./wip/hunspell-dictionaries, meta-package for hunspell spell checker dictionaries

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.0nb1, Package name: hunspell-dictionaries-1.0nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Hunspell is a Free and Open Source spell checker.

This package does not contain anything by itself - it is a "meta-package" that
depends on other hunspell packages. Its sole purpose is to require dependencies
so users can install this package only and have all the hunspell stuff (or what
is set in PKG_OPTIONS.hunspell-dictionaries) pulled in by the package
dependency mechanism.

Required to run:
[textproc/hunspell-de] [textproc/hunspell-en_US] [textproc/hunspell-en_GB] [textproc/hunspell] [textproc/hunspell-hu_HU] [textproc/hunspell-fr_FR] [textproc/hunspell-af_ZA] [textproc/hunspell-bg_BG] [textproc/hunspell-cs_CZ] [textproc/hunspell-es_MX] [textproc/hunspell-fo_FO] [textproc/hunspell-id_ID] [textproc/hunspell-sv_SE] [textproc/hunspell-ca_ES] [textproc/hunspell-da_DK] [textproc/hunspell-es_ES] [textproc/hunspell-ru_RU] [textproc/hunspell-ar] [textproc/hunspell-ms_MY] [textproc/hunspell-hr_HR] [textproc/hunspell-he_IL] [textproc/hunspell-it_IT] [textproc/hunspell-lt_LT] [textproc/hunspell-mg_MG] [textproc/hunspell-nl_NL] [textproc/hunspell-ny_MW] [textproc/hunspell-sk_SK] [textproc/hunspell-ga_IE] [textproc/hunspell-en_ZA] [textproc/hunspell-en_NZ] [textproc/hunspell-fy_NL] [textproc/hunspell-pl_PL] [textproc/hunspell-el_GR] [textproc/hunspell-en_CA] [textproc/hunspell-lv_LV] [textproc/hunspell-cy_GB] [wip/hunspell-uk_UA]

Required to build:

Package options: lang-en-ca, lang-en-nz, lang-en-us, lang-en-za, lang-es-mx, lang-fy, lang-mg, lang-ny, lang-cy, lang-en-gb, lang-he, lang-id, lang-lt, lang-sk, lang-nl, lang-sv, lang-uk, lang-ca, lang-el, lang-fr, lang-hu, lang-it, lang-ms, lang-ar, lang-cs, lang-ga, lang-hr, lang-es, lang-fo, lang-bg, lang-pl, lang-ru, lang-af, lang-da, lang-de, lang-lv

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CVS history: (Expand)

   2013-06-12 13:36:35 by ndb | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
meta-package for hunspell spell checker dictionaries.