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CVS Commit History:

   2019-05-29 21:56:50 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.12.1


- Ensure TOX_WORK_DIR is a native string in os.environ
- Fix import and usage of winreg for python2.7 on windows
- Fix Windows selects incorrect spec on first discovery



- When using --parallel with --result-json the test results are now included the \ 
same way as with serial runs
- Turns out the output of the py -0p is not stable yet and varies depending on \ 
various edge cases. Instead now we read the interpreter values directly from \ 
registry via PEP-514

- Adding TOX_PARALLEL_NO_SPINNER environment variable to disable the spinner in \ 
parallel mode for the purposes of clean output when using CI tools
   2019-05-17 10:39:14 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.11.1


- When creating virtual environments we no longer ask the python to tell its \ 
path, but rather use the discovered path.


- --showconfig overhaul:
  - now fully generated via the config parser, so anyone can load it by using \ 
the built-in python config parser
  - the tox section contains all configuration data from config
  - the tox section contains a host_python key detailing the path of the host python
  - the tox:version section contains the versions of all packages tox depends on \ 
with their version
  - passing -l now allows only listing default target envs
  - allows showing config for a given set of tox environments only via the -e \ 
cli flag or the TOXENV environment
    variable, in this case the tox and tox:version section is only shown if at \ 
least one verbosity flag is passed
  this should help inspecting the options.


- fix for tox -l command: do not allow setting the TOXENV or the -e flag to \ 
override the listed default environment variables, they still show up under \ 
extra if non defined target
- tox ignores unknown CLI arguments when provisioning is on and outside of the \ 
provisioned environment (allowing
  provisioning arguments to be forwarded freely)

- Virtual environments created now no longer upgrade pip/wheel/setuptools to the \ 
latest version. Instead the start
  packages after virtualenv creation now is whatever virtualenv has bundled in. \ 
This allows faster virtualenv
  creation and builds that are easier to reproduce.
- Improve python discovery and add architecture support:
   - UNIX:
     - First, check if the tox host Python matches.
     - Second, check if the the canonical name (e.g. python3.7, python3) matches \ 
or the base python is an absolute path, use that.
     - Third, check if the the canonical name without version matches (e.g. \ 
python, pypy) matches.

   - Windows:
     - First, check if the tox host Python matches.
     - Second, use the py.exe to list registered interpreters and any of those match.
     - Third, check if the the canonical name (e.g. python3.7, python3) matches \ 
or the base python is an absolute path, use that.
     - Fourth, check if the the canonical name without version matches (e.g. \ 
python, pypy) matches.
     - Finally, check for known locations (c:\python{major}{minor}\python.exe).
  tox environment configuration generation is now done in parallel (to alleviate \ 
the slowdown due to extra


- Fix congratulations when using ^C during virtualenv creation

- Allow having inline comments in :conf:deps
   2019-04-09 09:51:41 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.8.6


- :conf:parallel_show_output does not work with tox 3.8


- the isolated build env now ignores :conf:sitepackages, :conf:deps and \ 
:conf:description as these do not make
- Do not print timings with more than 3 decimal digits on Python 3


- Fix sdist creation on python2.x when there is non-ascii output.
- fix typos in that made it impossible to install package with \ 
requirements in pyproject.toml


- don't crash when version information is not available for a proposed base python
- Do not print exception traceback when the provisioned tox fails


- using -v and -e connected (as -ve) fails
- Changes to the plugin tester module (cmd no longer sets PYTHONPATH), and \ 
action.popen no longer returns the
  command identifier information from within the logs. No public facing changes.
- Spinner fails in CI on UnicodeEncodeError


- The -eALL command line argument now expands the envlist key and includes all \ 
its environment.
- Isolated build environment dependency overrides were not taken in \ 
consideration (and such it inherited the deps
  from the testenv section)
- --result-json puts the command into setup section instead of test (pre and \ 
post commands are now also correctly
  put into the commands section)
- Set setup.cfg encoding to UTF-8 as it contains Unicode characters.
- Fix tox CI, better error reporting when locating via the py fails


