./x11/p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory, Introduction into the FormFactory framework

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Branch: pkgsrc-2022Q3, Version: 0.67nb11, Package name: p5-Gtk2-Ex-FormFactory-0.67nb11, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory framework is for Perl Gtk2 developers who
(at least partially ;) agree with these statements:

* GUI programming is fun but often boring.

* A lot of tasks in GUI programming are similar and misleads the lazy
programmer to do too much Copy'n Paste.

* RAD tools like Glade are fine for small applications but not if you
want to have a consistent look and feel in bigger and modular

Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory tries to help you with these issues by:

* Strictly separating GUI design, application logic and data structures.

* Giving the developer a more declarative style of defining the structure of
your GUI.

* Giving the developer the possibility of definiting the design of the GUI
at a single spot in your program.

* Being lightweight and easy to learn.

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Filesize: 101.954 KB

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