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History of commit frequency

CVS Commit History:

   2012-07-05 16:24:02 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Update typo3_47 to 4.7.2 (TYPO3 4.7.2).

Fix XSS in swfupload.

2012-07-04  9fc6c2d                  [RELEASE] Release of TYPO3 4.7.2 (TYPO3 \ 
Release Team)
2012-07-04  0f4f749  #38578          [SECURITY] XSS in swfupload (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-04  4997fe8                  [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 \ 
Release Team)
2012-07-04  a061bc8                  [TASK] Update version number to 4.7.2 \ 
(Steffen Ritter)
2012-07-04  cebcc3c  #38608          [BUGFIX] Remove t3ver_swapmode code blocks \ 
(Oliver Hader)
2012-07-04  0f35e7c  #38617          [BUGFIX] RTE: Enable dialogue window \ 
resizing in IE (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-03  d67822d  #38574          [BUGFIX] In IE9, RTE does not work \ 
correctly in compat modes IE8/IE7 (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-03  d9b33b0                  Revert "[BUGFIX] In IE9, RTE does not \ 
work correctly in compat modes IE8/IE7" (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-03  9cfe9c2  #38574          [BUGFIX] In IE9, RTE does not work \ 
correctly in compat modes IE8/IE7 (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-07-02  d08559e  #38567          [BUGFIX] Add missing link to travis script \ 
(Helmut Hummel)
2012-07-02  145eb2c  #37615          [BUGFIX] IRRE records can't be expanded \ 
without an hidden field (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-02  e4a9d5c  #29254          [BUGFIX] TSFE->additionalFooterData for \ 
USER_INT (Oliver Hader)
2012-07-02  a1f0932  #38567          [TASK] Activate travis build for 4.7 \ 
(Helmut Hummel)
2012-07-02  9794bd2  #36313          [BUGFIX] Add rootline workspace overlay for \ 
backend_layouts. (Timo Webler)
2012-07-02  351a23c  #33546          [BUGFIX] Check if user is allowed to paste \ 
page to pagetree (Max Roesch)
2012-07-02  de46359  #27020          [BUGFIX] TCEForms.Suggest wizard in IRRE \ 
records (Nicole Cordes)
2012-07-02  0bd8d06  #34786          [BUGFIX] Custom HTML tags no longer \ 
malformed in IE (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-07-01  4bf154d  #38511          [BUGFIX] Remove a rather dubious unit test \ 
for Redis cache backend (Christian Kuhn)
2012-06-30  7957d03  #38503          [BUGFIX] Page tree unit test fails if pages \ 
don't exist (Susanne Moog)
2012-06-30  9e7e687  #36344          [BUGFIX] Icon for save action in scheduler \ 
should be save-close (Philipp Gampe)
2012-06-30  30bf42f  #38501          [BUGFIX]  Fix unit test failure if gif \ 
compress is disabled (Susanne Moog)
2012-06-30  24e27c6  #35915          [BUGFIX] VariableFrontend initializeObject \ 
not called (Daniel Pötzinger)
2012-06-30  3a83fac  #37618          [BUGFIX] Remove class of td if "No CSS \ 
styles for this table" is set (Juergen Furrer)
2012-06-30  3a9501e  #36290          [BUGFIX] Markers (%s) are not replaced in \ 
TCEmain error messages (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-06-30  2766d48  #33444          [BUGFIX] Fatal error in configuration \ 
($BE_USER->uc) (Susanne Moog)
2012-06-29  d891eb5  #38357          [TASK] Add travis configuration file \ 
(Helmut Hummel)
2012-06-29  04d3f82  #24626          [BUGFIX] Drag&Drop inside the root page \ 
of the pagetree isn't possible (Stefan Galinski)
2012-06-29  1107b6a  #36093          [BUGFIX] Reports: Wrong indication for \ 
saltedpasswords (Markus Klein)
2012-06-28  14a2946  #37541          [BUGFIX] Declaration of \ 
tx_rtehtmlarea_base::drawRTE() not compatible (Stanislas Rolland)
2012-06-28  d04fe14  #36194          [BUGFIX] Ensure $output is used as string \ 
(Peter Niederlag)
2012-06-28  8d2dcc1  #38300          [BUGFIX] RTE link insertion issues with IE9 \ 
(Stanislas Rolland)
2012-06-27  cdee1af                  [TASK] Raise submodule pointer (TYPO3 \ 
Release Team)
2012-06-24  4b3513d  #36541          [BUGFIX] Wrong margin calculation for \ 
Text/Image (derhansen)
2012-06-21  af95023  #36300          [BUGFIX] Properly load existing usergroups \ 
in task (Bart Dubelaar)
2012-06-21  18332ca  #35154          [BUGFIX] Exclude E_STRICT from \ 
exceptionalErrors (Steffen Müller)
2012-06-18  45bf97b  #36308          [BUGFIX] Correct Path Calculation in \ 
Cardlayout (Kay Strobach)
2012-06-17  8fb2ed5  #36777          [BUGFIX] Unnecessary warning in \ 
css_styled_content (division by zero) (Thomas Layh)
2012-06-15  ab720c0  #36947          [BUGFIX] Fix refactoring regression in \ 
imagecopyresized (Lorenz)
2012-06-13  d4fb1b0  #35944          [BUGFIX] Hide the field "Selected \ 
Pages" for menu type "Sitemap" (Marco Huber)
2012-05-28  4a564c5  #37553          BUGFIX] Illegal string offset (Jigal van Hemert)
   2012-07-01 03:33:39 by David A. Holland | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Fix some pkglint.
   2012-06-02 07:54:30 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (6) | Imported package
Log message:
Importing typo3_47 version 4.7.1 (TYPO3 4.7.1).

For detail, please refer


* PHP 5.3

This version requires at least PHP 5.3, older versions of PHP are not supported
anymore with TYPO3 4.7.

	* safe_mode is not supported anymore
	* magic_quotes_gpc is deprecated. You are encouraged to turn this option
	  off as it still defaults to "On".

* ImageMagick

If you are using ImageMagick, only versions 6.0 and above are supported.

* Deprecated methods

Deprecated methods that were initially targeted to be removed in TYPO3 4.7 have
finally been removed. The deprecation log shows which functions were declared
to be deprecated and will be removed in the next TYPO3 versions.

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