./devel/R-lintr, Linter for R Code

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.2.0, Package name: R-lintr-3.2.0, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Checks adherence to a given style, syntax errors and possible semantic
issues. Supports on the fly checking of R code edited with 'RStudio
IDE', 'Emacs', 'Vim', 'Sublime Text' and 'Atom'.

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   2025-02-16 01:20:00 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-lintr) Updated 3.1.2 to 3.2.0

# lintr (development version)

## Deprecations & breaking changes

* Various things marked deprecated since {lintr} 3.0.0 have been fully
  deprecated. They will be completely removed in the subsequent
  release. See previous NEWS for advice on how to replace them.
   + `source_file=` argument to `ids_with_token()` and `with_id()`.
   + Passing linters by name or as non-`"linter"`-classed functions.
   + `linter=` argument of `Lint()`.
   + `with_defaults()`.
   + Linters `closed_curly_linter()`, `open_curly_linter()`,
   `paren_brace_linter()`, and `semicolon_terminator_linter()`.
   + Helper `with_defaults()`.

* `all_linters()` has signature `all_linters(..., packages)` rather
  than `all_linters(packages, ...)` (#2332, @MichaelChirico). This
  forces `packages=` to be supplied by name and will break users who
  rely on supplying `packages=` positionally, of which we found none
  searching GitHub.

* Adjusted various lint messages for consistency and readability
  (#1330, @MichaelChirico). In general, we favor lint messages to be
  phrased like "Action, reason" to put the "what" piece of \ 
the message
  front-and-center. This may be a breaking change for code that tests
  the specific phrasing of lints.

* `extraction_operator_linter()` is deprecated. Although switching
  from `$` to `[[` has some robustness benefits for package code, it
  can lead to non-idiomatic code in many contexts (e.g. R6 classes,
  Shiny applications, etc.) (#2409, @IndrajeetPatil). One reason to
  avoid `$` is that it allows partial matching where `[[` does
  not. Use `options(warnPartialMatchDollar = TRUE)` to disable this
  feature and restore some parity to using `$` vs. `[[`.

* `unnecessary_nested_if_linter()` is deprecated and subsumed into the
  new/more general `unnecessary_nesting_linter()`.

* Dropped support for posting GitHub comments from inside GitHub
  comment bot, Travis, Wercker, and Jenkins CI tools (spurred by
  #2148, @MichaelChirico). We rely on GitHub Actions for linting in
  CI, and don't see any active users relying on these alternatives. We
  welcome and encourage community contributions to get support for
  different CI systems going again.

* `cyclocomp_linter()` is no longer part of the default linters
  (#2555, @IndrajeetPatil) because the tidyverse style guide doesn't
  contain any guidelines on meeting certain complexity
  requirements. With this, we also downgrade {cyclocomp} from
  `Imports:` to `Suggests:`. Note that users with `cyclocomp_linter()`
;  in their configs may now need to install {cyclocomp} intentionally,
  in particular in CI/CD pipelines.

* `scalar_in_linter()` is now configurable to allow other `%in%`-like
  operators to be linted. The data.table operator `%chin%` is no
  longer linted by default; use `in_operators = "%chin%"` to continue
  linting it. (@F-Noelle)

* `lint()` and friends now normalize paths to forward slashes on
  Windows (@olivroy, #2613).

* `undesirable_function_linter()`, `undesirable_operator_linter()`,
  and `list_comparison_linter()` were removed from the tag
  `efficiency` (@IndrajeetPatil, #2655). If you use
  `linters_with_tags("efficiency")` to include these linters, you'll
  need to adjust your config to keep linting your code against
  them. We did not find any such users on GitHub.

* Arguments `allow_cascading_assign=`, `allow_right_assign=`, and
  `allow_pipe_assign=` to `assignment_linter()` are all deprecated in
  favor of the new `operator=` argument. Usage of a positional first
  argument like `assignment_linter(TRUE)`, of which we found zero
  cases on GitHub, is totally deprecated to allow `operator=` to be
  positionally first. See below about the new argument.

## Bug fixes

* `expect_identical_linter()` also skips `expect_equal()` comparison
  to _negative_ non-integers like `-1.034` (#2411, @Bisaloo). This is
  a parity fix since _positive_ reals have always been skipped because
  "high-precision" comparisons are typically done to get tests within
  `tolerance`, so `expect_identical()` is not a great substitution.

