Log message:
(www/R-bslib) Updated 0.3.1 to 0.4.2
# bslib 0.4.2
## Potentially breaking changes
* Upgraded Bootstrap 5 (i.e., `bs_theme(version = 5)`) from 5.1.3 to 5.2.2. \
(#438, #455)
## New features
* Adds a new `card()` API as well as `value_box()` and
`layout_column_wrap()`. To learn more about this new functionality,
refer to these new pkgdown articles:
* https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/cards.html
* https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/value-boxes.html
* https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/layouts.html
# bslib 0.4.1
## Bug Fixes
* Closed #458. This release `{bslib}` now requires `{memoise}` 2.0.1 or above.
# bslib 0.4.0
## Breaking changes
* `bs_theme()` now defaults to `version = 5` (i.e., Bootstrap 5). If
this change happens to break an existing app, consider specifying
`bs_theme(version = 4)` to revert the change in the Bootstrap
version. (#374)
* The default coloring on some Bootswatch 4+ theme's
`.navbar-default`/`.navbar-inverse` class has changed slightly to
better match their Bootswatch 3 coloring. Also, since this coloring
is now based solely on [`$navbar-*`
Bootswatch themes now work better in combination with custom
`$navbar-*` values (e.g., `bs_theme("navbar-bg" = ...)` can be used
to provide the background color, and foreground colors will
automatically contrast appropriately). (#392)
## New features
* Upgraded Bootstrap 5 (i.e., `bs_theme(version = 5)`) from 5.1.0 to 5.1.3 (#378)
* Closed #369: `bs_dependency_defer()` now memoises `func` (by
default), reducing the time required to render multiple instances of
the same [dynamically themable
widget](https://rstudio.github.io/bslib/articles/custom-components.html#dynamically-themeable-component). \
## Bug fixes
* Closed #393: Bootstrap 5's `$form-check-label-*` variables now work
as expected with `shiny::radioButtons()`, `shiny::checkboxInput()`,
and `shiny::checkboxGroupInput()`. (#395)
* Closed #382: Various fixes for using `shiny::checkboxInput()`,
`shiny::checkboxGroupInput()`, and `shiny::radioButton()` with
`bs_theme(version = 5, bootswatch = "sketchy")`. (#385)
* Closed #377: make sure `shiny::tabsetPanel(type = "hidden")` (i.e.,
`bslib::navs_hidden()`) stays hidden when used with
`bs_theme()`. (#379)
* Closed #424: fixed an issue with `nav_menu()` appearing first in a
`navs_*()` container with Bootstrap 4+.
* Closed #431: Bootstrap 5 navbars no longer have an unwanted "Toggle
Navigation" label when collapsed. (#432)
* Closed #400: `nav_menu(align="right")` now works with Bootstrap 5. (#401)
* Closed #390: using `bs_theme(bootswatch = "paper", version = 5)` or
`bs_theme(bootswatch = "readable", version = 5)` no longer
errors. (#391)
Log message:
(www/R-bslib) Updated to 0.3.1, make test passed
# bslib 0.3.1
## New features
* Upgraded Bootstrap 5 (i.e., `bs_theme(version = 5)`) from 5.0.2 to
5.1.0 (#365)
## Bug fixes
* Closed rstudio/shiny#3519: `nav_menu()` (i.e.,
`shiny::navbarMenu()`) wasn't producing an `.active` class on it's
`.dropdown` container properly. (#372)
# bslib 0.3.0
## Breaking changes
* Closed rstudio/rmarkdown#2154: `{magrittr}`'s pipe operator (`%>%`)
is no longer re-exported by `{bslib}`. Either `library(magrittr)` to
make `%>%` available and/or use use R 4.1's pipe operator (`|>`).
## New features
* Closed #82: Added support for Bootstrap 5 (via `bs_theme(version =
5)`). Bootstrap 4 remains the default in this release, but the next
release, the default will likely change to Bootstrap 5.
## Bug fixes
* Closed #6: rmarkdown's .tabset-fade class now works with Bootstrap
4+ since legacy use of .nav .fade is now officially supported in
Bootstrap 4+. (#325)