- In a posix shell, setting the PATH environment variable to an empty value is \ 
equivalent to not setting it at all;
  therefore we no longer if the user sets PYTHONPATH an empty string on python \ 
3.4 or later
- Fixed bug of children process calls logs clashing (log already exists)
- Interpreter discovery and virtualenv creation process calls that failed will \ 
now print out on the screen their output
  (via the logfile we automatically save)
- Using py2 and py3 with a specific basepython will no longer raise a warning \ 
unless the major version conflicts
- Fix missing error for tox -e unknown when tox.ini declares envlist.
- Resolve symlinks with toxworkdir
- Interrupting a tox call (e.g. via CTRL+C) now will ensure that spawn child \ 
processes (test calls, interpreter discovery,
  parallel sub-instances, provisioned hosts) are correctly stopped before \ 
exiting (via the pattern of INTERRUPT - 300 ms,
  TERMINATE - 200 ms, KILL signals)
- Fix a ResourceWarning: unclosed file in Action
- Fix deadlock when using --parallel and having environments with lots of output
- Removed code that sometimes caused a difference in results between --parallel \ 
and -p when using posargs

- tox now auto-provisions itself if needed (see :ref:auto-provision). Plugins or \ 
minimum version of tox no longer
  need to be manually satisfied by the user, increasing their ease of use.
- tox will inject the TOX_PARALLEL_ENV environment variable, set to the current \ 
running tox environment name,
  only when running in parallel mode.
- Parallel children now save their output to a disk logfile
- Parallel children now are added to --result-json
- Display pattern and sys.platform with platform mismatch
- Setting the environment variable TOX_REPORTER_TIMESTAMP to 1 will enable \ 
showing for each output line its delta
  since the tox startup. This can be especially handy when debugging parallel runs.

- Add a poetry examples to packaging
   2019-01-13 19:02:41 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.7.0


- Parallel mode added (alternative to detox which is being deprecated), for more \ 
details see :ref:parallel_mode
- Added command line shortcut -s for --skip-missing-interpreters

Deprecations (removal in next major release)
- Whitelisting of externals will be mandatory in tox 4: issue a deprecation \ 
warning as part of the already existing warning

- Clarify explanations in examples and avoid unsupported end line comments
- Set to use relative instead of absolute URLs
  Fixed path for changelog/examples.rst to \ 
   2018-12-31 13:23:08 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.6.1


- if the packaging phase successfully builds a package set it as environment \ 
variable under TOX_PACKAGE (useful to make assertions on the built package \ 
itself, instead of just how it ends up after installation)
   2018-12-14 15:47:07 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated  to 3.6.0


- On windows, check sys.executable before others for interpreter version lookup. \ 
 This matches what happens on non-windows.
- Don't rewrite {posargs} substitution for absolute paths.
- Correctly fail tox --notest when setup fails.

- Update Contributor Covenant URL to use https://
- Correct the capitalization of PyPI throughout the documentation
- Link to related projects (Invoke and Nox) from the documentation

- Include the license file in the wheel distribution
   2018-10-31 15:07:19 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.5.3


- Fix bug with incorrectly defactorized dependencies
- do the same transformation to egg_info folders that pkg_resources does;
  this makes it possible for hyphenated names to use the develop-inst-noop \ 
optimization (cf. 910),
  which previously only worked with non-hyphenated egg names
- previously, if a project's --name emitted extra information to
  stderr, tox would capture it and consider it part of the project's name; now,
  emissions to stderr are printed to the console
- change the way we acquire interpreter information to make it compatible with \ 
jython interpreter, note to create jython envs one needs virtualenv > 16.0 \ 
which will be released later

- document substitutions with additional content starting with a space cannot be \ 
alone on a line inside the ini file
- change the spelling of a single word from contrains to the proper word, constraints
- Mention the minimum version required for commands_pre/commands_post support.
   2018-10-10 11:59:35 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.5.2

- session packages are now put inside a numbered directory (instead of prefix \ 
numbering it,
  because pip fails when wheels are not named according to PEP-491 , and prefix \ 
numbering messes with this)