* `object_name_linter()` no longer errors when user-supplied
  `regexes=` have capture groups (#2188, @MichaelChirico).

* `.lintr` config validation correctly accepts regular expressions
  which only compile under `perl = TRUE` (#2375,
  @MichaelChirico). These have always been valid (since
  `rex::re_matches()`, which powers the lint exclusion logic, also
  uses this setting), but the new up-front validation in v3.1.1
  incorrectly used `perl = FALSE`.

* `.lintr` configs set by option `lintr.linter_file` or environment
  variable `R_LINTR_LINTER_FILE` can point to subdirectories (#2512,

* `indentation_linter()` returns lints with `ranges[1L]==1L` when the
  offending line has 0 spaces (#2550, @MichaelChirico).

* `literal_coercion_linter()` doesn't surface a warning about `NA`s
  during coercion for code like `as.integer("a")` (#2566,

## Changes to default linters

* New default linter `return_linter()` for the style guide rule that
  terminal returns should be left implicit (#1100, #2343, #2354, and
  #2356, @MEO265 and @MichaelChirico).

## New and improved features

* New function node caching for big efficiency gains to most linters
  (e.g. overall `lint_package()` improvement of 14-27% and core
  linting improvement up to 30%; #2357, @AshesITR). Most linters are
  written around function usage, and XPath performance searching for
  many functions is poor. The new `xml_find_function_calls()` entry in
  the `get_source_expressions()` output caches all function call nodes
  instead. See the vignette on creating linters for more details on
  how to use it.

* `Linter()` has a new argument `linter_level=` (default `NA`). This
  is used by `lint()` to more efficiently check for expression levels
  than the idiom `if (!is_lint_level(...)) { return(list()) }` (#2351,

* New `return_linter()` also has arguments for fine-tuning which
  functions get linted:

  + `return_style=` (`"implicit"` by default) which checks that all
  functions confirm to the specified return style of `"implicit"` or
  `"explicit"` (#2271 and part of #884, @MichaelChirico, @AshesITR and

  + `allow_implicit_else=` (default `TRUE`) which, when `FALSE`,
  checks that all terminal `if` statements are paired with a
  corresponding `else` statement (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

  + `return_functions=` to customize which functions are equivalent to
  `return()` as "exit" clauses, e.g. `rlang::abort()` can be
  considered in addition to the default functions like `stop()` and
  `q()` from base (#2271 and part of #884, @MichaelChirico and

  + `except=` to customize which functions are ignored entirely (i.e.,
  whether they have a return of the specified style is not checked;
  #2271 and part of #884, @MichaelChirico and @MEO265). Namespace
  hooks like `.onAttach()` and `.onLoad()` are always ignored.

  + `except_regex=`, the same purpose as `except=`, but filters
  functions by pattern. This is motivated by {RUnit}, where test
  suites are based on unit test functions matched by pattern,
  e.g. `^Test`, and where explicit return may be awkward (#2335,

* `assignment_linter()` can be fully customized with the new
  `operator=` argument to specify an exact vector of assignment
  operators to allow (#2441, @MichaelChirico and @J-Moravec). The
  default is `<-` and `<<-`; authors wishing to use `=` (only) for
  assignment in their codebase can use `operator = "="`. This
  supersedes several old arguments: to accomplish
  `allow_cascading_assign=TRUE`, add `"<<-"` (and/or \ 
`"->>"`) to
  `operator=`; for `allow_right_assign=TRUE`, add `"->"` (and/or
  `"->>"`) to `operator=`; for `allow_pipe_assign=TRUE`, add \ 
  to `operator=`. Use `operator = "any"` to denote "ignore all
  assignment operators"; in this case, only the value of
  `allow_trailing=` matters. Implicit assignments with `<-` are always
  ignored by `assignment_linter()`; use `implicit_assignment_linter()`
  to handle linting these.

* More helpful errors for invalid configs (#2253, @MichaelChirico).

* `library_call_linter()` is extended

  + to encourage all packages to be attached with `library(symbol)`,
  not `library("symbol", character.only = TRUE)` or "vectorized"
  approaches looping over package names (part of #884,

  + to discourage many consecutive calls to `suppressMessages()` or
  `suppressPackageStartupMessages()` (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `unnecessary_lambda_linter()` is extended to encourage vectorized
  comparisons where possible, e.g. `sapply(x, sum) > 0` instead of
  `sapply(x, function(x) sum(x) > 0)` (part of #884,
  @MichaelChirico). Toggle this behavior with argument

* `backport_linter()` is slightly faster by moving expensive
  computations outside the linting function (#2339, #2348, @AshesITR
  and @MichaelChirico).

