./devel/R-bit64, S3 class for vectors of 64-bit integers

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Branch: CURRENT, Version:, Package name: R-bit64-, Maintainer: minskim

Package 'bit64' provides serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed)
integers. These are useful for handling database keys and exact
counting in +-2^63. WARNING: do not use them as replacement for 32bit
integers, integer64 are not supported for subscripting by R-core and
they have different semantics when combined with double,
e.g. integer64 + double => integer64. Class integer64 can be used in
vectors, matrices, arrays and data.frames. Methods are available for
coercion from and to logicals, integers, doubles, characters and
factors as well as many elementwise and summary functions. Many fast
algorithmic operations such as 'match' and 'order' support interactive
data exploration and manipulation and optionally leverage caching.

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[math/R] [devel/R-bit]

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   2025-02-03 14:36:23 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/R-bit64) Updated 4.5.2 to

# bit64 4.6.0-1


1. {bit64} exports many S3 methods directly. Calling S3 methods
directly is generally bad form; we should rely on the S3 dispatch
system for this. Needing to export an S3 method is usually indicative
of some deep issue that's otherwise hard to work around.

  I plan to un-export most if not all S3 methods in future
  versions. In this release, there will be no change in behavior
  besides this notice in the NEWS. Going forward, I see two types of
  S3 exports: (1) exports that have no discoverable direct usage (that
  is, a global GitHub search, which includes the CRAN mirror, turned
  up _no_ R code calling them directly, except perhaps in `:::` form,
  which would be unaffected by un-export); and (2) exports that _are_
  observed to be called directly by some number of downstreams. With
  the former, I am more comfortable un-exporting more aggressively;
  with the latter, I will take a more gradual approach.

  Here are the S3 methods that are currently exported, for which I
  found no record of them being called directly:

  `-.integer64`, `:.default`, `:.integer64`, `!.integer64`,
  `!=.integer64`, `[.integer64`, `[[.integer64`, `[[<-.integer64`,
  `*.integer64`, `/.integer64`, `&.integer64`, `%/%.integer64`,
  `%%.integer64`, `%in%.default`, `%in%.integer64`, `^.integer64`,
  `+.integer64`, `<.integer64`, `<=.integer64`, `==.integer64`,
  `>.integer64`, `>=.integer64`, `|.integer64`, `all.equal.integer64`,
  `as.bitstring.integer64`, `as.integer64.factor`,
  `as.integer64.integer64`, `as.integer64.NULL`, `as.list.integer64`,
  `as.logical.integer64`, `cbind.integer64`, `ceiling.integer64`,
  `cummax.integer64`, `cummin.integer64`, `cumprod.integer64`,
  `cumsum.integer64`, `diff.integer64`, `duplicated.integer64`,
  `floor.integer64`, `hashdup.cache_integer64`,
  `hashfin.cache_integer64`, `hashfun.integer64`, `hashmap.integer64`,
  `hashmaptab.integer64`, `hashmapuni.integer64`,
  `hashmapupo.integer64`, `hashpos.cache_integer64`,
  `hashrev.cache_integer64`, `hashrin.cache_integer64`,
  `hashtab.cache_integer64`, `hashuni.cache_integer64`,
  `hashupo.cache_integer64`, `is.double.default`,
  `is.double.integer64`, `is.finite.integer64`,
  `is.infinite.integer64`, `is.nan.integer64`, `is.sorted.integer64`,
  `is.vector.integer64`, `keypos.integer64`, `length<-.integer64`,
  `log10.integer64`, `log2.integer64`, `match.default`,
  `match.integer64`, `mean.integer64`, `median.integer64`,
  `mergeorder.integer64`, `mergesort.integer64`,
  `mergesortorder.integer64`, `na.count.integer64`, `nties.integer64`,
  `nunique.integer64`, `nvalid.integer64`, `order.default`,
  `order.integer64`, `orderdup.integer64`, `orderfin.integer64`,
  `orderkey.integer64`, `ordernut.integer64`, `orderpos.integer64`,
  `orderqtl.integer64`, `orderrnk.integer64`, `ordertab.integer64`,
  `ordertie.integer64`, `orderuni.integer64`, `orderupo.integer64`,
  `prank.integer64`, `print.bitstring`, `prod.integer64`,
  `qtile.integer64`, `quantile.integer64`, `quickorder.integer64`,
  `quicksort.integer64`, `quicksortorder.integer64`,
  `radixorder.integer64`, `radixsort.integer64`,
  `radixsortorder.integer64`, `ramorder.integer64`,
  `ramsort.integer64`, `ramsortorder.integer64`, `range.integer64`,
  `rank.default`, `rbind.integer64`, `round.integer64`,
  `scale.integer64`, `shellorder.integer64`, `shellsort.integer64`,
  `shellsortorder.integer64`, `sign.integer64`, `signif.integer64`,
  `sort.integer64`, `sortfin.integer64`, `sortnut.integer64`,
  `sortorderdup.integer64`, `sortorderkey.integer64`,
  `sortorderpos.integer64`, `sortorderrnk.integer64`,
  `sortordertab.integer64`, `sortordertie.integer64`,
  `sortorderuni.integer64`, `sortorderupo.integer64`,
  `sortql.integer64`, `sorttab.integer64`, `sortuni.integer64`,
  `sqrt.integer64`, `summary.integer64`, `table.integer64`,
  `tiepos.integer64`, `trunc.integer64`, `unipos.integer64`

