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squeak5 Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
squeak5-vm Cross-platform VM for Squeak, Pharo, Cuis, and Newspeak
squeak6 Squeak 6.x, Full Smalltalk 80 with portability to UN*X, Mac, and Windows
squirrel The Squirrel programming language
squirrelmail-avelsieve Sieve Script editing plugin for SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-chg_sasl_passwd SASL password changing plugin for SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-compatibility Previous version compatibility plugin for SquirrelMail
squirrelmail-vlogin Easy Virtual domain support plugin for SquirrelMail
sra-tools NCBI's toolkit for handling data in INSDC Sequence Read Archives
src Simple Revision Control
srecord Manipulate EPROM load files
srvx Srvx IRC services
sselp Simple X selection printer. Prints the X selection to stdout
ssh_ping Utility for measuring SSH session latency
ssid Simple setsid replacement
ssiv-git Simple SDL Image Viewer
ssu Command-line access to local and remote Source Safe/VSS repositories
st-term-git Simple terminal implementation for X
stackdriver-collectd Statistics collection daemon base, Stackdriver version
stacks Software pipeline for building loci from short-read sequences
starfighter Side-scrolling shoot 'em up space game
StepTalk GNUstep scripting framework
stksolver Stokes flow solver using the boundary element method
stmd-git Standard markdown converter implementation
stmpclean Secure /tmp cleaner
stonx Atari ST Emulator
stormlib Blizzard MPQ archive tool
stracciatella Improved, cross-platform, stable Jagged Alliance 2 runtime
stratagus Real-time strategy gaming engine
streamlink Tool that pipes video streams into a video player
stress Deliberately simple workload generator for POSIX systems
stress-ng Stress test benchmarks
stringtie Transcript assembly and quantification for RNA-seq
strongswan strongSwan is an OpenSource IPsec-based VPN solution
structure Multi-locus genotype data to investigate population structure
subread High-performance read alignment, quantification and mutation discovery
subsync Synchronize your subtitles with machine learning
suitesparse Set of packages for sparse matrices calculation
sulley pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework
sundials SUite of Nonlinear and DIfferential/ALgebraic equation Solvers
sunterlib Scheme Unterground library, a collection of libraries for scsh
sunxi-mali-fb Linux OpenGLESv2/EGL binaries for Allwinner framebuffers
supercat Supercat is a text colorizer
superchic Monte Carlo Event Generator for Central Exclusive Production
supercollider Real time audio synthesis and composition programming language
superhtml HTML Language Server (LSP)
superlfv Calculate lepton flavor violating observables
supermodel Sega Model 3 Arcade Emulator
surf-git Fast and minimalistic web browser based on WebKit/GTK+
suscan Realtime DSP library
suse121_32_libbz2 Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgcrypt
suse121_32_libgcrypt Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgcrypt
suse121_32_libgpg-error Linux 32-bit compatibility package for libgpg-error
suse121_libbz2 Linux compatibility package for libgcrypt
suse121_libgcrypt Linux compatibility package for libgcrypt
suse121_libgpg-error Linux compatibility package for libgpg-error
suse131_fpc Linux compatibility package for Free Pascal Compiler
suse131_gcc Linux compatibility package for GNU GCC
suse131_gconf2 Linux compatibility package for libbz2
suse131_libbz2 Linux compatibility package for libbz2
suse15_gcc Linux compatibility package for GNU GCC
suse15_glibc-locale-base Linux compatibility package for glibc-locale-base
suwidgets Sigutils-related widgets
suxus Readable bitmap font for low-res displays
svgalib Low level console graphics library
svgalib64 Low level console graphics library (64 bit video)
svkbd Simple virtual keyboard
svnup Lightweight program to pull source files from subversion
svrcore Netscape svrcore is a kind of library to handle NSS PIN requests
svt-vp9 VP9 encoder
swami SoundFont2 instrument editor
swarp Simple mouse pointer warping tool for X
sway Sway is an i3-compatible Wayland compositor
swfmill Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities
swftools Collection of SWF manipulation and creation utilities
swift Swift XMPP Client
swift-git Swift XMPP Client
swig4 Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (version 4)
swinehub Subversion frontend
swisseph High precision ephemeris developed by Astrodienst
sxcs Minimal X11 Color Picker and Magnifier
sxemacs SXEmacs text editor version 22
sxid Suid, sgid file and directory checking
sylfilter Bayesian spam filter
sylvan Multi-core Decision Diagram (BDD/LDD) implementation
symbolic++ C++ and POO programming to develop a computer algebra system
symmetrica Symmetrica Combinatoric C Library
symon System monitoring suite
symphony-of-empires Real-time strategy and map game
sympol SymPol is a C++ tool to work with symmetric polyhedra
sympow Special values of symmetric power elliptic curve L-functions
syn68k ARDI's 68LC040 CPU emulator
synce-dynamite Microsoft cabinet file extraction library
synce-orange Extract installable files from self-extracting installers
syncthing-discosrv Syncthing discovery server
syncthing-relaysrv Syncthing relay server
synfig Vector-based 2D animation renderer
synfigstudio Animation studio for 2D animation renderer
sysklogd System and kernel log daemons for Linux
sysstat System performance tools for Linux
mk Subfolder