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The following packages where found to depend on devel/py-gobject3Previous - Results
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Next- wip/gnome-core, Required to run
- wip/flowblade, Required to run
- wip/syncthing-gtk, Required to run
- wip/mozo, Required to run
- wip/py-pithos, Required to run
- wip/virt-manager, Required to run
- wip/libappindicator3, Required to run
- wip/cinnamon, Required to run
- wip/totem, Required to run
- wip/gpsd, Required to run
- wip/caribou, Required to run
- wip/uzbl-git, Required to run
- wip/xapps, Required to run
- wip/py-mcomix3-git, Required to run
- wip/mate-applets, Required to run
- wip/zim, Required to run
- wip/mat, Required to run
- net/syncthing-gtk, Required to run
- audio/exaile, Required to run
- audio/rhythmbox, Required to run
- audio/sonata, Required to run
- geography/gpsd, Required to run
- devel/py-at-spi2, Required to run
- devel/meld-devel, Required to run
- devel/accerciser3, Required to run
- devel/meld, Required to run
- devel/texttest, Required to run
- devel/libappindicator3, Required to run
- devel/libappindicator, Required to run
- devel/accerciser, Required to run
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