  Here are the S3 methods that are currently exported for which I _do_
  find record of them being called directly:

  `abs.integer64`, `as.character.integer64`,
  `as.data.frame.integer64`, `as.double.integer64`,
  `as.integer.integer64`, `as.integer64.bitstring`,
  `as.integer64.character`, `as.integer64.double`,
  `as.integer64.integer`, `as.integer64.logical`, `c.integer64`,
  `format.integer64`, `identical.integer64`, `is.na.integer64`,
  `lim.integer64`, `max.integer64`, `min.integer64`,
  `print.integer64`, `rank.integer64`, `seq.integer64`,
  `str.integer64`, `sum.integer64`, `unique.integer64`

  In the next release (provisionally, 4.7.0), I will add a `warning()`
  to any S3 method in the former classification, while nothing will
  change for the latter classification. I may reach out to authors
  observed to call the methods directly.

  In the subsequent release (provisionally, 4.8.0), I will un-export
  any S3 method in the former classification, and add a `warning()` to
  any S3 method in the latter classification.

  In the sub-subsequent release (provisionally, 4.9.0), I will
  un-export any S3 method in the latter classification.

  Please reach out (e.g., the GitHub log for #76) if you have any
  concerns about this plan.

  1. {bit64} lists {bit} as `Depends:`. IMO this form of dependency
  should be deprecated by R now that `Imports:` is widely available and
  well-supported for many years.

  In the next release (provisionally, 4.7.0), I will move bit to
  Imports. The practical implication is that currently,
  `library(bit64)` will make {bit} objects like `is.bit()` available
  for use without namespace-qualification. This practice makes code
  harder to read and maintain.

  Users relying on this in scripts can (1) write `library(bit)` to
  attach {bit} explicitly or (2) namespace-qualify all {bit} calls
  with `bit::`.

  Package authors relying on this can (1) add `import(bit)` to make
  the full {bit} namespace available or (2) namespace-qualify all
  {bit} calls with `bit::`; adding {bit} to `Imports:` or `Suggests:`
  will also be necessary.

  I will reach out to CRAN authors with any required
  changes. Depending on the impact size, I might make this transition
  more gradual (e.g. starting by re-exporting some or all {bit}
  functions from {bit64}, with warning, before un-exporting them in a
  subsequent release).


