./textproc/xt-rs, Translate between serialized data formats

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.19.4, Package name: xt-rs-0.19.4, Maintainer: pin

xt is a cross-format translator for JSON, YAML, TOML, and MessagePack.

xt is built to do one thing well, and tries to maintain a minimal interface and
feature set.
The most common options are -t to specify an output format other than JSON, and
one or more files to read from rather than standard input.

Some of xt's notable features include:
- Automatic Format Detection
When the input format is not specified with the -f option, xt can detect it
automatically by file extension, or by examining the content of the input
stream itself.
- Multi-Document Support
With most output formats, xt can translate multiple input files, each
containing one or more independent documents, to a single output stream.
For example, a set of YAML files with documents separated by --- markers can
translate to a single stream of newline-delimited JSON objects. With format
detection enabled, xt can even translate input files in different formats to
a single output.
- Streaming Translation
xt can translate multi-document inputs from unbounded sources like shell
pipes with minimal buffering, while still supporting features like automatic
format detection. Streaming is enabled automatically whenever it's required.

Master sites:

Filesize: 65.214 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-24 09:39:47 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.19.4


    - Crashes on certain invalid YAML inputs. Previous versions of xt may have \ 
aborted with a Rust panic message
    when handling a YAML document consisting solely of an alias to an undefined \ 
anchor (e.g. *anchor).
    This bug was discovered through automated fuzzing; with the fix applied, xt \ 
now survives far longer fuzzing
    runs without further crashes.
   2025-02-22 15:43:29 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.19.3

v0.19.3 (2025-02-21)

    YAML decoding performance. This version of xt substantially cleans up the \ 
implementation of YAML input support,
       yielding improvements of around 1% - 5% in rough tests of translation speed.
    This version of xt includes additional code cleanup based on linting and \ 
formatting changes in newer versions
       of Rust, along with upgrades of some locked dependencies. These changes \ 
are not expected to significantly affect
       functionality, performance or security, nor are they expected to affect \ 
support for xt's current minimum Rust version (1.70.0).

Beginning with this release, Git tags are created by GitHub Actions and signed \ 
with GPG key 0xC9C314D2C07EC0A519D48FC7DC468D5E76A2ECCA.
This key has been signed by the 0x679A97FC9743E4A5E23879D2653DE6D063CBF818 key \ 
used for all previous release tags,
and both the new key and this signature are available on public keyservers.
   2024-08-18 14:00:47 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.19.2

v0.19.2 (2024-08-17)
 - A manual page. This supplements the output of xt --help with additional \ 
detail and usage examples.
 - macOS and Linux binary releases. Starting with this release, official \ 
binaries for these platforms are now available through GitHub Releases, and can \ 
be installed through a custom Homebrew tap. See the README for details.

 - The formatting of xt's help output has been updated to more closely match \ 
that of the manual page.
   2024-07-26 11:03:16 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.19.1

v0.19.1 (2024-07-25)
 - Potential quadratic behavior in YAML handling. This version of xt upgrades to
   the latest version of the third-party unsafe-libyaml library, which plays a
   critical role in xt's YAML support. The upgrade fixes performance issues on
   YAML documents with unusually deep collection nesting.

 - This version of xt cleans up some unused code and development dependencies,
   and upgrades some other locked dependencies. These changes are not expected
   to significantly affect functionality, performance, or security.
   2024-02-09 15:00:27 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.19.0

 No ChangeLog provided.
   2023-12-26 16:19:04 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: update to 0.18.3

v0.18.3 (2023-12-24)
 - Potential undefined behavior in YAML handling. This version of xt upgrades
   to the latest version of the third-party unsafe-libyaml library, which plays
   a critical role in xt's YAML support. The upgrade fixes a memory safety bug
   on 32-bit platforms, which may have caused crashes, incorrect behavior, etc.
   64-bit platforms are not affected.
   2023-08-03 20:40:39 by pin | Files touched by this commit (5)
Log message:
textproc/xt-rs: import package

xt is a cross-format translator for JSON, YAML, TOML, and MessagePack.

xt is built to do one thing well, and tries to maintain a minimal interface and
feature set.
The most common options are -t to specify an output format other than JSON, and
one or more files to read from rather than standard input.

Some of xt's notable features include:
 - Automatic Format Detection
   When the input format is not specified with the -f option, xt can detect it
   automatically by file extension, or by examining the content of the input
   stream itself.
 - Multi-Document Support
   With most output formats, xt can translate multiple input files, each
   containing one or more independent documents, to a single output stream.
   For example, a set of YAML files with documents separated by --- markers can
   translate to a single stream of newline-delimited JSON objects. With format
   detection enabled, xt can even translate input files in different formats to
   a single output.
 - Streaming Translation
   xt can translate multi-document inputs from unbounded sources like shell
   pipes with minimal buffering, while still supporting features like automatic
   format detection. Streaming is enabled automatically whenever it's required.