./wip/gr-fcdproplus-git, Addon for funcube dongle pro+ to GNU Radio

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.7nb20240510, Package name: gr-fcdproplus-3.7nb20240510, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

gr-fcdproplus is an linux and OSX addon for gnuradio to implement a
funcube dongle pro+ source.
On linux autodetects the correct soundcard from /proc/asound/cards.
This idea was taken from the osmosdr drivers.

To control the device the hidraw code of the hidapi is used
(This is git version).

Required to run:
[ham/gnuradio-core] [devel/boost-libs] [devel/libusb1] [lang/python37]

Required to build:
[devel/boost-headers] [devel/git-base] [pkgtools/cwrappers]

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2014-10-06 17:10:50 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (6)
Log message:
(Rename from gr-fcdproplus)
Import gr-fcdproplus-3.7nb20141006 as wip/gr-fcdproplus-git.

gr-fcdproplus is an linux and OSX addon for gnuradio to implement a
funcube dongle pro+ source.
On linux autodetects the correct soundcard from /proc/asound/cards.
This idea was taken from the osmosdr drivers.

To control the device the hidraw code of the hidapi is used
(This is git version).