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CVS Commit History:

   2022-10-10 05:36:51 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (32)
Log message:
Remove lines for Ruby 2.6.
   2022-09-10 14:45:48 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/ruby-activerecord70: update to 7.0.4

* Symbol is allowed by default for YAML columns

  Étienne Barrié

* Fix ActiveRecord::Store to serialize as a regular Hash

  Previously it would serialize as an
  ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess which is wasteful and cause
  problem with YAML safe_load.

  Jean Boussier

* Add timestamptz as a time zone aware type for PostgreSQL

  This is required for correctly parsing timestamp with time zone values in
  your database.

  If you don't want this, you can opt out by adding this initializer:

	ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_types -= [:timestamptz]

  Alex Ghiculescu

* Fix supporting timezone awareness for tsrange and tstzrange array columns.

	# In database migrations
	add_column :shops, :open_hours, :tsrange, array: true
	# In app config
	ActiveRecord::Base.time_zone_aware_types += [:tsrange]
	# In the code times are properly converted to app time zone
	Shop.create!(open_hours: [Time.current..8.hour.from_now])

  Wojciech Wnętrzak

* Resolve issue where a relation cache_version could be left stale.

  Previously, when reset was called on a relation object it did not reset
  the cache_versions ivar.  This led to a confusing situation where despite
  having the correct data the relation still reported a stale cache_version.


	developers = Developer.all

	Developer.update_all(updated_at: + 1.second)

	developers.cache_version # Stale cache_version
	developers.cache_version # Returns the current correct cache_version

  Fixes .

  Austen Madden

* Fix load_async when called on an association proxy.

  Calling load_async directly an association would schedule a query but
  never use it.

	comments = post.comments.load_async # schedule a query
	comments.to_a # perform an entirely new sync query

  Now it does use the async query, however note that it doesn't cause the
  association to be loaded.

  Jean Boussier

* Fix eager loading for models without primary keys.

  Anmol Chopra, Matt Lawrence, and Jonathan Hefner

* rails db:schema:{dump,load} now checks ENV["SCHEMA_FORMAT"] before config

  Since rails db:structure:{dump,load} was deprecated there wasn't a simple
  way to dump a schema to both SQL and Ruby formats.  You can now do this
  with an environment variable. For example:

	SCHEMA_FORMAT=sql rake db:schema:dump

  Alex Ghiculescu

* Fix Hstore deserialize regression.

   2022-07-13 16:48:48 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (15) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to

Rails (2022-07-12) updates databases/ruby-activerecord70 only.


* Change ActiveRecord::Coders::YAMLColumn default to safe_load

  This adds two new configuration options The configuration options are as

	o config.active_storage.use_yaml_unsafe_load

  When set to true, this configuration option tells Rails to use the old
  "unsafe" YAML loading strategy, maintaining the existing behavior but
  leaving the possible escalation vulnerability in place.  Setting this
  option to true is *not* recommended, but can aid in upgrading.

	o config.active_record.yaml_column_permitted_classes

  The "safe YAML" loading method does not allow all classes to be
  deserialized by default.  This option allows you to specify classes deemed
  "safe" in your application.  For example, if your application uses Symbol
  and Time in serialized data, you can add Symbol and Time to the allowed
  list as follows:

	config.active_record.yaml_column_permitted_classes = [Symbol, Date, Time]

   2022-06-07 17:19:27 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/ruby-activerecord70: update to 7.0.3

7.0.3 (2022-05-12)

* Some internal housekeeping on reloads could break custom respond_to?
  methods in class objects that referenced reloadable constants. See #44125
  for details.

* Fixed MariaDB default function support.

  Defaults would be written wrong in "db/schema.rb" and not work correctly
  if using db:schema:load. Further more the function name would be added as
  string content when saving new records.

* Fix remove_foreign_key with :if_exists option when foreign key actually

* Remove --no-comments flag in structure dumps for PostgreSQL

  This broke some apps that used custom schema comments. If you don't want
  comments in your structure dump, you can use:

	ActiveRecord::Tasks::DatabaseTasks.structure_dump_flags = ['--no-comments']

* Use the model name as a prefix when filtering encrypted attributes from

  For example, when encrypting Person#name it will add as a
  filter parameter, instead of just name. This prevents unintended filtering
  of parameters with a matching name in other models.

* Fix quoting of ActiveSupport::Duration and Rational numbers in the MySQL

* Fix change_column_comment to preserve column's AUTO_INCREMENT in the MySQL
   2022-05-05 05:41:42 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (11)
Log message:
Update rest of Ruby on Rails 70 components.