1. Implemented S3 methods for `rowSums()` and `colSums()`. Importantly
they handle `NA` values correctly, #38. Thanks @vlulla for the
request. Note that these are implemented as wrappers to `apply()`
calls, so they may not be as efficient. PRs welcome for implementing
the efficient equivalents.

  Note that by necessity, this grows the set of base exports
  overwritten to include `rowSums()` and `colSums()`, which are
  exported as S3 generics dispatching to `base::rowSums()` and
  `base::colSums()` by default.

1. Partially powering this is a new `aperm()` method for integer64
which allows `apply()` to work as intended. Using `apply()` directly
may still strip the integer64 class; that may be supported later (see

1. `is.na()` is supported for long vector input (more than `2^31`
elements), #30. Thanks @ilia-kats for the request. Long vector support
will be added on an as-needed basis as I don't have a great machine
for testing these features -- PRs welcome!


1. `all.equal.integer64()` gets the same fix for vector `scale=` to
work as intended that `all.equal.numeric()` got in R 4.1.3, #23.

1. Made edits to `match()` to handle `is.integer64(table)` better for
older versions of R, including a new `mtfrm()` method for integer64
objects in R>=4.2.0, #85 and #111.


1. After creating, developing, and maintaining {bit64} for about 13
years, Jens Oehlschlägel has decided to step down as maintainer of the
package. Michael Chirico will take over in this duty. Thank you Jens
for creating such a wonderful & important part of the R ecosystem!

  I don't have any major plans for new features, and mostly hope to
  keep the package running and up to date. Contributors most welcome!
  I am also trying to freshen up the code base to make contribution

1. The R version dependency has increased from 3.0.1 (May 2013) to
3.4.0 (April 2017). We plan to keep roughly the same R dependency as
{data.table}, i.e., as old as possibly for as long as possible, with
some bias towards gradually bringing in new R features to reduce the
maintenance overhead of a growing nest of workarounds to keep the
package "fresh" for users of the latest R versions.

  Required package {bit} already requires R 3.4.0, so the old 3.0.1
  requirement was effectively impossible anyway.

1. Default packages {methods}, {stats}, and {utils} are now
`Imports:`, not `Depends:`, dependencies. `Depends:` is an out-dated
mode of dependency in R. This will only affect the small audience of
users that run R with `R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL` (or some other subset
excluding some of these three), _and_ who are relying (perhaps
implicitly) on {bit64} being responsible for attaching those packages.

  It is my intention to move {bit} from `Depends:` to `Imports:` as
  well, but this migration will be done more gingerly -- it is more
  conceivable that this will constitute a breaking change for some use
  cases, therefore it will be done in phases. Nothing is done in this
  release, but here is your earliest warning that from the next
  release, it will be a warning to rely on {bit64} to attach {bit}
  functions for you.

1. Package documentation is now managed with {roxygen2}, #61. I tried
to retain everything in the original documentation, but the diff
required to do so was quite unmanageable (5,000+ lines), so please
alert me if anything looks amiss. Most importantly, I ensured the
NAMESPACE remains unchanged.

1. The signature of `identical.integer64()` loses `extptr.as.ref=`,
which is unavailable for R<4.2.0, but gains `...` to allow this
argument in newer versions, #37. This retains the transparency of
having all arguments named in the signature (and thus in
`?identical.integer64` as well as available for tab-completion) while
also retaining the old R version dependency R 3.3.0.

# bit64 NEWS for versions 0.8-3 through 4.5.2 are now in
   2024-10-19 14:04:55 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/R-bit64) Updated 4.0.5 to 4.5.2, make test passed (10.99.12)

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.5.2


    o "[.integer64"(x,i) can now cope with i longer than x

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.5.1


    o generics 'is.integer64', 'as.integer64', 'as.bitstring'
      are no longer registered as S4 methods of 'is' and 'as'