* `string_boundary_linter()` recognizes regular expression calls like
  `grepl("^abc$", x)` that can be replaced by using `==` instead
  (#1613, @MichaelChirico).

* `unreachable_code_linter()` has an argument `allow_comment_regex=`
  for customizing which "terminal" comments to exclude (#2327,
  @MichaelChirico). Exclusion comments from {lintr} and {covr}
  (e.g. `# nocov end`) are always excluded.

* `format()` and `print()` methods for `lint` and `lints` classes get
  a new option `width=` to control the printing width of lint messages
  (#1884, @MichaelChirico). The default is controlled by a new option
  `lintr.format_width`; if unset, no wrapping occurs (matching earlier

* `implicit_assignment_linter()` gets a custom message for the case of
  using `(` to induce printing like `(x <- foo())`; use an explicit
  call to `print()` for clarity (#2257, @MichaelChirico).

* `todo_comment_linter()` has a new argument `except_regex=` for
  setting _valid_ TODO comments, e.g. for forcing TODO comments to be
  linked to GitHub issues like `TODO(#154)` (#2047, @MichaelChirico).

* `vector_logic_linter()` is extended to recognize incorrect usage of
  scalar operators `&&` and `||` inside subsetting expressions like
  `dplyr::filter(x, A && B)` (#2166, @MichaelChirico).

* `any_is_na_linter()` is extended to catch the unusual usage `NA %in%
  x` (#2113, @MichaelChirico).

* `make_linter_from_xpath()` errors up front when `lint_message=` is
  missing (instead of delaying this error until the linter is used,
  #2541, @MichaelChirico).

* `paste_linter()` is extended to recommend using `paste()` instead of
  `paste0()` for simply aggregating a character vector with
  `collapse=`, i.e., when `sep=` is irrelevant (#1108,

* `expect_no_lint()` was added as new function to cover the typical
  use case of expecting no lint message, akin to the recent {testthat}
  functions like `expect_no_warning()` (#2580, @F-Noelle).

* `lint()` and friends emit a message if no lints are found (#2643,

* `commented_code_linter()` can detect commented code that ends with a
  pipe (#2671, @jcken95)

### New linters

* `condition_call_linter()` for ensuring consistent use of `call.` in
  `warning()` and `stop()`. The default `call. = FALSE` follows the
  tidyverse guidance of not displaying the call (#2226, @Bisaloo)

* `sample_int_linter()` for encouraging `sample.int(n, ...)` over
  equivalents like `sample(1:n, ...)` (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `stopifnot_all_linter()` discourages tests with `all()` like
  `stopifnot(all(x > 0))`; `stopifnot()` runs `all()` itself, and
  signals a better error message (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `comparison_negation_linter()` for discouraging negated comparisons
  when a direct negation is preferable, e.g. `!(x == y)` could be `x
  != y` (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `nzchar_linter()` for encouraging `nzchar()` to test for empty
  strings, e.g. `nchar(x) > 0` can be `nzchar(x)` (part of #884,

* `terminal_close_linter()` for discouraging using `close()` to end
  functions (part of #884, @MichaelChirico). Such usages are not
  robust to errors, where `close()` will not be run as intended. Put
  `close()` in an `on.exit()` hook, or use {withr} to manage
  connections with proper cleanup.

* `rep_len_linter()` for encouraging use of `rep_len()` directly
  instead of `rep(x, length.out = n)` (part of #884,
  @MichaelChirico). Note that in older versions of R (e.g. pre-4.0),
  `rep_len()` may not copy attributes as expected.

* `which_grepl_linter()` for discouraging `which(grepl(ptn, x))` in
  favor of directly using `grep(ptn, x)` (part of #884,

* `list_comparison_linter()` for discouraging comparisons on the
  output of `lapply()`, e.g. `lapply(x, sum) > 10` (part of #884,

* `print_linter()` for discouraging usage of `print()` on string
  literals like `print("Reached here")` or `print(paste("Found",
  nrow(DF), "rows."))` (#1894, @MichaelChirico).

