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py-odeviz TODO: Short description of the package
py-okasha Trivial WSGI web framework for Python
py-okpy Supports programming projects by tests, tracking and debugging
py-omega Specify and synthesize systems using symbolic algorithms
py-ontopy Simple RDF to Python mapper built on top of rdflib
py-openai OpenAI Python Library
py-OpenAL Python bindings for audio/openal
py-openastro Open source astrology program,
py-openopt Python module for numerical optimization
py-opensimplex OpenSimplex n-dimensional gradient noise function.
py-opentmm OpenTMM is an object-oriented electrodynamic S-matrix
py-openxmllib Provides resources to handle OpenXML documents from Python
py-opt-einsum Optimizing numpys einsum function
py-optlang Formulate optimization problems and solve using SymPy
py-orca Python library for task orchestration
py-orderedset Ordered Set implementation in Cython
py-ore-algebra Sage package for doing computations with Ore operators
py-orm Object-relational membrane for Python
py-ortho Generate orthogonal set of functions
py-OT Python Optimal Transport Library
py-otb Utility functions for scientific numerical computation
py-othman Library providing access to Quranic text with a fast search index
py-p_tqdm Parallel processing with progress bars
py-p4 Perforce SCM Python API
py-paegan Processing and Analysis for Numerical Data
py-pafy Retrieve YouTube content and metadata
py-paida Pure Python scientific analysis package
py-palettable Palettable is a library of color palettes for Python
py-pam Python PAM library
py-pandera Flexible validation package for pandas data structures
py-pandoc Thin wrapper for pandoc
py-panel High level app and dashboarding solution for Python
py-papyros Pythonic parallel processing
py-paragram Erlang-style concurrency library for python
py-parakeet Runtime compiler for numerical Python
py-param Declarative Python programming using Parameters
py-parameterizedtestcase Parameterized tests for Python's unittest module
py-parameters Hierarchical parameter sets for modelling and simulation
py-paramz The Parameterization Framework
py-parsedmarc Parse aggregate and forensic DMARC reports
py-parserutils Collection of performant parsing utilities
py-parsy Easy-to-use parser combinators, for parsing in pure Python
py-partd Key-Value byte store with appendable values
py-partio Python bindings for partio
py-parver Parse and manipulate version numbers
py-patch Library to parse and apply unified diffs
py-patch-ng Library to parse and apply unified diffs
py-path-and-address Functions for server command-line arguments used by humans
py-pathos Parallel graph management and execution in heterogeneous computing
py-patool Portable archive file manager
py-pattyrn Design Pattern Templates for Python
py-pcapy Python interface to pcap library
py-pcs Python - pygame (SDL 1.2) character sheets library
py-pdf2image Command line tools to convert PDF to a PIL Image list
py-pdfminer-six PDF parser and analyzer
py-pdfposter Scale and tile PDF images/pages to print on multiple pages
py-pdoc3 Auto-generate API documentation for Python projects
py-peak-rules Generic functions and business rules support systems
py-pebl Python Environment for Bayesian Learning
py-peng This package provides engineering-related classes and functions
py-pennyLane-PQ PennyLane plugin for ProjectQ
py-percol Filter lines interactively in a pipeline
py-percy Client library for visual regression testing
py-periodictable Extensible periodic table of the elements
py-peru Tool for fetching code
py-pet Toolkit for numerical simulations to allow easy parameter
py-petname Generate human-readable, random object names
py-pfsc-util Proofscape Utilities
py-pg8000 PostgreSQL interface library
py-pgmpy Library for Probabilistic Graphical Models
py-pickleDB Lightweight and simple database using json
py-picture-to-gds Python script to convert image files to GDSII files
py-pinout Generate graphical pinout references for electronic hardware
py-pint Physical quantities module
py-pipdeptree Displaying the installed python packages in form of a dependency tree
py-pipenv Python Development Workflow for Humans
py-pipenv-setup Sync Pipfile/Pipfile.lock to
py-pipfile The replacement for requirements.txt
py-piquant Extending NumPy and SciPy to specification of numbers and arrays
py-pithos Native grapical client for Pandora
py-pixiedust Productivity library for Jupyter Notebook
py-plac The smartest command line arguments parser in the world
py-plete Python,autocomplete,python autocomplete,python analizer
py-plex Plex is a library building lexical analysers
py-plink Link Projection Editor
py-plotly Interactive graphing library for Python
py-plottr Tool for live plotting and processing data
py-plucker Set of tools converting web pages to Plucker format
py-pluginbase Simple but flexible plugin system for Python
py-pmi Parallel Method Invocation
py-poisson-approval Poisson Approval studies the Poisson Game of Approval Voting
py-poissongeometry Local Poisson-Nijenhuis calculus on Poisson manifolds
py-polars Lightning-fast DataFrame library
py-policy-sentry Generate locked-down AWS IAM Policies
py-polygon3 Python-3 package that handles polygonal shapes in 2D
py-polynomial Package defining mathematical single-variable polynomials
py-poppy Physical optics propagation for optical simulations
py-portalocker Python library for file locking
py-portray Your Project with Great Documentation
py-poster Streaming HTTP uploads and multipart/form-data encoding
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