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.5.0


    o new method as.list.integer64
    o setting options(integer64_semantics="new")
      gives the better semantics suggested by Ofek Shilon.
      Downstream package authors: please test and adjust to the new semantics,
      we plan to make that the default and deprecate \ 


    o min.integer64 and max.integer64 emit better warnings
      when extreme values are returned (suggested by Pepijn de Vries)


    o seq.integer64 now properly handles sequences of length 1
      (found by Christopher Swingley)
   2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016)
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Could not be committed due to merge conflict:

The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched

./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
./devel/eclipse/distinfo eclipse-sourceBuild-srcIncluded-3.0.1.zip
   2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017)
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2021-06-07 01:49:29 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
(devel/R-bit64) Update DEPENDS version for R-bit
   2021-06-06 08:03:47 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/R-bit64) Updated 0.9.7 to 4.0.5

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.0.5
    o PKG_LIBS=-lm added to Makevars
      (fixes https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1763127
      thanks to Elliott Sales de Andrade)

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.0.4
    o runif64() no longer long long overflows
      for the maximum integer64 range
    o UBSAN false alarms removed with
    o added temporary flags to Makefile
      for UBSAN checks

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.0.3
    o added Makefile with temporary -flto
      and removed LTO error regarding runif_integer64

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.0.2
    o now DESCRIPTION URL points to github

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.0.1
    o removed pragma because no longer needed with recent compilers
    o removed a clang warning

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 4.0.0
    o new method all.equal.integer64
      (contributed by Leonardo Silvestri)

    o license has been extendend from GPL-2 to GPL-2 | GPL-3
    o still.identical is now exported from package bit

    o removed unused SEXP ret_ from r_ram_integer64_sortnut and
      r_ram_integer64_ordernut (LTO problems reported by Brian Ripley)
    o min, max and range now give correct results for multiple arguments
      (reported by Colin Umanski)
    o r_ram_integer64_ordertab_asc and r_ram_integer64_sortordertab_asc
      now properly PROTECT their shortened return vector before R_Busy(0)
      (Thanks to Tomas Kalibera)
    o operations on zero length integer64 now return
      zero length integer64 instead of throwing an error
      (reported by Xianying Tan)
    o match.integer64 (and %in%) now coerce the second argument to integer64
      instead of throwing an error (reported by Xianying Tan)
    o zero-length integer64() no longer prints as `character(0)`
      (reported by Xianying Tan)

    CHANGES IN bit64 VERSION 0.9-8
    o New function runif64 which can sample from finite
      and infinite populations (wish of Dan Reznik)

    o New methods as.integer64.bitstring
      and print.bitstring (wish of Dan Reznik)

    o [.integer64 now returns NA where the subscripts require this
      (contributed by Leonardo Silvestri)
    o binary operators now handle attributes more like R
      (new binattr() code contributed by Leonardo Silvestri)
    o as.bitstring.integer64 now returns its string vector
      with class 'bitstring'
    o round.integer64 with a negative digits argument now rounds
      like round(integer) would do (wish of Ian Lyttle)
    o range.integer64 now has an argument finite=FALSE for compatibility
      with range.default (wish of Sergio Oller)

    o calculating hashbits in hashfun, hashmap, hashmaptab and hashmapuni
      now gives 0 instead of stopping (bug reported by Jakob Schelbert)
   2019-08-08 21:53:58 by Brook Milligan | Files touched by this commit (189) | Package updated
Log message:
Update all R packages to canonical form.

The canonical form [1] of an R package Makefile includes the

- The first stanza includes R_PKGNAME, R_PKGVER, PKGREVISION (as
  needed), and CATEGORIES.

- HOMEPAGE is not present but defined in math/R/Makefile.extension to
  refer to the CRAN web page describing the package.  Other relevant
  web pages are often linked from there via the URL field.

This updates all current R packages to this form, which will make
regular updates _much_ easier, especially using pkgtools/R2pkg.

[1] http://mail-index.netbsd.org/tech-pkg/2019/08/02/msg021711.html
   2019-07-31 17:06:40 by Brook Milligan | Files touched by this commit (1) | Package updated
Log message:
R-bit64: update to canonical form of an R package.