* `unnecessary_nesting_linter()` for discouraging overly-nested code
  where an early return or eliminated sub-expression (inside `{`) is
  preferable (#2317, #2334 and part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `consecutive_mutate_linter()` for encouraging consecutive calls to
  `dplyr::mutate()` to be combined (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `if_switch_linter()` for encouraging `switch()` over repeated
  `if`/`else` tests (#2322 and part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `nested_pipe_linter()` for discouraging pipes within pipes,
  e.g. `df1 %>% inner_join(df2 %>% select(a, b))` (part of #884,

* `nrow_subset_linter()` for discouraging usage like `nrow(subset(x,
  conditions))` in favor of something like `with(x, sum(conditions))`
  which doesn't require a full subset of `x` (#2313, #2314 and part of
  #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `pipe_return_linter()` for discouraging usage of `return()` inside a
  {magrittr} pipeline (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `one_call_pipe_linter()` for discouraging one-step pipelines like `x
  |> as.character()` (#2330 and part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `object_overwrite_linter()` for discouraging re-use of upstream
  package exports as local variables (#2344, #2346 and part of #884,
  @MichaelChirico and @AshesITR).

### Lint accuracy fixes: removing false positives

* `object_name_linter()` and `object_length_linter()` ignore {rlang}
  name injection like `x |> mutate("{new_name}" := foo(col))` (#1926,
  @MichaelChirico). No checking is applied in such cases. {data.table}
  in-place assignments like `DT[, "sPoNGeBob" := "friend"]` \ 
are still
  eligible for lints.

* `object_usage_linter()` finds global variables assigned with `=` or
  `->`, which avoids some issues around "undefined global variables"
  in scripts (#2654, @MichaelChirico).

## Notes

* `{lintr}` now has a hex sticker
  (https://github.com/rstudio/hex-stickers/pull/110). Thank you,

* All user-facing messages (including progress bars) are now prepared
  using the `{cli}` package (#2418 and #2641, @IndrajeetPatil). As
  noted above, all messages have been reviewed and updated to be more
  informative and consistent.

* File locations in lints and error messages contain clickable
  hyperlinks to improve code navigation (#2645, #2588, @olivroy).

* {lintr} now depends on R version 4.0.0. It already does so
  implicitly due to recursive upstream dependencies requiring this
  version; we've simply made that dependency explicit and up-front
  (#2569, @MichaelChirico).

* Some code with parameters accepting regular expressions is less
  strict about whether there are capture groups (#2678,
  @MichaelChirico). In particular, this affects
  `unreachable_code_linter(allow_comment_regex=)` and
   2024-09-23 01:49:25 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
(devel/R-lintr) Updated 3.1.1 to 3.1.2

# lintr 3.1.2

## New and improved features

### Lint accuracy fixes: removing false positives

* `Unreachable_code_linter()` ignores reachable code in inline
  functions like `function(x) if (x > 2) stop() else x` (#2259,

* `unnecessary_lambda_linter()`
  + ignores extractions with explicit returns like `lapply(l, function(x) \ 
foo(x)$bar)` (#2258, @MichaelChirico).
  + ignores calls on the RHS of operators like `lapply(l, function(x) \ 
"a" %in% names(x))` (#2310, @MichaelChirico).

* `vector_logic_linter()` recognizes some cases where bitwise `&`/`|`
  are used correctly (#1453, @MichaelChirico).

* `expect_comparison_linter()` ignores faulty usage like
  `expect_true(x, y > z)` (#2083, @MichaelChirico). Note that `y > z`
  is being passed to the `info=` argument, so this is likely a

* `consecutive_assertion_linter()` ignores cases where a second
  assertion follows an intervening assignment with `=` (#2444,

### Lint accuracy fixes: removing false negatives

* `missing_argument_linter()` catches all missing arguments in calls
  with several, e.g. `foo(,,)` gives 3 lints instead of 2 (#2399,

* `duplicate_argument_linter()` no longer misses cases with duplicate
  arguments where a comment comes between the argument name and `=`
  (#2402, @MichaelChirico).

## Notes

* Fixed a test assuming a specific parser error message that recently
  changed in r-devel (#2527, @IndrajeetPatil).

