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Daylight savings aware timezone library
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 2.0.6,
Package name: ruby31-tzinfo-2.0.6,
Maintainer: tacaTZInfo provides daylight savings aware transformations between times in
different timezones.
Data Sources
TZInfo requires a source of timezone data. There are two built-in options:
1. The TZInfo::Data library (the tzinfo-data gem). TZInfo::Data contains a
set of Ruby modules that are generated from the [IANA Time Zone
2. A zoneinfo directory. Most Unix-like systems include a zoneinfo directory
containing timezone definitions. These are also generated from the [IANA
Time Zone Database](
By default, TZInfo::Data will be used. If TZInfo::Data is not available
(i.e. if `require 'tzinfo/data'` fails), then TZInfo will search for a
zoneinfo directory instead (using the search path specified by
If no data source can be found, a `TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound` exception
will be raised when TZInfo is used. Further information is available [in the
wiki]( to help with resolving
`TZInfo::DataSourceNotFound` errors.
The default data source selection can be overridden using
Custom data sources can also be used. See `TZInfo::DataSource.set` for
further details.
Required to run:[
misc/ruby-thread_safe] [
Master sites:
Filesize: 77.5 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2023-01-31) Updated to version: ruby31-tzinfo-2.0.6
- (2022-07-30) Updated to version: ruby27-tzinfo-2.0.5
- (2021-10-07) Updated to version: ruby27-tzinfo-2.0.4
- (2021-01-03) Updated to version: ruby26-tzinfo-2.0.4
- (2020-11-09) Updated to version: ruby26-tzinfo-2.0.3
- (2020-04-27) Updated to version: ruby26-tzinfo-2.0.2
CVS history: (Expand)
2022-07-30 16:24:09 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
time/ruby-tzinfo: update to 2.0.5
2.0.5 (2022-07-19)
* Changed DateTime results to always use the proleptic Gregorian calendar.
This affects DateTime results prior to 1582-10-15 and any arithmetic
performed on the results that would produce a secondary result prior to
* Added support for eager loading all the time zone and country data by
calling either TZInfo::DataSource#eager_load! or TZInfo.eager_load!.
Compatible with Ruby On Rails' eager_load_namespaces. #129.
* Ignore the SECURITY file from Arch Linux's tzdata package. #134.
2021-10-26 13:24:47 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (263) |
Log message:
time: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
2021-10-07 17:04:23 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (263) |
Log message:
time: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
2021-01-03 09:20:26 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
time/ruby-tzinfo: update to 2.0.4
## Version 2.0.4 - 16-Dec-2020
* Fixed an incorrect InvalidTimezoneIdentifier exception raised when loading a
zoneinfo file that includes rules specifying an additional transition to the
final defined offset (for example, Africa/Casablanca in version 2018e of the
Time Zone Database). #123.
2020-11-09 15:46:06 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
time/ruby-tzinfo: update to 2.0.3
## Version 2.0.3 - 8-Nov-2020
* Added support for handling "slim" format zoneinfo files that are \
produced by
default by zic version 2020b and later. The POSIX-style TZ string is now used
calculate DST transition times after the final defined transition in the file.
* Fixed `TimeWithOffset#getlocal` returning a `TimeWithOffset` with the
`timezone_offset` still assigned when called with an offset argument on JRuby
* Rubinius is no longer supported.
2020-04-27 15:35:02 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
time/ruby-tzinfo: update to 2.0.2
Update ruby-tzinfo to 2.0.2.
## Version 2.0.2 - 2-Apr-2020
* Fixed 'wrong number of arguments' errors when running on JRuby 9.0. #114.
* Fixed warnings when running on Ruby 2.8. #113.
2020-03-20 17:07:49 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
time/ruby-tzinfo: update to 2.0.1
Update ruby-tzinfo to 2.0.1.
2.0.1 (2019-12-24)
* Fixed "SecurityError: Insecure operation - require" exceptions when \
data with recent Ruby releases in safe mode. #100.
