./www/wiki-tui, Simple and easy to use Wikipedia TUI

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.8.2nb2, Package name: wiki-tui-0.8.2nb2, Maintainer: pin

A simple and easy to use Wikipedia Text User Interface.

wiki-tui currently has these features:
-Browse through Wikipedia (Set the language by changing the url in the config)
-Uses webscraping and a custom view to display wikipedia articles in the
-Use links to open other articles

These features are planned:
-View and interact with more elements of wikipedia articles (like tables,
images, etc.)
-Better error handling

Master sites:

Filesize: 1615.256 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2023-10-25 00:11:51 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2298)
Log message:
*: bump for openssl 3
   2023-08-12 19:01:09 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/wiki-tui: update to 0.8.2

v0.8.2 (Fri Aug 11 2023)

Bug Fixes 🐛
 - Fix notice for unsupported elements [#215] by @Builditluc
 - Fix translations not appearing [#214] by @Builditluc
 - Fix word cut off [#213] by @Builditluc
 - Fix invalid search links after language change [#209] by @Builditluc

Structure and Style Changes
 - Replace raster logo with vectors [#208] by @ethamck
   2023-08-06 17:06:30 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/wiki-tui: update to 0.8.1

v0.8.1 (Sat Aug 05 2023)
Release Notes
Add language selection (#190)

You can now change the language of the current article by pressing F3 (requires
an article to be open and the key can be configured). Within the popup, you can
select a new language from the available ones (not all articles are available
in all languages). This feature also include several configuration options,
so be sure to check them out in the docs.

Exciting New Features 🎉
 - Add language selection #190 (@Builditluc)

Bug Fixes 🐛
 - Fix whitespace caused by quoteboxes #205 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix navigation links appearing in articles #204 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix missing elements because of nested divs #203 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix long gaps after lists #202 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix ghost lists from Portalbox #201 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix nested indentation #200 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix description list parsing #199 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix stack overflow crash when displaying a Namespace #198 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix padding for list items #196 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix disambiguation padding and prefix #195 (@Builditluc)
 - Fix viewport reset after link selection #194 (@Builditluc)
 - Notify on links with an Anchor #192 (@Builditluc)

Structure and Style Changes
 - Rework Links to be more stable #191 (@Builditluc)
   2023-07-10 21:40:25 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/wiki-tui: update to 0.8.0

v0.8.0 (Fri Jul 07 2023)
🎉 This release contains work from a new contributor! 🎉

Thank you, Enoumy (@Enoumy), for all your work!

Release Notes
Correctly handle non-existent pages (#186)

When you now try to open a link leading to a page that doesn't exist yet, a
warning will now pop up informing you about the missing page.

Vim movements (ctrl+d, ctrl+u, gg, G) (#180)

The Vim keybindings ctrl+d, ctrl+u, gg, and G have been implemented!

Exciting New Features 🎉
 - Correctly handle non-existent pages #186 (@Builditluc)
 - Vim movements (ctrl+d, ctrl+u, gg, G) #180 (@Enoumy)

Bug Fixes 🐛
 - Fix url encoded links #181 (@Builditluc)

CI Pipeline and Dependency Updates
 - Bump select to v0.6 #189 (@Builditluc)

Documentation Changes
 - Update and Improve the Documentation #188 (@Builditluc)

Structure and Style Changes
 - Change default keybindings to vim #185 (@Builditluc)
   2023-05-19 13:16:06 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/wiki-tui: update to 0.7.0

Release Notes
 - Breaking Changes occurred, please check the docs for instructions on how to
 - Change log directory (#175)
   The path of the logfile and the crash report have changed, check the
   upgrading page to learn more.

 - Add Language Selection (#168)
   You can now change the language on the fly either by using the new -l and
   --language cli arguments, or by pressing F2 in the tui and selecting a new
   language from the menu. This feature also includes several new configuration
   options, so be sure to check out the docs about them.

Please also check the docs to learn about what breaking changes have occurred
since 0.6.x

docs: \ 
   2023-02-21 14:22:48 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/wiki-tui: update to 0.6.4

v0.6.4 (Fri Feb 17 2023)
Bug Fixes
 - Fix disambiguations not being shown [#160]
 - Fix whitespace at the top of some articles [#159]
 - Fix no redirect messages being shown [#158]
 - Add changelog and use auto for creating releases [#156]

v0.6.3 (Thu Feb 16 2023)
Bug Fixes
 - Fix wrong error origin in dialogs [#155]
 - Fix incorrect error message formatting when opening links [#154]
 - Fix missing whitespace on list items starting with a special character [#153]
 - Fix html tags in toc [#152]
 - Fix large gaps before and after lists [#151]
   2023-02-12 20:04:29 by pin | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
www/wiki-tui: update to 0.6.2

What's Changed
Bug Fixes 🐛
 - Fix link selection of mulit-line links by @Builditluc in #141
 - Fix link selection reset on layout change by @Builditluc in #142

Documentation Changes
 - Simplify Readme by @Builditluc in #138
 - Improve Contribution Documentation by @Builditluc in #139

Style and Structure Changes
 - Update default labels in the issue templates by @Builditluc in #127
 - Update label configurations in workflows by @Builditluc in #128
 - Create Api Handler by @Builditluc in #147
 - Create new parser system by @Builditluc in #149
 - Rework backend by @Builditluc in #150

Other Changes
 - Add keywords to the cargo manifest by @Builditluc in #145
   2023-01-01 21:49:41 by pin | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
www/wiki-tui: update to 0.6.1

Bug Fixes
 - Fix error when no results are available by @Builditluc in #105
 - Fix multiple views not displaying the correct border by @Builditluc in #118
 - Fix large release size by @Builditluc in #119
 - Fix short articles having a limited size by @Builditluc in #120
 - Fix external links not being recognized by @Builditluc in #121

Other Changes
 - Bump cursive to 0.20 by @Builditluc in #106
 - Change GitHub workflow badge routes by @Builditluc in #107
 - Update contributors badge style by @Builditluc in #108
 - Update lockfile dependencies by @Builditluc in #122
 - Fix spelling error by @Builditluc in #123