The following packages were found for maintainer:
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devel/ruby-rd-mode Editing mode for RD (Ruby Document Format)
textproc/ruby-amrita HTML/XHTML template library for Ruby
devel/ruby-amstd Collection of miscellaneous Ruby modules
comms/ruby-termios Ruby extension to termios library
x11/ruby-tk Tk interface module using tcltklib
www/ruby-tag Ruby Simple HTML Tag library for CGI
sysutils/ruby-quota Quota interface for Ruby
graphics/ruby-opengl Ruby bindings for OpenGL, GLU and GLUT
textproc/ruby-rdtool RD (Ruby Document) converter to HTML/man/etc
sysutils/bkpupsd Simple UPS daemon for BK-Pro, BK and FREQUPS A/F series
databases/ruby-mysql2 Simple, fast Mysql library for Ruby, binding to libmysql
www/ruby-rack-rewrite Rack middleware for enforcing rewrite rules
converters/ruby-uconv Unicode conversion library with Japanese codesets support
mail/ruby-tmail Mail manipulating library for Ruby including MIME multipart support
lang/ruby31 Ruby programming language 3.1.0 meta package
databases/ruby-dbd-odbc ODBC support for Ruby/DBI
devel/ruby-parseconfig Provides simple parsing of standard *nix style config files
devel/ruby-bsearch Binary search library for Ruby
devel/ruby-setup Common installer script for ruby packages
databases/ruby-dbd-sqlite3 SQLite version 3 support for Ruby/DBI
devel/transifex-client Transifex Command-line Client
devel/ruby-byaccr Parser generator for ruby based on Berkeley Yacc/Yacc for Java
mail/roundcube-plugin-zipdownload Roundcube Webmail ZipDownload plugin
textproc/ruby-xmlparser Ruby bindings to the Expat XML parsing library
mail/roundcube-plugin-password Password change plugin for roundcube
mail/roundcube-plugin-enigma Enigma Plugin for Roundcube
databases/ruby-dbd-sqlite SQLite support for Ruby/DBI
databases/ruby-activeldap Object oriented interface to LDAP
textproc/ruby-html-parser HTML-parser package for Ruby
textproc/php-mecab PHP extension for MeCab Morphological Analyzer
textproc/ruby-rttool RT to HTML (and hopefully LaTeX in future) table converter
lang/ruby Wrapper package for Ruby programming language
www/ruby-puma Modern concurrent web server for Ruby
www/ruby-htmlsplit Ruby HTML split/join library
databases/ruby-dbi Database independent interface for Ruby
lang/ruby32 Ruby programming language 3.2.0 meta package
security/ruby-tcpwrap TCP wrappers library for Ruby
net/ruby-icmp Ruby module for handling ICMP packets
mail/squirrelmail PHP webmail package
databases/ruby-dbd-pg PostgreSQL support for Ruby/DBI
databases/ruby-dbd-mysql MySQL support for Ruby/DBI
mail/roundcube Browser-based multilingual IMAP client
graphics/ruby-oily_png Native mixin to speed up ChunkyPNG
misc/ruby-manpages Adds support for man pages to rubygems
time/ruby-tzinfo Daylight savings aware timezone library
time/ruby-tzinfo1 Daylight savings aware timezone library
www/ruby-http-cookie Ruby library to handle HTTP Cookies based on RFC 6265
lang/ruby32-base Ruby 3.2.8 release minimum base package
devel/ruby-readline Ruby extension to readline library
devel/ruby-deprecated Aid developers working with deprecated code
lang/ruby33 Ruby 3.3.7 release package
www/php-contao-manager Management tool for Contao Open Source CMS
www/fengoffice Easy to use Open Source Web Office
lang/ruby34 Ruby 3.4.2 release package
lang/ruby31-base Ruby 3.1.7 release minimum base package