./x11/tk-BWidget, High-level Widget Set for Tcl/Tk

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Branch: pkgsrc-2022Q3, Version: 1.9.0nb1, Package name: tk-BWidget-1.9.0nb1, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

The BWidget Toolkit is a high-level Widget Set for Tcl/Tk built using
native Tcl/Tk 8.x namespaces.

The BWidgets have a professional look&feel as in other well known
Toolkits (Tix or Incr Widgets), but the concept is radically different
because everything is pure Tcl/Tk. No platform dependencies, and no
compiling required. The code is 100% Pure Tcl/Tk.

The BWidget library was originally developed by UNIFIX Online, and
released under both the GNU Public License and the Tcl license.
BWidget is now maintained as a community project, hosted by
Sourceforge. Scores of fixes and enhancements have been added by
community developers. See the ChangeLog file for details.

Master sites:

Filesize: 222.823 KB

Version history: (Expand)