* Fixed warnings when running on Ruby 2.7. #109.
* Add a TZInfo::Timezone#=~ method that performs a regex match on the time
zone identifier. #99.
* Add a TZInfo::Country#=~ method that performs a regex match on the country
2019-02-03 16:27:53 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
time/ruby-tzinfo: update to 2.0.0
2.0.0 (2018-12-26)
* to_local and period_for instance methods have been added to TZInfo::Timezone. \
These are similar to utc_to_local and period_for_utc, but take the UTC offset of \
the given time into account.
* abbreviation, dst?, base_utc_offset and observed_utc_offset instance methods \
have been added to TZInfo::Timezone, returning the abbreviation, whether \
daylight savings time is in effect and the UTC offset of the time zone at a \
specified time.
* A TZInfo::Timestamp class has been added. It can be used with TZInfo::Timezone \
in place of a Time or DateTime.
* local_time, local_datetime and local_timestamp instance methods have been \
added to TZInfo::Timezone. These methods construct local Time, DateTime and \
TZInfo::Timestamp instances with the correct UTC offset and abbreviation for the \
time zone.
* Support for a (yet to be released) version 2 of tzinfo-data has been added, in \
addition to support for version 1. The new version will remove the (no longer \
needed) DateTime parameters from transition times, reduce memory consumption and \
improve the efficiency of loading timezone and country indexes.
* A TZInfo::VERSION constant has been added, indicating the TZInfo version number.
* The minimum supported Ruby versions are now Ruby MRI 1.9.3, JRuby 1.7 (in 1.9 \
or later mode) and Rubinius 3.
* Local times are now returned using the correct UTC offset (instead of using \
UTC). #49 and #52.
* Local times are returned as instances of TimeWithOffset, DateTimeWithOffset or \
TZInfo::TimestampWithOffset. These classes subclass Time, DateTime and \
TZInfo::Timestamp respectively. They override the default behaviour of the base \
classes to return information about the observed offset at the indicated time. \
For example, the zone abbreviation is returned when using the %Z directive with \
* The transitions_up_to, offsets_up_to and strftime instance methods of \
TZInfo::Timezone now take the UTC offsets of given times into account (instead \
of ignoring them as was previously the case).
* The TZInfo::TimezonePeriod class has been split into two subclasses: \
TZInfo::OffsetTimezonePeriod and TZInfo::TransitionsTimezonePeriod. \
TZInfo::OffsetTimezonePeriod is returned for time zones that only have a single \
offset. TZInfo::TransitionsTimezonePeriod is returned for periods that start or \
end with a transition.
* TZInfo::TimezoneOffset#abbreviation, TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#abbreviation and \
TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#zone_identifier now return frozen String instances \
instead of instances of Symbol.
* The utc_offset and utc_total_offset attributes of TZInfo::TimezonePeriod and \
TZInfo::TimezoneOffset have been renamed base_utc_offset and observed_utc_offset \
respectively. The former names have been retained as aliases.
* TZInfo::Timezone.get, TZInfo::Timezone.get_proxy and TZInfo::Country.get can \
now be used with strings having any encoding. Previously, only encodings that \
are directly comparable with UTF-8 were supported.
* The requested identifier is included in TZInfo::InvalidTimezoneIdentifier \
exception messages.
* The requested country code is included in TZInfo::InvalidCountryCode exception \
* The full range of transitions is now loaded from zoneinfo files. Zoneinfo \
files produced with version 2014c of the zic tool contain an initial transition \
2**63 seconds before the epoch. Zoneinfo files produced with version 2014d or \
later of zic contain an initial transition 2**59 seconds before the epoch. These \
transitions would previously have been ignored, but are now returned in methods \
such as TZInfo::Timezone#transitions_up_to.
* The TZInfo::RubyDataSource and TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource classes have been \
moved into a new TZInfo::DataSources module. Code that is setting \
TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource.search_path or \
TZInfo::ZoneinfoDataSource.alternate_iso3166_tab_search_path will need to be \
updated accordingly.
