./wm/skippy, Fullscreen task switcher for X11

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.5.0nb22, Package name: skippy-0.5.0nb22, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Skippy is what is best described as a full-screen task-switcher for X11. It
tries to provide an alternative when taskbars or regular task-switchers
aren't the most efficient way of switching tasks (like when you have a lot
of applications open). When activated (currently only through a hotkey), it
will arrange and scale snapshots of all windows on the current desktop and
it'll let you pick a window using a mouse or a keyboard.

It is pretty similar to a tool made by Apple, called Expose -

Skippy depends on a NetWM compliant window-manager.

Required to run:
[graphics/imlib2] [fonts/Xft2]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [x11/xorgproto]

Master sites:

Filesize: 23.166 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2023-11-12 14:24:43 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2570)
Log message:
*: revebump for new brotli option for freetype2

Addresses PR 57693
   2023-01-29 22:18:34 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (2527)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbup from graphics/freetype2
   2022-07-29 08:04:25 by Rin Okuyama | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
wm/skippy: Fix for graphics/imlib2 update

Switch to `pkg-config imlib2`.

Bump revision.
   2021-10-26 13:25:22 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (106)
Log message:
wm: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
   2021-10-07 17:05:15 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (106)
Log message:
wm: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2020-08-17 22:20:41 by Leonardo Taccari | Files touched by this commit (2202)
Log message:
*: revbump after fontconfig bl3 changes (libuuid removal)
   2018-03-12 12:18:01 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2155)
Log message:
Recursive bumps for fontconfig and libzip dependency changes.
   2017-09-04 20:08:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (163)
Log message:
Follow some redirects.