./x11/Xaw-Xpm, Enhanced 3-D widgets based on the Athena Widget set and Xaw3d

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Branch: pkgsrc-2022Q3, Version: 1.1nb4, Package name: Xaw-Xpm-1.1nb4, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Xaw-xpm is a hack on Xaw3d, which is in turn based on the 'standard' X11 Xaw
widget set. It adds the ability to insert colour images into the backgrounds
of widgets, vastly improving the look of your Xaw apps. Just put the library
(libXaw.so.6.0) in place of your current one (usually /usr/X11R6/lib on Linux
systems) and customise away with editres, etc.

Hacked by Ben Buxton <bb@zip.com.au>.

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Filesize: 1160.699 KB

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