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CVS Commit History:

   2025-03-01 16:56:52 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
lang/ruby34: Fix PRISM parser behavior on NetBSD

Fix segmentation fault when execute ruby binary without argument reported by \ 
ryoon@ and mef@.

prism/prism.c use "fgets" as functions's parameter and the parameter
is function pointer.  On NetBSD, fgets(3) was called instead of passed
function pointer.

So, replace "fgets" to other name.

   2025-02-17 16:21:03 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
lang/ruby34: update to 3.4.2

pkgsrc change: stop building YJIT_LIBS each time.

* Bug #21024: Ruby including generates compilation warning with GCC 15,
  header is deprecated in C++17,
* Bug #21021: "try to mark T_NONE object" with 3.4.1
* Bug #20997: YJIT panic assertion left == right failed: leave instruction
  expects stack size 1, but was: 2
* Bug #20981: rb_undefine_finalizer is missing
* Bug #20989: Segmentation fault in Ripper when lexing /#{"\xcd"}/
* Bug #21003: unexpected warning about ignored block
* Bug #21002: Please include license information of turbo_tests
* Bug #21001: unexpected nil result from proc with ensure and next
* Bug #21010: Endless method definition of []= is SyntaxError in parse.y but
  allowed in Prism
* Bug #20992: eval(ascii_encoded_code) raises EncodingError when multibyte
  local variable exists
* Bug #21017: --with-parser=parse.y configure option does not work
* Bug #21014: Prism doesn't set node_id on iseqs correctly
* Bug #21027: not() receiver should be nil
* Bug #20995: exception escapes block given to IO.popen("-") in child
* Bug #21008: Array#sum, Enumerator#sum, Numeric subclass
* Bug #21044: Prism maximum recursion depth is 1_000, parse.y is 10_000
* Bug #21031: Incompatibility with prism and parse.y when eval'ing unnamed
  forwarding variables
* Bug #21085: [BUG] Stack consistency error with -ne
* Bug #21048: [Prism] rescue in modifier form with condition behaves
* Bug #21046: Backport: TLS fix for ARM64
* Bug #21012: Compiling a['a','b'],=1 with parse.y fails
* Bug #21038: Preserve errno in rb_fiber_scheduler_unblock
* Bug #21032: Module#autoload? is slow when $LOAD_PATH contains a relative
* Bug #21092: error building ruby 3.4.1 on cygwin/msys2
* Bug #21095: Prefer uname -n over hostname in tests.
* Bug #21103: Binding problem with delegate methods
* Bug #21088: raises Socket::ResolutionError instead of
  Errno::ECONNREFUSED for hosts defined in /etc/hosts
* Bug #21112: Typo in error message when an incorrect key is used with
* Bug #21117: Inconsistent behaviour between "_1" and "it" \ 
* Bug #21114: Prism hangs up while parsing deeply nested def
* Bug #20984: ENV.inspect is not encoding aware
* Bug #20982: Inconsistency between Hash#inspect and ENV.inspect in Ruby 3.4

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