./textproc/hs-skylighting, Syntax highlighting library

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.14.6nb1, Package name: hs-skylighting-0.14.6nb1, Maintainer: pho

Skylighting is a syntax highlighting library with support for over one
hundred languages. It derives its tokenizers from XML syntax
definitions used by KDE's KSyntaxHighlighting framework, so any syntax
supported by that framework can be added. An optional command-line
program is provided. Skylighting is intended to be the successor to
highlighting-kate. This package provides generated syntax modules
based on the KDE XML definitions provided by the skylighting-core
package. As a result this package is licensed under the GPL.

Required to run:
[textproc/hs-blaze-html] [textproc/hs-skylighting-core] [devel/hs-pretty-show] [lang/ghc94] [textproc/hs-skylighting-format-context] [textproc/hs-skylighting-format-blaze-html] [textproc/hs-skylighting-format-latex] [textproc/hs-skylighting-format-ansi]

Master sites:

Filesize: 1437.221 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-02 14:06:08 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1173)
Log message:
Bump all Haskell packages after switching the default compiler.
   2025-01-30 13:44:44 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/hs-skylighting: update to skylighting-0.14.6

## 0.14.6

  * Export Skylighting.Format.Typst from Skylighting [API change] (#201).
    Allow typst as an output format in the cli executable.

## 0.14.5

  * Update xml syntax definitions for bash, cmake, commonlisp, isocpp,
    javascript-react, julia, latex, lua, markdown, modelines, nix, orgmode,
    php, python, rhtml, ruby, swift, xml, yaml, zig, zsh. Add odin (required
    by orgmode).

  * Update JSON syntax definition from upstream. (#203)

## 0.14.4

  * Add `gdscript`, `typst`, `tlaplus` syntax (#184, #199).

## 0.14.3

  * Add crystal, racket, zip syntax (#194).

## 0.14.2

  * Add `loadValidSyntaxesFromDir` (Kevin Quick) [API change].
    The `loadSyntaxesFromDir` function is an all-or-nothing function:
    a single invalid file results in a error and *no* loaded syntaxes.
    This adds the `loadValidSyntaxesFromDir`, which is resilient
    against individual syntax file load failures.  It returns a map
    of the failure messages, and the SyntaxMap that is created from
    all the successful parsing.


  * Add terraform syntax (#190).
   2024-05-09 03:32:57 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1137)
Log message:
Recursive revbump after changing the default Haskell compiler
   2023-11-02 07:37:49 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (1141)
Log message:
Revbump all Haskell after updating lang/ghc96
   2023-10-30 19:29:39 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/hs-skylighting: Update to 0.14

* Add rWeakDeliminators field to Rule. [API change]
* Make WordDetect sensitive to weakDeliminator. This fixes parsing of
  floats beginning with '0.' in C (#174).
* Add debiancontrol syntax (#173).
* Update syntax definitions: ada, bash, cmake, css, html, isocpp, java,
  javascript, kotlin, latex, makefile, markdown, php, python, qml, r, sass,
  scss, typescript, zsh.
* Don't require word boundary at end of Int, Float, HlCHex, HlCOct
  (#170). KDE does not. This fixes things like 7L in R.

* Add dosbat syntax (MS DOS batch file) (#169).
* Derive Bounded Instance for TokenType (#168, Pavan Pikhi). Add Bounded to
  the derived instances for the TokenType type. This allows consumers to
  use [minBound .. maxBound] to generate a list of all token types when
  writing a Style.
* Require xml-conduit >= This fixes a bug that prevents parsing
  certain DOCTYPE declarations, e.g. in agda.xml.
* Updated cmake syntax definition.

* Add gap language (#167).
* Update syntax definitions.
* Add patches for agda.xml and dtd.xml, to wor around a bug in xml-conduit:
* Store compiled regexes in RE (#166, Jonathan Coates). This changes the RE
  type to (lazily) compile the regex when constructed, rather than in the
  tokenizer. This allows us to avoid re-compiling regexes for each separate
  tokenize call, instead sharing them globally. We try to hide the
  internals of this, exposing the previous interface (RE { reString,
  reCaseSensitive }) with pattern synonyms.
* ConTeXt: fix handling of spaces in non-normal tokens (Albert
  Krewinkel). This ensures that multiple spaces won't be collapsed into a
  single space.
* Update tango style for new token types (#164). The original tango style
  didn't have colors defined for many token types that have been added
  since it was added. This commit updates the style to support them. Thanks
  to @danbraswell for providing the values needed.
   2023-10-09 06:55:01 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (988)
Log message:
Bump Haskell packages after updating lang/ghc94
   2023-01-27 16:06:06 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
textproc/hs-skylighting: Update to 0.13.2

* Support ConTeXt output via skylighting-format-context (Albert Krewinkel).
* Update syntax definitions for markdown, nim, javascript.
* Update syntax definitions for c, cmake, commonmlisp, css, go, ini,
  isocpp, javascript, json, powershell, python, rust, sass, scss, toml,
* Associate regex captures with a context. This is necessary for proper
  implementation of the KDE syntax highlighting algorithm. Captures are
  only available within the context to which the match creating the capture
  switches. (Closes #160.)
* Add dart, purescript syntax definitions.
* Update syntax definitions for isocpp, latex, alert, bash, cmake, nix,
  sql-postgresql, vhdl, zsh.
* Remove obsoleote patch for lua.xml.
* Add patches for latex.xml and isocpp.xml.

* getCapture: fail instead of throwing error if dynamic match not found. I
  believe this is the intended behavior for StringDetect, judging from
  examples in the KDE documentation.
* Update xml syntax definitions: asn1, bash, c, cmake, cpp, cs, d, elixir,
  fortran-fixed, gcc, glsl, go, html, java, javascript, lex, lua, markdown,
  mediawiki, noweb, ocaml, orgmode, php, powershell, prolog, python, r,
  ruby, rust, scheme, sql-postgresql, typescript, vhdl, xml, yacc, yaml,
* Replace a lambda with pointfree notation (shaving off some RAM usage)
* Use newtype for TokenizerM, giving about 5-10% boost on benchmark

* Update syntax definitions from upstream: bash, cmake, diff, ini, perl,
  php, sgml, xml.
* Split out formatters into separate packages (#152). API changes:
  - Skylighting.Core no longer exports Skylighting.Format.ANSI,
    Skylighting.Format.HTML, Skylighting.Format.LaTeX. These are now
    provided by separate packages, skylighting-format-ansi,
    skylighting-format-blaze-html, skylighting-format-latex.
  - Skylighting.Types no longer exports XTerm256ColorCode. This has been
    moved to skylighting-format-ansi.
* Change Makefile to use cabal instead of stack.
* Allow mtl 2.3.
* Update syntax defs from upstream: bash, cmake, go, haxe, lua, zsh.
* Add nix.xml (#149).
* Add Pygments styles for Import and BuiltIn token types (#147, Bryan
  A. Danielak).
* Use StrictData.
* Remove unused dependencies (silences cabal warnings) (Andreas Abel).

* Add scss, sass, systemverilog, orgmode.
* Update xml definitions from upstream: bash, css, python, r, zsh.
   2022-09-07 08:50:53 by Masatake Daimon | Files touched by this commit (149) | Package updated
Log message:
Recursive bump for recently updated Haskell packages