No change except version.
   2022-03-27 08:43:12 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (13)
Log message:
rails 7.0 wants ruby 2.7+, mark it as such
   2022-03-27 08:30:00 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (24)
Log message:
ruby*: fix rails version in COMMENT
   2022-03-13 16:15:05 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (14) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to

Changes are in devel/ruby-activestorage70 only.

Rails (March 08, 2022)

* Added image transformation validation via configurable allow-list.

  Variant now offers a configurable allow-list for
  transformation methods in addition to a configurable deny-list for arguments.

   2022-02-13 08:43:55 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/ruby-activerecord70: update to 7.0.2

7.0.2 (2022-02-08)

* Fix PG.connect keyword arguments deprecation warning on ruby 2.7.

  Nikita Vasilevsky

* Fix the ability to exclude encryption params from being autofiltered.

  Mark Gangl

* Dump the precision for datetime columns following the new defaults.

  Rafael Mendonça França

* Make sure encrypted attributes are not being filtered twice.

  Nikita Vasilevsky

* Dump the database schema containing the current Rails version.

  Since #42297, Rails now generate datetime columns with a default precision
  of 6.  This means that users upgrading to Rails 7.0 from 6.1, when loading
  the database schema, would get the new precision value, which would not
  match the production schema.

  To avoid this the schema dumper will generate the new format which will
  include the Rails version and will look like this:


  When upgrading from Rails 6.1 to Rails 7.0, you can run the rails
  app:update task that will set the current schema version to 6.1.

  Rafael Mendonça França

* Fix parsing expression for PostgreSQL generated column.


* Fix Mysql2::Error: Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now
  when bulk-inserting fixtures that exceed max_allowed_packet configuration.

  Nikita Vasilevsky

* Fix error when saving an association with a relation named record.

  Dorian Marié

* Fix MySQL::SchemaDumper behavior about datetime precision value.


* Improve associated with no reflection error.


* Fix PG.connect keyword arguments deprecation warning on ruby 2.7.

  Fixes #44307.

  Nikita Vasilevsky

* Fix passing options to check_constraint from change_table.

  Frederick Cheung (2022-02-11)

* No changes. (2022-02-11)

* No changes.
   2022-01-16 15:07:29 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/ruby-activerecord70: update to 7.0.1

7.0.1 (2021-01-06)

* Change QueryMethods#in_order_of to drop records not listed in values.

  in_order_of now filters down to the values provided, to match the
  behavior of the Enumerable version.

  Kevin Newton

* Allow named expression indexes to be revertible.

  Previously, the following code would raise an error in a reversible
  migration executed while rolling back, due to the index name not
  being used in the index removal.

	add_index(:settings, "(data->'property')", using: :gin, name: \ 

  Fixes #43331.

  Oliver Günther

* Better error messages when association name is invalid in the
  argument of ActiveRecord::QueryMethods::WhereChain#missing.


* Fix ordered migrations for single db in multi db environment.


* Extract on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for mysql2 adapter.

  Kazuhiro Masuda

* Fix incorrect argument in PostgreSQL structure dump tasks.
  Updating the --no-comment argument added in Rails 7 to the correct
  --no-comments argument.

  Alex Dent

* Fix schema dumping column default SQL values for sqlite3.


* Correctly parse complex check constraint expressions for PostgreSQL.


* Fix timestamptz attributes on PostgreSQL handle blank inputs.

  Alex Ghiculescu

  Fix migration compatibility to create SQLite references/belongs_to
  column as integer when migration version is 6.0.

  Reference/belongs_to in migrations with version 6.0 were creating
  columns as bigint instead of integer for the SQLite Adapter.

  Marcelo Lauxen

* Fix joining through a polymorphic association.

  Alexandre Ruban

* Fix QueryMethods#in_order_of to handle empty order list.

  Post.in_order_of(:id, []).to_a Also more explicitly set the column
  as secondary order, so that any other value is still ordered.

  Jean Boussier

* Fix rails dbconsole for 3-tier config.

  Eileen M. Uchitelle

* Fix quoting of column aliases generated by calculation methods.

  Since the alias is derived from the table name, we can't assume the
  result is a valid identifier.

	class Test < ActiveRecord::Base
	  self.table_name = '1abc'
	# syntax error at or near "1" (ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid)
	# LINE 1: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all, "1abc"."id" AS \ 
1abc_id FROM "1...

  Jean Boussier

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