py-diffpy_pdffit2 | PDFfit2 - real space structure refinement program | |
py-diffpy-structure | Crystal structure container and parsers for structure formats | |
py-digraphtools | Python library for working with directed acyclic graphs | |
py-dimarray | Numpy array with labelled dimensions and axes, dimension | |
py-diofant | Computer algebra system (CAS) in Python | |
py-DirectoryStorage | Storage for ZODB, that uses files and directories | | | Python wrapper for the Discord API | |
py-displaylang | Just enough Python to write displays | |
py-distob | Distributed computing made easier, using remote objects | |
py-distributed | Distributed is the parallel scheduler for dask | |
py-distutils-extra | Enhancements to the Python build system | |
py-dit | Python package for information theory | |
py-divisi2 | Commonsense Reasoning over Semantic Networks | |
py-divmod-epsilon | Python utilities package, most famous for its Time class | |
py-dj-database-url | Use Database URLs in your Django Application | |
py-dj-static | Serve production static files with Django | |
py-django-audiofield | Allows audio file upload and conversion to mp3, wav and ogg format | |
py-django-crispy-forms | Best way to have Django DRY forms | |
py-django-gitrevision | Django git revision | |
py-django-helmholtz | Framework for creating neuroscience databases | |
py-django-idmap | Identity mapper for the Django ORM | |
py-django-js-reverse | Javascript url handling for Django that doesn't hurt | |
py-django-jsonfield | JSONField for django models | |
py-django-markwhat | Template filters that implement common markup languages | |
py-django-mathjax | MathJax easy integration with django | |
py-django-nose | Django test runner that uses nose | |
py-django-pandas | Tools for working with pydata.pandas in your Django projects | |
py-django-quran | Quranic models and helpers for use in Django projects | |
py-django-stubs | Mypy stubs for Django | |
py-django-sudo | Extra security for your sensitive pages | |
py-django-sympycharfield | Django Char Field using Sympy | |
py-django-templatetag-sugar | Library to make Django's template tags sweet | |
py-django-uuidfield | UUIDField in Django | |
py-django-webpack-loader | Transparently use webpack with django | |
py-djangopypi2 | Django application that emulates the Python Package Index | |
py-djvulibre | Python bindings for the DjVuLibre library | |
py-dlib | Machine learning framework written in C++ (python bindings) | |
py-dlx | Implementation of Donald Knuth's Dancing Links algorithm | |
py-dna-features-viewer | Python library to visualize DNA features, e.g. GenBank or Gff files | |
py-dnaio | Read and write FASTQ and FASTA files | |
py-dns-clientsubnetoption | EDNS Client Subnet support for python | |
py-docker | Python library for the Docker Engine API | |
py-docker-emperor | Docker CLI that combine compose and machine for a full stack deployment | |
py-docker-hub | Access docker hub from your terminal | |
py-docker-interface | Building images and running commands using Docker | |
py-docker-ssh | Python docker SSH tunnel | |
py-docplex | The IBM Decision Optimization CPLEX Modeling for Python | |
py-doh-proxy | Client and proxy implementation of DoH (DNS over HTTPS) | |
py-dolo | Economic modelling in Python | |
py-dot2tex | Graphviz to LaTeX converter | |
py-downhill | Stochastic optimization routines for Theano | |
py-dpath | Filesystem-like pathing and searching for dictionaries | |
py-dpkt-fix | Dumb packet module | |
py-drawille | Drawing in terminal with unicode braille characters | |
py-drawnow | MATLAB-like drawnow | |
py-dsltools | Creating and traversing recursively nested data structures | |
py-duali | The Arabic Spellchecker | |
py-dubins | Code to generate and manipulate dubins curves | |
py-dufte | Clean matplotlib plots | |
py-dynamicisttoolkit | Various tools for theoretical and experimental dynamics | |
py-eapi | Library for Arista's eAPI command API implementation | |
py-easydev | Common utilities to ease the development of Python packages | |
py-easymodeler | Simple ODE Tools for Modelers | |
py-ecos | Embedded Cone Solver | |
py-ecspy | Framework for creating evolutionary computations in Python | |
py-edt | Multi-Label Anisotropic Euclidean Distance Transform 3D | |
py-eemeter | Open Energy Efficiency Meter | |
py-efl | Python bindings for the enlightenment foundation libraries | |
py-efmlrs | Extracts EFMs from result file of mplrs and decompresses EFMs | |
py-eggnog-mapper | Fast functional annotation of novel DNA or protein sequences | |
py-eigency | Cython interface between the numpy arrays and the Matrix/Array | |
py-eight2 | Python Boilerplate contains all the boilerplate | |
py-einsteinpy | Python package for General Relativity | |
py-einsteinpy-geodesics | Julia solver for geodesics in the Kerr family of spacetimes | |
py-elasticsearch-dsl | Python client for Elasticsearch | |
py-email-reply-parser | Email reply parser library | |
py-emcee | The Python ensemble sampling toolkit for affine-invariant MCMC | |
py-emmsa | Multivariate Statistical Analysis for Electron Microscopy Data | |
py-empirical | Emperical Method of Fundamental Solutions solver for Python | |
py-EMpy | Suite of numerical algorithms widely used in electromagnetism | |
py-energyflow | Python package for the Energy Flow suite of particle physics tools | |
py-engfmt | Read and write in engineering notation | |
py-enre | This library is a Qooxdoo based GUI for Django | |
py-enum-compat | Enum/enum34 compatibility package | |
py-enumit | Enumeration library for python | |
py-epipy | Python tools for epidemiology | |
py-equation | General Equation Parser and Evaluator | |
py-errorhandler | Logging framework handler | |
py-escher | Build, view, share, and embed pathway maps | |
py-ete3 | Python Environment for (phylogenetic) Tree Exploration | |
py-etesync | Python client library for EteSync | |
py-etk-docking | PyGTK Docking Widgets | |
py-etmtk | Event and task manager | |
py-euclidean | Euclidean Geometry Library | |
py-event | Python extension module for libevent | |
py-eventlet | Highly concurrent networking library | |
py-executor | Programmer friendly subprocess wrapper | |
py-exocode | Automation of debris disk detection | |
py-expander | Powerful macro processing language | |
py-expression | Practical functional programming for Python 3.8+ | |
mk | Subfolder |