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CVS Commit History:
2024-02-24 15:55:27 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (15) | |
Log message:
www/ruby-rails71: update to
Update Ruby on Rails 7.1 and related pacakges to
This includes security fix:
CVE-2024-26142 for www/ruby-actionpack71
CVE-2024-26143 for www/ruby-actionpack71
Action Pack
* Fix possible XSS vulnerability with the translate method in controllers
* Fix ReDoS in Accept header parsing
2024-02-04 16:16:31 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | |
Log message:
mail/ruby-actionmailer71: update to 7.1.3
Action Mailer (2024-01-16)
* No changes.
2023-11-30 16:28:19 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (5) |
Log message:
mail/ruby-actionmailer71: add version 7.1.2
Action Mailer -- Easy email delivery and testing
Action Mailer is a framework for designing email service layers. These
layers are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords,
welcome wishes on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that
requires a written notification to either a person or another system.
Action Mailer is in essence a wrapper around Action Controller and the Mail
gem. It provides a way to make emails using templates in the same way that
Action Controller renders views using templates.
Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email,
such as allowing a blog to accept new posts from an email (which could even
have been sent from a phone).
This is for Ruby on Rails 7.1.
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