py-test | Python testing tool | |
py-test_socket | Pytest Plugin to disable socket calls during tests | |
py-test-assume | Py.test plugin that allows multiple failures per test | |
py-test-astropy-header | Pytest plugin to add diagnostic information to the test output header | |
py-test-asyncio | Pytest support for asyncio | |
py-test-benchmark | Pytest support for benchmarking | |
py-test-celery | Shim pytest plugin to enable celery.contrib.pytest | |
py-test-check | Pytest plugin that allows multiple failures per test | |
py-test-checkdocs | Check the README when running tests | |
py-test-codspeed | Pytest plugin to create CodSpeed benchmarks | |
py-test-console-scripts | Pytest plugin for testing console scripts | |
py-test-cov | Pytest plugin for measuring coverage | |
py-test-datadir | Pytest plugin for test data directories and files | |
py-test-datafiles | py.test plugin to create a 'tmp_path' containing predefined files/directories | |
py-test-doctestplus | Pytest plugin with advanced doctest features | |
py-test-env | Plugin for py.test that allows you to add environment variables | |
py-test-examples | Pytest plugin for testing examples in docstrings and markdown files | |
py-test-expect | Py.test plugin storing test expectations by saving the set of failing tests | |
py-test-fixture-config | Fixture configuration utils for py.test | |
py-test-flake8 | Plugin plugin to check FLAKE8 requirements | |
py-test-forked | Run tests in isolated forked subprocesses | |
py-test-freezer | Pytest plugin providing a fixture interface for freezegun | |
py-test-home | Home directory fixtures | |
py-test-html | Pytest plugin for generating HTML reports | |
py-test-httpserver | HTTP server for pytest | |
py-test-instafail | Pytest plugin to show failures instantly | |
py-test-isort | Pytest plugin to perform isort checks (import ordering) | |
py-test-lazy-fixture | Helps to use fixtures in pytest.mark.parametrize | |
py-test-lazy-fixtures | Allows you to use fixtures in @pytest.mark.parametrize | |
py-test-localserver | Py.test plugin to test server connections locally | |
py-test-metadata | Plugin for test session metadata | |
py-test-mock | Thin-wrapper around the mock package for easier use with py.test | |
py-test-mpl (V) | Pytest plugin to help with testing figures output from Matplotlib | |
py-test-mypy | Mypy static type checker plugin for Pytest | |
py-test-mypy-plugins | Pytest plugin for writing cmd for mypy plugins | |
py-test-nbval (V) | Py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks | |
py-test-perf | Run performance tests against the mainline code | |
py-test-plus | Extends pytest functionality | |
py-test-pylint | Pytest plugin to check source code with Pylint | |
py-test-pythonpath | Pytest plugin for adding to the PYTHONPATH | |
py-test-random-order | Randomise the order in which pytest tests are run | |
py-test-randomly | Pytest plugin to randomly order tests and control random.seed | |
py-test-relaxed | Relaxed test discovery/organization for pytest | |
py-test-repeat (V) | pytest plugin for repeating tests | |
py-test-rerunfailures | Pytest plugin to re-run tests to eliminate flaky failures | |
py-test-shutil | Unix shell and environment tools for py.test | |
py-test-snapshot | Plugin for snapshot testing with pytest | |
py-test-subprocess | Pytest plugin to fake subprocess | |
py-test-subtests | Unittest subTest() support and subtests fixture | |
py-test-sugar | Py.test plugin that changes the default look and feel | |
py-test-testmon | Selects tests affected by changed files and methods | |
py-test-textual-snapshot | Snapshot testing for Textual apps | |
py-test-timeout | Py.test plugin to abort hanging tests | |
py-test-trio | Python testing tool for trio | |
py-test-utils | Utility functions for py.test | |
py-test-vcr (V) | py-test plugin for managing cassettes | |
py-test-virtualenv | Virtualenv fixture for py.test | |
py-test-watch | Continuous pytest runner | |
py-test-xdist | Plugin for distributed testing and loop-on-failing modes | |
py-test-xprocess | Pytest plugin to manage external processes across test runs | |
py-testfixtures | Helpers and mocks useful for automated tests in Python | |
py-testpath | Test utilities for code working with files and commands | |
py-testrepository | Repository of test results | |
py-testresources | Pyunit extension for managing expensive test resources | |
py-testscenarios | Pyunit extension for dependency injection | |
py-testtools | Extensions to the Python standard library unit testing framework | |
py-three-merge (V) | Simple library for merging two strings with respect to a base one | |
py-thrift | Python bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system | |
py-timeout-decorator | Timeout decorator | |
py-tlsh | TLSH C++ extension for Python | |
py-tlv8 | Type-Length-Value8 (TLV8) for Python | |
py-tokenlib (V) | Generic library for managing signed authentication tokens | |
py-toolconfig | Python tool configuration | |
py-Tooling (V) | Collection of useful classes, decorators, meta-classes and exceptions | |
py-toolz | List processing tools and functional utilities | |
py-tortoisehg | GUI for Mercurial | |
py-towncrier (V) | Building newsfiles for your project | |
py-tox | Virtualenv-based automation of test activities | |
py-traceback2 | Backport of the traceback module to older Python versions | |
py-tracerite | Human-readable HTML tracebacks for Python exceptions | |
py-traitlets | Traitlets Python config system | |
py-transitions | Lightweight object-oriented state machine with extensions | |
py-treq | HTTP library for Twisted | |
py-trie3 (V) | Python implementation of the trie data structure | |
py-trio | Friendly Python library for async concurrency and I/O | |
py-tryton | Three-tiers high-level general purpose application platform | |
py-trytond | Tryton server | |
py-tubes | Flow control and backpressure for event-driven applications | |
py-twisted-kqueue (V) | Python interface to kqueue, suitable for Twisted | |
py-txaio | Compatibility API between asyncio/Twisted/Trollius | |
py-txrequests | Asynchronous Python HTTP Requests for Humans | |
py-typedload (V) | Load and dump data from json-like format into typed data structures | |
py-typeguard | Python run-time type checking library | |
py-types-setuptools | Typing stubs for setuptools | |
py-types-toml | Typing stubs for toml | |
py-types-ujson | Typing stubs for ujson | |
py-typing | Type Hints for Python | |
py-typing-extensions | Backported and Experimental Type Hints for Python | |
py-typing-inspect | Runtime inspection utilities for typing module | |
py-u-msgpack | MessagePack serializer and deserializer written in pure Python |