml.
2018-07-19 17:15:31 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (190) |  |
Log message:
Recursive revbump associated with the update of lang/ocaml to 4.07.
2018-04-13 15:55:39 by Jaap Boender | Files touched by this commit (88) |
Log message:
Revbump associated with the upgrade of lang/ocaml
(this is the upgrade from 4.06 to 4.06.1)