squeak5 | | Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows |
squeak5-vm | | Cross-platform VM for Squeak, Pharo, Cuis, and Newspeak |
squeak6 | | Squeak 6.x, Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows |
squirrel | | The Squirrel programming language |
squirrelmail-avelsieve | | Sieve Script editing plugin for SquirrelMail |
squirrelmail-chg_sasl_passwd | | SASL password changing plugin for SquirrelMail |
squirrelmail-compatibility | | Previous version compatibility plugin for SquirrelMail |
squirrelmail-vlogin | | Easy Virtual domain support plugin for SquirrelMail |
sra-tools | | NCBI's toolkit for handling data in INSDC Sequence Read Archives |
src | | Simple Revision Control |
srecord | | Manipulate EPROM load files |
srvx | | Srvx IRC services |
sselp | | Simple X selection printer. Prints the X selection to stdout |
ssh_ping | | Utility for measuring SSH session latency |
ssid | | Simple setsid replacement |
ssiv-git | | Simple SDL Image Viewer |
ssu | | Command-line access to local and remote Source Safe/VSS repositories |
st-term-git | | Simple terminal implementation for X |
stackdriver-collectd | | Statistics collection daemon base, Stackdriver version |
stacks | | Software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences |
starfighter | | Side-scrolling shoot 'em up space game |
StepTalk | | GNUstep scripting framework |
stksolver | | Stokes flow solver using the boundary element method |
stmd-git | | Standard markdown converter implementation |
stmpclean | | Secure /tmp cleaner |
stonx | | Atari ST Emulator |
stormlib | | Blizzard MPQ archive tool |
stracciatella | | Improved, cross-platform, stable Jagged Alliance 2 runtime |
stratagus | | Real-time strategy gaming engine |
streamlink | | Tool that pipes video streams into a video player |
stress | | Deliberately simple workload generator for POSIX systems |
stress-ng | | Stress test benchmarks |
stringtie | | Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-seq |
strongswan | | strongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec-based VPN solution |
structure | | Multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure |
subread | | High-performance read alignment, quantification and mutation discovery |
subsync | | Synchronize your subtitles with machine learning |
suitesparse | | Set of packages for sparse matrices calculation |
sulley | | pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework |
sundials | | SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers |
sunterlib | | Scheme Unterground library, a collection of libraries for scsh |
sunxi-mali-fb | | Linux OpenGLESv2/EGL binaries for Allwinner framebuffers |
supercat | | Supercat is a text colorizer |
superchic | | Monte Carlo Event Generator for Central Exclusive Production |
supercollider | | Real time audio synthesis and composition programming language |
superhtml | | HTML Language Server (LSP) |
superlfv | | Calculate lepton flavor violating observables |
supermodel | | Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator |
surf-git | | Fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit/GTK+ |
suscan | | Realtime DSP library |
suse121_32_libbz2 | | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_32_libgcrypt | | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_32_libgpg-error | | Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgpg-error |
suse121_libbz2 | | Linux compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_libgcrypt | | Linux compatibility package for libgcrypt |
suse121_libgpg-error | | Linux compatibility package for libgpg-error |
suse131_fpc | | Linux compatibility package for Free Pascal Compiler |
suse131_gcc | | Linux compatibility package for GNU GCC |
suse131_gconf2 | | Linux compatibility package for libbz2 |
suse131_libbz2 | | Linux compatibility package for libbz2 |
suse15_gcc | | Linux compatibility package for GNU GCC |
suse15_glibc-locale-base | | Linux compatibility package for glibc-locale-base |
suwidgets | | Sigutils-related widgets |
suxus | | Readable bitmap font for low-res displays |
svgalib | | Low level console graphics library |
svgalib64 | | Low level console graphics library (64 bit video) |
svkbd | | Simple virtual keyboard |
svnup | | Lightweight program to pull source files from subversion |
svrcore | | Netscape svrcore is a kind of library to handle NSS PIN requests |
svt-vp9 | | VP9 encoder |
swami | | SoundFont2 instrument editor |
swarp | | Simple mouse pointer warping tool for X |
sway | | Sway is an i3-compatible Wayland compositor |
swfmill | | Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities |
swftools | | Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities |
swift | | Swift XMPP Client |
swift-git | | Swift XMPP Client |
swig4 | | Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 4) |
swinehub | | Subversion frontend |
swisseph | | High precision ephemeris developed by Astrodienst |
sxcs | | Minimal X11 Color Picker and Magnifier |
sxemacs | | SXEmacs text editor version 22 |
sxid | | Suid, sgid file and directory checking |
sylfilter | | Bayesian spam filter |
sylvan | | Multi-core Decision Diagram (BDD/LDD) implementation |
symbolic++ | | C++ and POO programming to develop a computer algebra system |
symmetrica | | Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library |
symon | | System monitoring suite |
symphony-of-empires | | Real-time strategy and map game |
sympol | | SymPol is a C++ tool to work with symmetric polyhedra |
sympow | | Special values of symmetric power elliptic curve L-functions |
syn68k | | ARDI's 68LC040 CPU emulator |
synce-dynamite | | Microsoft cabinet file extraction library |
synce-orange | | Extract installable files from self-extracting installers |
syncthing-discosrv | | Syncthing discovery server |
syncthing-relaysrv | | Syncthing relay server |
synfig | | Vector-based 2D animation renderer |
synfigstudio | | Animation studio for 2D animation renderer |
sysklogd | | System and kernel log daemons for Linux |
sysstat | | System performance tools for Linux |
mk | | Subfolder |