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CVS Commit History:
2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016) |
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Could not be committed due to merge conflict:
The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched
./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017) |
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2018-09-23 16:40:00 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | |
Log message:
devel/ruby-filesize: update to 0.2.0
0.2.0 2018/09/04
* Include offending string in error message (#14)
As an aid to debugging, including the string that filesize was unable to
parse in the error message.
* Accept unicode space characters
[[:space:]] includes unicode space characters too, so when Nokogiri
interprets "12.3 MiB" as "12.3\u00A0MiB", \
Filesize will still work.
[[:blank:]] might be even better because it doesn't include newline and
carriage returns.
* Support unit without B suffix
e.g. Kubernetes uses this format:
* added precision parameter to to_s() and pretty(), fixes #21
* fixed an assignment typo
2017-07-24 12:41:12 by Min Sik Kim | Files touched by this commit (4) |
Log message:
Import ruby-filesize-0.1.1 as devel/ruby-filesize
filesize is a small class for handling filesizes with both the SI and
binary prefixes, allowing conversion from any size to any other size.
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