* The TZInfo::InvalidZoneinfoDirectory and TZInfo::ZoneinfoDirectoryNotFound \
exception classes raised by TZInfo::DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource have been \
moved into the TZInfo::DataSources module.
* Setting the data source to :ruby or instantiating \
TZInfo::DataSources::RubyDataSource will now immediately raise a \
TZInfo::DataSources::TZInfoDataNotFound exception if require 'tzinfo/data' \
fails. Previously, a failure would only occur later when accessing an index or \
loading a timezone or country.
constants of TZInfo::DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource have been made private.
* The TZInfo::Country.data_source, \
TZInfo::DataSource.create_default_data_source, \
TZInfo::DataSources::ZoneinfoDataSource.process_search_path, \
TZInfo::Timezone.get_proxies and TZInfo::Timezone.data_source methods have been \
made private.
* The performance of loading zoneinfo files and the associated indexes has been \
* Memory use has been decreased by deduplicating String instances when loading \
country and time zone data.
* The dependency on the deprecated thread_safe gem as been removed and replaced \
by concurrent-ruby.
* The Info classes used to return time zone and country information from \
TZInfo::DataSource implementations have been moved into the TZInfo::DataSources \
* The TZInfo::TransitionDataTimezoneInfo class has been removed and replaced \
with TZInfo::DataSources::TransitionsDataTimezoneInfo and \
TZInfo::DataSources::ConstantOffsetDataTimezoneInfo. \
TZInfo::DataSources::TransitionsDataTimezoneInfo is constructed with an Array of \
TZInfo::TimezoneTransition instances representing times when the offset changes. \
TZInfo::DataSources::ConstantOffsetDataTimezoneInfo is constructed with a \
TZInfo::TimezoneOffset instance representing the offset constantly observed in a \
time zone.
* The TZInfo::DataSource#timezone_identifiers method should no longer be \
overridden in custom data source implementations. The implementation in the base \
class now calculates a result from TZInfo::DataSource#data_timezone_identifiers \
and TZInfo::DataSource#linked_timezone_identifiers.
* The results of the TZInfo::DataSources::RubyDataSource to_s and inspect \
methods now include the time zone database and tzinfo-data versions.
* Methods of TZInfo::Timezone that accept time arguments no longer allow Integer \
timestamp values. Time, DateTime or TZInfo::Timestamp values or objects that \
respond to to_i, subsec and optionally utc_offset must be used instead.
* The %:::z format directive can now only be used with TZInfo::Timezone#strftime \
if it is supported by Time#strftime on the runtime platform.
* Using and to obtain \
a specific TZInfo::Timezone or TZInfo::Country will no longer work. \
TZInfo::Timezone.get(identifier) and TZInfo::Country.get(code) should be used \
* The TZInfo::TimeOrDateTime class has been removed.
* The valid_for_utc?, utc_after_start?, utc_before_end?, valid_for_local?, \
local_after_start? and local_before_end? instance methods of \
TZInfo::TimezonePeriod have been removed. Comparisons can be performed with the \
results of the starts_at, ends_at, local_starts_at and local_ends_at methods \
* The to_local and to_utc instance methods of TZInfo::TimezonePeriod and \
TZInfo::TimezoneOffset have been removed. Conversions should be performed using \
the TZInfo::Timezone class instead.
* The TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#utc_total_offset_rational method has been removed. \
Equivalent information can be obtained using the \
TZInfo::TimezonePeriod#observed_utc_offset method.
* The datetime, time, local_end, local_end_time, local_start and \
local_start_time instance methods of TZInfo::TimezoneTransition have been \
removed. The at, local_end_at and local_start_at methods should be used instead \
and the result (a TZInfo::TimestampWithOffset) converted to either a DateTime or \
Time by calling to_datetime or to_time on the result.
* The us_zones and us_zone_identifiers class methods of TZInfo::Timezone have \
been removed. TZInfo::Country.get('US').zones and \
TZInfo::Country.get('US').zone_identifiers should be used instead.