./lang/ruby34, Ruby 3.4.2 release package

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.4.2nb1, Package name: ruby34-3.4.2nb1, Maintainer: taca

Ruby is an interpreted object-oriented programming language often used for
web development. It also offers many scripting features to process plain
text and serialized files, or manage system tasks. It is simple,
straightforward, and extensible.

Features of Ruby are shown below.
+ Simple Syntax
+ *Normal* Object-Oriented features (ex. class, method calls)
+ *Advanced* Object-Oriented features (ex. Mix-in, Singleton-method)
+ Operator Overloading
+ Exception Handling
+ Iterators and Closures
+ Garbage Collection
+ Dynamic Loading of Object files (on some architecture)
+ Highly Portable (works on many UNIX machines, and on Windows, Mac, etc.)

Ruby 3.4 introduces a number of new features and performance improvements,
here are some of them:
* Prsim parser (as a default gem).
* Performance: YJIT: Verious improvements including performance.
* Performance: RJIT: Experital pure-Ruby JIT compiler replace MJIT.
* M:N thread scheduler.
* Retirement of ext/readline.


Package options: ruby-build-ri-db, ruby-yjit

Master sites: (Expand)

Filesize: 16814.648 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-01 16:56:52 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3)
Log message:
lang/ruby34: Fix PRISM parser behavior on NetBSD

Fix segmentation fault when execute ruby binary without argument reported by \ 
ryoon@ and mef@.

prism/prism.c use "fgets" as functions's parameter and the parameter
is function pointer.  On NetBSD, fgets(3) was called instead of passed
function pointer.

So, replace "fgets" to other name.

   2025-02-17 16:21:03 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
lang/ruby34: update to 3.4.2

pkgsrc change: stop building YJIT_LIBS each time.

* Bug #21024: Ruby including generates compilation warning with GCC 15,
  header is deprecated in C++17,
* Bug #21021: "try to mark T_NONE object" with 3.4.1
* Bug #20997: YJIT panic assertion left == right failed: leave instruction
  expects stack size 1, but was: 2
* Bug #20981: rb_undefine_finalizer is missing
* Bug #20989: Segmentation fault in Ripper when lexing /#{"\xcd"}/
* Bug #21003: unexpected warning about ignored block
* Bug #21002: Please include license information of turbo_tests
* Bug #21001: unexpected nil result from proc with ensure and next
* Bug #21010: Endless method definition of []= is SyntaxError in parse.y but
  allowed in Prism
* Bug #20992: eval(ascii_encoded_code) raises EncodingError when multibyte
  local variable exists
* Bug #21017: --with-parser=parse.y configure option does not work
* Bug #21014: Prism doesn't set node_id on iseqs correctly
* Bug #21027: not() receiver should be nil
* Bug #20995: exception escapes block given to IO.popen("-") in child
* Bug #21008: Array#sum, Enumerator#sum, Numeric subclass
* Bug #21044: Prism maximum recursion depth is 1_000, parse.y is 10_000
* Bug #21031: Incompatibility with prism and parse.y when eval'ing unnamed
  forwarding variables
* Bug #21085: [BUG] Stack consistency error with -ne
* Bug #21048: [Prism] rescue in modifier form with condition behaves
* Bug #21046: Backport: TLS fix for ARM64
* Bug #21012: Compiling a['a','b'],=1 with parse.y fails
* Bug #21038: Preserve errno in rb_fiber_scheduler_unblock
* Bug #21032: Module#autoload? is slow when $LOAD_PATH contains a relative
* Bug #21092: error building ruby 3.4.1 on cygwin/msys2
* Bug #21095: Prefer uname -n over hostname in tests.
* Bug #21103: Binding problem with delegate methods
* Bug #21088: TCPSocket.new raises Socket::ResolutionError instead of
  Errno::ECONNREFUSED for hosts defined in /etc/hosts
* Bug #21112: Typo in error message when an incorrect key is used with
* Bug #21117: Inconsistent behaviour between "_1" and "it" \ 
* Bug #21114: Prism hangs up while parsing deeply nested def
* Bug #20984: ENV.inspect is not encoding aware
* Bug #20982: Inconsistency between Hash#inspect and ENV.inspect in Ruby 3.4