* @MichaelChirico has taken over CRAN maintainer duties for the
  package. Many thanks to @jimhester for more than 10 years and 15
  releases wearing that hat!!
   2024-01-21 03:37:52 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-lintr) Updated 3.0.2 to 3.1.1

# lintr 3.1.1

## Breaking changes

* `infix_spaces_linter()` distinguishes `<-`, `:=`, `<<-` and `->`,
  `->>`, i.e. `infix_spaces_linter(exclude_operators = "->")` \ 
will no
  longer exclude `->>` (#2115, @MichaelChirico). This change is
  breaking for users relying on manually-supplied `exclude_operators`
  containing `"<-"` to also exclude `:=` and `<<-`. The fix is to
  manually supply `":="` and `"<<-"` as well. We don't \ 
expect this
  change to affect many users, the fix is simple, and the new behavior
  is much more transparent, so we are including this breakage in a
  minor release.

* Removed `find_line()` and `find_column()` entries from
  `get_source_expressions()` expression-level objects. These have been
  marked deprecated since version 3.0.0. No users were found on

* There is experimental support for writing config in plain R scripts
  (as opposed to DCF files; #1210, @MichaelChirico). The script is run
  in a new environment and variables matching settings
  (`?default_settings`) are copied over. In particular, this removes
  the need to write R code in a DCF-friendly way, and allows normal R
  syntax highlighting in the saved file. We may eventually deprecate
  the DCF approach in favor of this one; user feedback is welcome on
  strong preferences for either approach, or for a different approach
  like YAML. Generally you should be able to convert your existing
  `.lintr` file to an equivalent R config by replacing the `:`
  key-value separators with assignments (`<-`). By default, such a
  config is searched for in a file named '.lintr.R'. This is a mildly
  breaking change if you happened to be keeping a file '.lintr.R'
  around since that file is given precedence over '.lintr'.

  + We also validate config files up-front make it clearer when
  invalid configs are present (#2195, @MichaelChirico). There is a
  warning for "invalid" settings, i.e., settings not part of
  `?default_settings`. We think this is more likely to affect users
  declaring settings in R, since any variable defined in the config
  that's not a setting must be removed to make it clearer which
  variables are settings vs. ancillary.

## Bug fixes

* `sprintf_linter()` doesn't error in cases where whitespace in `...`
  arguments is significant, e.g. `sprintf("%s", if (A) "" \ 
else y)`,
  which won't parse if whitespace is removed (#2131, @MichaelChirico).

## Changes to default linters

* `assignment_linter()` lints the {magrittr} assignment pipe `%<>%`
  (#2008, @MichaelChirico). This can be deactivated by setting the new
  argument `allow_pipe_assign` to `TRUE`.

* `object_usage_linter()`:
  + assumes `glue()` is `glue::glue()` when `interpret_glue=TRUE`
  (#2032, @MichaelChirico).
  + finds function usages, including infix usage, inside `glue()`
  calls to avoid false positives for "unused objects" (#2029 and
  #2069, @MichaelChirico).

* `object_name_linter()` no longer attempts to lint strings in
  function calls on the LHS of assignments (#1466, @MichaelChirico).

* `infix_spaces_linter()` allows finer control for linting `=` in
  different scenarios using parse tags `EQ_ASSIGN`, `EQ_SUB`, and
  `EQ_FORMALS` (#1977, @MichaelChirico).

* `equals_na_linter()` checks for `x %in% NA`, which is a more
  convoluted form of `is.na(x)` (#2088, @MichaelChirico).

## New and improved features

* New exclusion sentinel `# nolint next` to signify the next line
  should skip linting (#1791, @MichaelChirico). The usual rules apply
  for excluding specific linters, e.g. `# nolint next:
  assignment_linter.`. The exact string used to match a
  subsequent-line exclusion is controlled by the `exclude_next` config
  entry or R option `"lintr.exclude_next"`.

* New `xp_call_name()` helper to facilitate writing custom linters
  (#2023, @MichaelChirico). This helper converts a matched XPath to
  the R function to which it corresponds. This is useful for including
  the "offending" function in the lint's message.

* New `make_linter_from_xpath()` to facilitate making simple linters
  directly from a single XPath (#2064, @MichaelChirico). This is
  especially helpful for making on-the-fly/exploratory linters, but
  also extends to any case where the linter can be fully defined from
  a static lint message and single XPath.

* Toggle lint progress indicators with argument `show_progress` to
  `lint_dir()` and `lint_package()` (#972, @MichaelChirico). The
  default is still to show progress in `interactive()`
  sessions. Progress is also now shown with a "proper" progress bar
  (`utils::txtProgressBar()`), which in particular solves the issue of
  progress `.` spilling well past the width of the screen in large

* `lint()`, `lint_dir()`, and `lint_package()` fail more gracefully
  when the user mis-spells an argument name (#2134, @MichaelChirico).

