The following packages were found for maintainer:
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devel/protobuf-c Protocol Buffers implementation in C
sysutils/znapzend ZFS send/receive backup system
sysutils/b2sum BLAKE2 b2sum utility
sysutils/screenbrightness Command-line display brightness control for OS X
net/balance TCP loadbalancer with roundrobin and failover
devel/slibtool Surrogate libtool implementation, written in C
net/sniproxy Proxy that routes based on TLS server name extension
databases/py-mysqlclient MySQL database connector for Python
www/goaccess Real-time web log analyzer and viewer
devel/p5-Mojo-IOLoop-ForkCall Execute a code block asynchronously by forking
wip/nominatim Open Source search based on OpenStreetMap data
databases/hiredis Minimalistic C client library for the Redis database
editors/nano Small and friendly text editor (a free replacement for Pico)