./x11/p5-Tkx, Yet another Perl5 Tk interface

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.10, Package name: p5-Tkx-1.10, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The Tkx module provides yet another Tk interface for Perl. Tk is a GUI
toolkit tied to the Tcl language, and Tkx provides a bridge to Tcl
that allows Tk based applications to be written in Perl.

The main idea behind Tkx is that it is a very thin wrapper on top of
Tcl, i.e. that what you get is exactly the behaviour you read about in
the Tcl/Tk documentation with no surprises added by the Perl layer.

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   2025-01-31 03:05:16 by Sean Cole | Files touched by this commit (9)
Log message:
x11/p5-Tcl-Tk: initial import of package
Extension module for Perl giving access to Tk via the Tcl extension

x11/p5-Tcl-pTk: initial import of package
Interface to Tcl/Tk with Perl/Tk compatible syntax

x11/p5-Tkx: initial import of package
Yet another Perl5 Tk interface