./databases/php-mongodb, MongoDB database driver

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 1.21.0, Package name: php82-mongodb-1.21.0, Maintainer: bartosz.kuzma

The purpose of this driver is to provide exceptionally thin glue
between MongoDB and PHP, implementing only fundemental and
performance-critical components necessary to build a fully-functional
MongoDB driver.

Extension is supposed to be compatible with PHP 5.5.x, 5.6.x and 7.x

Required to run:
[textproc/php-json] [devel/snappy] [databases/mongo-c-driver] [lang/php74]

Required to build:

Master sites:

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-03-02 16:02:17 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/php-mongodb: update to 1.21.0


What's Changed

* PHPC-2343: Require PHP 8.1 by @alcaeus in

* Update branch names for GHA workflows by @alcaeus in

* Bump version to 1.21-dev by @alcaeus in

* Document how to run part of the test suite by @GromNaN in

* PHPC-2458: Deprecate float arg for UTCDateTime constructor by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2464: Emit deprecation notice for negative "limit" Query option by
  @jmikola in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1710

* PHPC-2460: Use zend_zval_type_name instead of internal macros by @jmikola
  in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1714

* PHPC-1247: Update links to PHP.net docs by @jmikola in

* Test PPC and Zseries on RHEL 9 by @alcaeus in

* PHPC-2472: Update to libmongocrypt 1.12.0 by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2473: Bump to libmongoc 1.29.0 by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2471: Sync BSON corpus tests for Y10K date parsing by @jmikola in

* Use correct arch name in Windows artifacts. by @mickverm in

* PHPC-2499: Update to libmongoc 1.29.2 by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2496: WriteException stub should inherit ServerException by @jmikola
  in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1769

* PHPC-2477: Remove unused libmongoc and libbson constants by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2502: Remove XFAIL in server-executeQuery-012.phpt by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2489: Deprecate passing WriteConcern and ReadPreference objects to
  execute methods by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2501: Conditionally define MONGOC_CYRUS_PLUGIN_PATH_PREFIX on Windows
  by @jmikola in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1777

* PHPC-2503: Conditionally allow more concise output for libbson 1.30 by
  @jmikola in https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-php-driver/pull/1779

* PHPC:2498: Accept integer types for Document array access by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2508 and PHPC-2506: Bump libmongoc to 1.30 by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2513: Check for returned _id before appending insert by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2519: Bump libmongoc to 1.30.1 by @jmikola in

* PHPC-2518: Support sort option for updateOne and replaceOne by @jmikola in

* Use pre-packaged-source for pie downloads by @asgrim in

New Contributors

* @asgrim made their first contribution in
   2025-02-22 17:46:24 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
databases/php-mongodb: enable php83 and php84
   2025-02-08 04:30:48 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (8)
Log message:
multiple PHP support

Use PHP_BASE_VERS in DEPENDS if required.

   2025-01-28 10:03:18 by Taylor R Campbell | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
databases/php-mongodb: php80 is no more.

Resolves the following errors during scan:

make[1]: "/usr/pkgsrc/lang/php/json.mk" line 16: Could not find \ 
make[1]: "/usr/pkgsrc/lang/php/ext.mk" line 26: Could not find \ 
make[1]: "/usr/pkgsrc/lang/php/ext.mk" line 141: Could not find \ 
make[1]: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue
pbulk-scan: Scan failed for databases/php-mongodb
   2025-01-26 17:58:38 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
databases/php-mongodb: fix PHP version restriction

   2025-01-13 17:42:20 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/php-mongodb: update to 1.20.1

1.20.1 (2024-11-27)

Changes from 1.17.2 are too many to write here, please refer:
   2024-02-28 17:22:25 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
databases/php-mongodb: update to 1.17.2

Drop php56 and support php74 and later.

Currently, it dose not use databases/mongo-c-driver but use bundled
libraries since we don't have databases/libmongocrypt package yet(?).

Changes from 1.9.1 is too many to write here, please refer
   2024-02-15 22:46:17 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
php-mongodb: doesn't update php 8.3 either

XXX: someone should update this