- level three verbosity (-vvv) show the packaging output

- fix regression with 3.5.0: specifying --installpkg raises AttributeError: \ 
'str' object has no attribute 'basename'

- intermittent failures with --parallel--safe-build, instead of mangling with \ 
the file paths now uses a lock to make the package build operation thread safe \ 
and is now on by default (--parallel--safe-build is now deprecated)

- Added temp_dir folder configuration (defaults to {toxworkdir}/.tmp) that \ 
contains tox
  temporary files. Package builds now create a hard link (if possible, otherwise \ 
copy - notably in
  case of Windows Python 2.7) to the built file, and feed that file downstream \ 
(e.g. for pip to
  install it). The hard link is removed at the end of the run (what it points \ 
though is kept
  inside distdir). This ensures that a tox session operates on the same package \ 
it built, even
  if a parallel tox run builds another version. Note distdir will contain only \ 
the last built
  package in such cases.
   2018-10-07 10:32:22 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.4.0


- add --exists-action w to default pip flags to handle better VCS dependencies
- instead of assuming the Python version from the base python name ask the \ 
interpreter to reveal the version for the ignore_basepython_conflict flag
- PEP-517 packaging fails with sdist already exists, fixed via ensuring the dist \ 
folder is empty before invoking the backend and pypa/setuptools

- add commands_pre and commands_post that run before and after running
  the commands (setup runs always, commands only if setup suceeds, teardown \ 
always - all
  run until the first failing command)
- pyproject.toml config support initially by just inline the tox.ini under \ 
tool.tox.legacy_tox_ini key; config source priority order is pyproject.toml, \ 
tox.ini and then setup.cfg
- use the os environment variable TOX_SKIP_ENV to filter out tox environment \ 
names from the run list (set by envlist)
- always set PIP_USER=0 (do not install into the user site package, but inside \ 
the virtual environment created) and PIP_NO_DEPS=0 (installing without \ 
dependencies can cause broken package installations) inside tox
- tox will inject some environment variables that to indicate a command is \ 
running within tox: TOX_WORK_DIR env var is set to the tox work directory,
  TOX_ENV_NAME is set to the current running tox environment name, TOX_ENV_DIR \ 
is set to the current tox environments working dir
- While running tox invokes various commands (such as building the package, pip \ 
installing dependencies and so on), these were printed in case they failed as \ 
Python arrays. Changed the representation to a shell command, allowing the users \ 
to quickly replicate/debug the failure on their own
- skip missing interpreters value from the config file can now be overridden via \ 
the --skip-missing-interpreters cli flag
- keep additional environments config order when listing them
- allow injecting config value inside the ini file dependent of the fact that \ 
we're connected to an interactive shell or not
- do not build sdist if skip install is specified for the envs to be run
- when verbosity level increases above two start passing through verbosity flags \ 
to pip
- when discovering the interpreter to use check if the tox host Python matches \ 
and use that if so
- -vv will print out why a virtual environment is re-created whenever this \ 
operation is triggered

- clarify that python and pip refer to the virtual environments executable
- add Sphinx and mkdocs example of generating documentation via tox
- specify that setup.cfg tox configuration needs to be inside the tox:tox namespace


- fix TOX_LIMITED_SHEBANG when running under python3

- PEP-517 <>_ source distribution \ 
support (create a
  .package virtual environment to perform build operations inside)
- flit <>_ support via implementing PEP-517
- packaging now is exposed as a hook via tox_package(session, venv)

- Updated the VSTS build YAML to use the latest jobs and pools syntax
   2018-08-17 09:16:35 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
py-tox: updated to 3.2.1

- --parallel--safe-build no longer cleans up its folders (distdir, distshare, log).

- Switch pip invocations to use the module -m pip instead of direct invocation. \ 
This could help
  avoid some of the shebang limitations.
- Ability to specify package requirements for the tox run via the tox.ini (tox \ 
section under key requires - PEP-508
style): can be used to specify both plugin requirements or build dependencies.
- Allow to run multiple tox instances in parallel by providing the
  --parallel--safe-build flag.

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