./x11/xmx, X11 Protocol Multiplexor

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 2.1a7nb9, Package name: xmx-2.1a7nb9, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

XMX is a standalone utility for sharing an X Window System session on
multiple X displays. It allows users to see and interact with the
same applications at the same time from different locations. XMX
takes advantage of the networked nature of the X Window System by
acting as an intermediary between X clients and X servers. In this
way, XMX works with any X clients and any X servers, without the need
to modify either.

XMX provides a WYSIWIS (What You See Is What I See) environment; it
paints the same graphics on all participating displays. The shared
client applications appear to each participant in a virtual root
window which is subject to local window management. In this way, the
shared X session coexists with each user's private X session.

The X client applications which are shared via XMX are unaware that
they are being viewed or controlled by more than one user. Existing,
single-user X client applications may be shared using XMX without
recompilation, relinking or access to source code.

XMX is designed as an application sharing server. It provides both
the mechanism of application sharing and a way to control the shared
session from other programs. Like X, it leaves policy decisions to
application programs. In this way, XMX may be used as a component in
any of a variety of systems that require application sharing.

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [x11/xorgproto]

Master sites:

Filesize: 486.672 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-01-27 19:59:09 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (20)
Log message:
x11: fix the ordering of common package variables
   2021-10-26 13:35:01 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (674)
Log message:
x11: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Unfetchable distfiles (fetched conditionally?):
./x11/py-qt4/distinfo PyQt4_gpl_mac-4.12.3.tar.gz
   2021-10-07 17:14:47 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (675)
Log message:
x11: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2019-11-03 10:14:21 by Roland Illig | Files touched by this commit (148)
Log message:
x11: align variable assignments

pkglint -Wall -F --only aligned --only indent -r

No manual corrections.
   2018-03-06 16:48:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
xmx: honor LDFLAGS. Fixes RELRO build.

   2015-11-04 04:29:14 by Alistair G. Crooks | Files touched by this commit (670)
Log message:
Add SHA512 digests for distfiles for x11 category

Problems found locating distfiles:
        Package modular-xorg-server: missing distfile xorg-server-1.17.4.tar.bz2
        Package py-qt4: missing distfile PyQt-mac-gpl-4.11.1.tar.gz
        Package xservers: missing distfile xservers-
        Package xview-clients: missing distfile xview3.2p1-X11R6.tar.gz
        Package xview-lib: missing distfile xview3.2p1-X11R6.tar.gz

Otherwise, existing SHA1 digests verified and found to be the same on
the machine holding the existing distfiles (morden).  All existing
SHA1 digests retained for now as an audit trail.
   2014-09-12 07:22:09 by David A. Holland | Files touched by this commit (4)
Log message:
Rev the distfile patch:
   - remove references to <malloc.h>, which failed the build in MacOS
   - silence a bunch more compiler warnings
   - don't use index()
   - roll in the two current pkgsrc patches
   - some tidyup

   2013-02-26 11:18:42 by Joerg Sonnenberger | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
Fix return types.