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py-mpld3 D3 Viewer for Matplotlib
py-mplh5canvas Matplotlib backend based on HTML5 Canvas
py-mpop Meteorological post processing package
py-mrio-common-metadata Common Datapackage schema and utilities for MRIO tables
py-msal Python library to access the Microsoft Cloud
py-msal-extensions Persistence API that can save your data on disk
py-msdas Mass Spectrometry analysis
py-msedge-selenium-tools Updated EdgeDriver implementation for Selenium 3
py-msgraph-core Lightweight wrapper around the Microsoft Graph API
py-msrest AutoRest swagger generator Python client runtime
py-mssql2 Python interface to MS SQL
py-msumastro Process FITS files
py-multichain_mcmc Multichain MCMC framework and algorithmse
py-multimethods Multimethods for Python
py-multiprocess Better multiprocessing and multithreading in python
py-multiqc Aggregate bioinformatics analysis reports across samples and tools
py-multitasking Non-blocking Python methods using decorators
py-multivar-horner Multivariate Horner scheme for evaluating multivariate polynomials
py-munch Dot-accessible dictionary (a la JavaScript objects)
py-murmurhash TODO: Short description of the package
py-mvpoly Library for multivariate polynomials
py-myfitter Maximum Likelihood Fits in Python
py-mys Strongly typed Python to C++ transpiler
py-mysam-tagmanager Mysam Arabic tags manager
py-mysqldb-docs HTML documentation for MySQL interface for Python
py-mystic Constrained non-convex optimization and uncertainty quantification
py-naftawayh Naftawayh: Arabic word tagger
py-naima Derivation of non-thermal particle through MCMC spectral fitting
py-namedlist Similar to namedtuple, but instances are mutable
py-nameko Microservices framework for Python
py-napalm Interact with different router vendors using unified API
py-napalm-base Interact with different router vendors using unified API
py-napalm-eos NAPALM module for Arista EOS
py-napalm-ios NAPALM module for Cisco IOS
py-napalm-iosxr NAPALM module for Cisco IOS-XR
py-napalm-junos NAPALM module for JunOS
py-napalm-nxos NAPALM module for Cisco IOS
py-nbimporter Import IPython notebooks as modules
py-nbsphinx Jupyter Notebook Tools for Sphinx
py-nbval Py.test plugin to validate Jupyter notebooks
py-ncomb Python combinatorics library
py-ncpol2sdpa Converter from noncommutative variables to sparse SDPA
py-ndindex Library for manipulating array indices.
py-ndjson JsonDecoder for ndjson
py-neo Python package for representing electrophysiology data
py-neqsys Numerical solving of symbolic systems of non-linear equations
py-netcdf Python bindings for netcdf
py-netflowvizu Network flow visualizer
py-nethsm Python Library to manage NetHSM(s)
py-netmiko Multi-vendor library to simplify Paramiko use
py-Netzob Tool for reverse engineering communication protocols
py-neumann Python Library for Applied Mathematics in Physical Sciences
py-neupy Artificial Neural Network library implemented in Python
py-neurolab Simple and powerfull neural network library for python
py-neuronpy The NEURON simulator and analyzing neural data
py-nexpy Python GUI to analyze NeXus data
py-nfg Python package for implementing and solving Network form games
py-ngxtop real-time metrics for nginx server
py-nibabel Access a multitude of neuroimaging data formats
py-nilearn Statistical learning for neuroimaging in Python
py-nimfa Python Library for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Techniques
py-nipy Python package for analysis of neuroimaging data
py-nipy-data Installation script for nipy data packages
py-nis NIS python module
py-nlib Numeric/scientific algorithms which do not required numpy
py-node-semver Python version of node-semver
py-nodeenv Node.js virtual environment
py-nodepy Numerical ODE solvers in Python
py-nomadnet Communicate Freely
py-nose-parameterized Parameterized testing with any Python test framework
py-nose-pathmunge Plugin to the nose test framework which provides a method to add directories to the sys.path of nose.
py-nosh Nonlinear Schrodinger equations
py-notifiers The easy way to send notifications
py-notify-cli Python client for notify-server
py-notify-dev Python bindings for libnotify - development branch
py-notify-events Extension to integrate your project with Notify.Events service
py-notify-py Cross-platform desktop notification library for Python
py-nox Flexible test automation
py-nphelper Convenient numpy helper functions
py-nptdms NumPy based module for reading TDMS files produced by LabView
py-nsim Simulate systems from ODEs or SDEs, analyze time series
py-nuclyr Utility package for nuclear physics data
py-nuitka Python compiler with full language support and CPython
py-num2words Modules to convert numbers to words. Easily extensible
py-numberjack Python platform for combinatorial optimization
py-numdifftools Solves automatic numerical differentiation problems
py-numericalunits Package that lets you define quantities with units
py-numpoly Polynomials as a numpy datatype
py-numpy-quaternion Add a quaternion dtype to NumPy
py-nupic Numenta Platform for Intelligent Computing
py-nxos Support module for Cisco NX-OS
py-nxpd NetworkX Pydot Draw
py-nzmath Number theory oriented calculation system
py-oak Authoritative/recursive DNS server
py-oasa Python library for manipulation of chemical formats
py-objection Runtime mobile exploration
py-ocrodjvu Wrapper for OCR systems to work with djvu files
py-oct2py Python to GNU Octave bridge --> run m-files from python
py-odeint Python binding for odeint from boost
py-odesys Straightforward numerical integration of ODE systems from SymPy
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