trac-plugins-FullBlogNotification | | E-mail Notification for the FullBlog plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-GraphViz-svn | | Graphviz plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-MasterTickets-svn | | Ticket dependency plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-Paste | | Paste plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-RoadmapHours-svn | | RoadmapHours plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-screenshots | | Screenshots plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-SensitiveTickets-svn | | Ticket dependency plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-spamfilter-svn | | Spam Filter plugin for Trac |
trac-plugins-TimingAndEstimation-svn | | TimingAndEstimation plugin for Trac |
trackballs | | SDL-based Marble Madness clone |
tracy | | Real time, nanosecond resolution frame profiler |
transient | | |
trayion | | FreeDesktop trayicon area for Ion3 |
tree-sitter-query | | tree-sitter query grammar for tree-sitter |
tree-sitter-vim | | vimscript grammar for tree-sitter |
tree-sitter-vimdoc | | vimdoc grammar for tree-sitter |
treetool | | Treetool is for displaying, editing, and printing phylogenetic trees |
trf | | Genome tandom repeats finder |
triangle | | Two-Dimensional Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator |
trifecta | | Educational image sharing website |
triforceafl | | AFL/QEMU fuzzing with full-system emulation |
triforcenetbsdsyscallfuzzer | | NetBSD syscall fuzzing with TriforceAFL |
trigger-rally | | A 3D rally simulation racing game. |
trimadap | | Trim adapter sequences from Illumina data using heuristic rules |
trinity | | Assembles transcript sequences from Illumina RNA-Seq data |
tripwire2 | | File and directory integrity checker |
trurl | | Command line tool for URL parsing and manipulation |
tscrape-git | | Twitter scraper |
tsh | | Lightweight remote shel wity 128AES and file transfers |
tslib | | Touchscreen access library |
TT2020-ttf-git | | Advanced, hyperrealistic, multilingual typewriter font |
ttf-indic-fonts | | TTF Indic Fonts from Debian |
ttr | | Text Text Revolution |
ttyd | | Simple command-line tool for sharing terminal over the web |
ttyload | | Color-coded console load graph |
ttysnoop | | Snoop TTYs on Linux for kernels 2.6 |
ttytter | | Twitter client written in perl |
tuareg-mode | | GNU Emacs/XEmacs major mode for editing Caml and OCaml programs |
tuba | | Mastodon browser |
tudu | | Command line interface to manage hierarchical todos |
tutos | | Time and team management software |
tuxanci | | Czechoslovak multiplatform action game like Bulanci |
tuxanci-server | | Server of Czechoslovak multiplatform action game like Bulanci |
tuxpaint-config | | Configuration program for tuxpaint |
tuxpaint-cvs | | Drawing program for small children |
tuxtype2 | | Educational typing tutorial game for children |
tvmet | | Tiny Vector and Matrix template library |
twamp-gui | | GUI for doing and visualizing TWAMP measurement |
twemproxy | | Fast, light-weight proxy for memcached and redis |
twin-environment | | Text mode window environment |
twinkle | | SIP-based VOIP client |
twintk | | Terminal Windows Toolkit |
twitmail | | Curses-based mail-like interface to twitter |
twittering-mode-git | | Emacs client for twitter |
txt2tags | | Text formatting and conversion tool |
typespeed | | Game to measure your typing speed, with network mode |
typhoon | | Database management system |
typst-lsp | | Language server for typst |
u-boot | | The mkimage utility of the u-boot bootloader |
u-boot-full | | Das U-Boot -- the Universal Boot Loader |
u-boot-khadas-vim3 | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (khadas-vim3_defconfig) |
u-boot-mangopi-mq-pro | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (mangopi_mq_pro_defconfig) |
u-boot-nanopi-r2s | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (nanopi-r2s-rk3328_defconfig) |
u-boot-orangepi-pc2 | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (orangepi_pc2_defconfig) |
u-boot-pinebook-crust | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (pinebook_defconfig) |
u-boot-rock5b | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (rock5b-rk3588_defconfig) |
u-boot-sifive-unleashed | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (sifive_unleashed_defconfig) |
u-boot-tools | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (tools) |
u-boot-visionfive2 | | Das U-Boot, the Universal Boot Loader (starfive_visionfive2_defconfig) |
uade | | Unix Amiga Delitracker Emulator |
uchime | | Algorithm for detecting chimeric sequences |
uclibc | | C library for developing embedded Linux systems |
udhcp | | Embedded DHCP Client/Server |
udp-ping | | UDP Ping is a tool to selectively send UDP packets |
udunits2 | | Library for manipulating units of physical quantities |
ueberzugpp | | Command line utility allowing to draw images on terminals |
uebimiau | | Web based email client |
ufc | | Unified framework for finite element assembly |
uffizi | | Generates photo galleries from directories of image files |
uget | | Open Source download manager application developed with GTK+ |
uhd-git | | USRP (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) Hardware Drivers |
ulfius | | HTTP Framework for REST Applications in C |
umix | | Adjust mix levels |
umoci | | Tool to modify Open Container images |
unagi | | Modular compositing manager |
undo-tree | | Treat Emacs undo history as a tree |
unicorn5hc | | Quest for the Unicorn version 5, a rogue-like game, Hard Core edition |
unifi | | Provisioning software for network products made by Ubiquiti |
unimrcp | | Open-source cross-platform implementation of MRCP[v1-2] |
unimrcp-apr | | Patched APR version for UniMRCP |
unimrcp-aprutil | | Patched APR-UTIL version for UniMRCP |
unimrcp-sofiasip | | Patched SOFIA-SIP version for UniMRCP |
unison-snapshot | | File-synchronization tool |
unity | | Unit testing framework built for C |
universal-test-runner | | Language-agnostic, zero-configuration test invoker |
universalcodegrep | | Extremely fast grep-like tool for searching source code |
unix2tcp | | UNIX socket to TCP tunnel |
unmo3 | | MO3 decoder |
unnethack | | Variant and further development of NetHack |
unpaper | | Post-processing scanned and photocopied book pages |
mk | | Subfolder |