* Quarto files (.qmd) are included by `lint_dir()` by default (#2150, @dave-lovell).

### New linters

* `library_call_linter()` can detect if all library/require calls are
  not at the top of your script (#2027, #2043, #2163, and #2170,
  @nicholas-masel and @MichaelChirico).

* `keyword_quote_linter()` for finding unnecessary or discouraged
  quoting of symbols in assignment, function arguments, or extraction
  (part of #884, @MichaelChirico). Quoting is unnecessary when the
  target is a valid R name, e.g. `c("a" = 1)` can be `c(a = 1)`. The
  same goes to assignment (`"a" <- 1`) and extraction \ 
(`x$"a"`). Where
  quoting is necessary, the linter encourages doing so with backticks
  (e.g. `` x$`a b` `` instead of `x$"a b"`).

* `length_levels_linter()` for using the specific function `nlevels()`
  instead of checking `length(levels(x))` (part of #884,

* `scalar_in_linter()` for discouraging `%in%` when the right-hand
  side is a scalar, e.g. `x %in% 1` (part of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `if_not_else_linter()` for encouraging `if` statements to be
  structured as `if (A) x else y` instead of `if (!A) y else x` (part
  of #884, @MichaelChirico).

* `repeat_linter()` for encouraging `repeat` for infinite loops
  instead of `while (TRUE)` (#2106, @MEO265).

* `length_test_linter()` detects the common mistake `length(x == 0)`
  which is meant to be `length(x) == 0` (#1991, @MichaelChirico).

### Extensions to existing linters

* `fixed_regex_linter()` gains an option `allow_unescaped` (default
  `FALSE`) to toggle linting regexes not requiring any escapes or
  character classes (#1689, @MichaelChirico). Thus
  `fixed_regex_linter(allow_unescaped = TRUE)` would lint on
  `grepl("[$]", x)` but not on `grepl("a", x)` since the \ 
latter does
  not use any regex special characters.

* `line_length_linter()` helpfully includes the line length in the
  lint message (#2057, @MichaelChirico).

* `conjunct_test_linter()` also lints usage like `dplyr::filter(x, A &
  B)` in favor of using `dplyr::filter(x, A, B)` (part of #884; #2110
  and #2078, @salim-b and @MichaelChirico). Option `allow_filter`
  toggles when this applies. `allow_filter = "always"` drops such
  lints entirely, while `"not_dplyr"` only lints calls explicitly
  qualified as `dplyr::filter()`. The default, `"never"`, assumes all
  unqualified calls to `filter()` are `dplyr::filter()`.

* `sort_linter()` checks for code like `x == sort(x)` which is better
  served by using the function `is.unsorted()` (part of #884,

* `paste_linter()` gains detection for file paths that are better
  constructed with `file.path()`, e.g. `paste0(dir, "/", file)` would
  be better as `file.path(dir, file)` (part of #884, #2082,
  @MichaelChirico). What exactly gets linted here can be fine-tuned
  with the `allow_file_path` option (`"double_slash"` by default, with
  alternatives `"never"` and `"always"`). When \ 
`"always"`, these rules
  are ignored. When `"double_slash"`, paths appearing to construct a
  URL that have consecutive forward slashes (`/`) are skipped. When
  `"never"`, even URLs should be constructed with `file.path()`.

* `seq_linter()` recommends `rev()` in the lint message for lints like
  `nrow(x):1` (#1542, @MichaelChirico).

* `function_argument_linter()` detects usage of `missing()` for the
  linted argument (#1546, @MichaelChirico). The simplest fix for
  `function_argument_linter()` lints is typically to set that argument
  to `NULL` by default, in which case it's usually preferable to
  update function logic checking `missing()` to check `is.null()`

* `commas_linter()` gains an option `allow_trailing` (default `FALSE`)
  to allow trailing commas while indexing. (#2104, @MEO265)

* `unreachable_code_linter()`
  + checks for code inside `if (FALSE)` and other conditional loops
    with deterministically false conditions (#1428, @ME0265).
  + checks for unreachable code inside `if`, `else`, `for`, `while`,
    and `repeat` blocks, including combinations with `break` and `next`
    statements. (#2105, @ME0265).

* `implicit_assignment_linter()` gains an argument `allow_lazy`
  (default `FALSE`) that allows optionally skipping lazy assignments
  like `A && (B <- foo(A))` (#2016, @MichaelChirico).

* `unused_import_linter()` gains an argument `interpret_glue` (default
  `TRUE`) paralleling that in `object_usage_linter()` to toggle
  whether `glue::glue()` expressions should be inspected for exported
  object usage (#2042, @MichaelChirico).

* `default_undesirable_functions` is updated to also include
  `Sys.unsetenv()` and `structure()` (#2192 and #2228, @IndrajeetPatil
  and @MichaelChirico).

* Linters with logic around the magrittr pipe `%>%` consistently apply
  it to the other pipes `%!>%`, `%T>%`, `%<>%` (and possibly `%$%`)
  where appropriate (#2008, @MichaelChirico).
  + `brace_linter()`
  + `pipe_call_linter()`
  + `pipe_continuation_linter()`
  + `unnecessary_concatenation_linter()`
  + `unnecessary_placeholder_linter()`

* Linters with logic around function declarations consistently include
  the R 4.0.0 shorthand `\()` (#2190, @MichaelChirico).
  + `brace_linter()`
  + `function_left_parentheses_linter()`
  + `indentation_linter()`
  + `object_length_linter()`
  + `object_name_linter()`
  + `package_hooks_linter()`
  + `paren_body_linter()`
  + `unnecessary_lambda_linter()`
  + `unreachable_code_linter()`

### Lint accuracy fixes: removing false positives

* `fixed_regex_linter()`

  + Is pipe-aware, in particular removing false positives around
    piping into {stringr} functions like `x |> str_replace(fixed("a"),
    "b")` (#1811, @MichaelChirico).

  + Ignores non-string inputs to `pattern=` as a keyword argument
   (#2159, @MichaelChirico).  * Several linters avoiding false positives
   in `$` extractions get the same exceptions for `@` extractions,
   e.g. `S4@T` will no longer throw a `T_and_F_symbol_linter()` hit
   (#2039, @MichaelChirico).

  + `T_and_F_symbol_linter()`
  + `for_loop_index_linter()`
  + `literal_coercion_linter()`
  + `object_name_linter()`
  + `undesirable_function_linter()`
  + `unreachable_code_linter()`
  + `yoda_test_linter()`

* `sprintf_linter()` is pipe-aware, so that `x %>% sprintf(fmt =
  "%s")` no longer lints (#1943, @MichaelChirico).

* `condition_message_linter()` ignores usages of extracted calls like
  `env$stop(paste(a, b))` (#1455, @MichaelChirico).

* `inner_combine_linter()` no longer throws on length-1 calls to `c()`
  like `c(exp(2))` or `c(log(3))` (#2017, @MichaelChirico). Such usage
  is discouraged by `unnecessary_concatenation_linter()`, but
  `inner_combine_linter()` _per se_ does not apply.

* `sort_linter()` only lints on `order()` of a single vector,
  excluding e.g. `x[order(x, y)]` and `x[order(y, x)]` (#2156,

* `redundant_ifelse_linter()` is aware of `dplyr::if_else()`'s
  `missing=` argument, so that `if_else(A, TRUE, FALSE, missing =
  FALSE)` doesn't lint, but `if_else(A, TRUE, FALSE, NA)` does (#1941,
  @MichaelChirico). Note that `dplyr::coalesce()` or
  `tidyr::replace_na()` may still be preferable.

### Lint accuracy fixes: removing false negatives

* `unreachable_code_linter()` finds unreachable code even in the
  presence of a comment or semicolon after `return()` or `stop()`
  (#2127, @MEO265).

* `implicit_assignment_linter()`
  + finds assignments in call arguments besides the first one (#2136, \ 
  + finds assignments in parenthetical expressions like `if (A && (B
  <- foo(A))) { }` (#2138, @MichaelChirico).

* `unnecessary_lambda_linter()` checks for cases using explicit
  returns, e.g. `lapply(x, \(xi) return(sum(xi)))` (#1567,
  + thanks to @Bisaloo and @strengejacke for detecting a regression in the \ 
original fix (#2231, #2247).

# lintr 3.1.0

## Deprecations & Breaking Changes

* `.lintr` files can now be kept in the directory `.github/linters`
  for better compatibility with Super-Linter. Note that this may be a
  breaking change if you already have a config in `.github/linters`
  inside a subdirectory as well as in your R project's root, since the
  former will now be discovered first where it was ignored
  before. Please see `vignette("lintr")` for details on how configs
  are discovered (#1746, @tonyk7440 and @klmr).

* `single_quotes_linter()` is deprecated in favor of the more
  generalizable `quotes_linter()` (#1729, @MichaelChirico).

* `unneeded_concatentation_linter()` is deprecated in favor of
  `unnecessary_concatenation_linter()` for naming consistency (#1707,

* `consecutive_stopifnot_linter()` is deprecated in favor of the more
  general (see below) `consecutive_assertion_linter()` (#1604,

* `no_tab_linter()` is deprecated in favor of `whitespace_linter()`
  for naming consistency and future generalization (#1954,

* `available_linters()` prioritizes `tags` over `exclude_tags` in the
  case of overlap, i.e., tags listed in both arguments are included,
  not excluded. We don't expect many people to be affected by this,
  and the old behavior was not made explicit in the documentation, but
  make note of it here since it required changing a test in lintr's
  own suite where `linters_with_tags()` implicitly assumed this

* `lint()`, `lint_dir()`, and `lint_package()` no longer accept
  certain arguments (`cache=` for `lint()`, `relative_path=` for the
  latter two) positionally. The `warning()` since 3.0.0 has been
  upgraded to an error.

## Bug fixes

* `linters_with_tags()` now includes the previously missing spaces
  around "and" when listing missing linters advertised by
  `available_linters()`.  This error message may appear e.g. when you
  update lintr to a version with new linters but don't restart your R
  session (#1946, @Bisaloo)

* `fixed_regex_linter()` is more robust to errors stemming from
  unrecognized escapes (#1545, #1845, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `get_source_expressions()` can handle Sweave/Rmarkdown documents
  with reference chunks like `<<ref_file>>` (#779, @MichaelChirico).
  Note that these are simply skipped, rather than attempting to
  retrieve the reference and also lint it.

* `assignment_linter()` no longer lints assignments in braces that
  include comments when `allow_trailing = FALSE` (#1701, @ashbaldry)

* `object_usage_linter()`

  + No longer silently ignores usage warnings that don't contain a
    quoted name (#1714, @AshesITR)
  + No longer fails on code with comments inside a multi-line call to
   `glue::glue()` (#1919, @MichaelChirico)

* `namespace_linter()` correctly recognizes backticked operators to be
  exported from respective namespaces (like `` rlang::`%||%` ``)
  (#1752, @IndrajeetPatil)

* `lint_package()` correctly finds a package from within a subdir if
  the `path` points to anywhere within the package (#1759, @AshesITR)

* Improved error behavior in `Lint()`, `lint()` and
  `xml_nodes_to_lints()` (#1427, #763, @AshesITR) + `Lint()` validates
  its inputs more thoroughly, preventing errors during `print.Lints`
  like "Error in rep.int(character, length) : invalid 'times' value:".
  + `lint()` no longer tries to create an expression tree with
  unexpected end of input errors, because they can be broken.  +
  `xml_nodes_to_lints()` warns if it can't find lint locations and
  uses dummy locations as a fallback.

* `linters_with_defaults()` no longer erroneously marks linter
  factories as linters (#1725, @AshesITR).

* Row names for `available_linters()` data frame are now contiguous
  (#1781, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `object_name_linter()` allows all S3 group Generics (see
  `?base::groupGeneric`) and S3 generics defined in a different file
  in the same package (#1808, #1841, @AshesITR)

* `object_usage_linter()` improves identification of the exact source of a lint

 + for undefined variables in expressions with where the variable is
   used as a symbol in a usual way, for example in a formula or in an
   extraction with `$` (#1914, @MichaelChirico).
 + for general usage warnings without location info (#1986 and #1917, @AshesITR)

* `function_left_parentheses_linter()` produces a more specific lint
  (and no longer fails) when the opening parenthesis is on a different
  line than `function` or the call name (#1953,
  @MichaelChirico). Thanks also to @IndrajeetPatil and @lorenzwalthert
  for identifying a regression in the initial fix, #1963.

## Changes to defaults

* Set the default for the `except` argument in
  `duplicate_argument_linter()` to `c("mutate", \ 
"transmute")`.  This
  allows sequential updates like `x |> mutate(a = b + 1, a = log(a))`
  (#1345, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `object_usage_linter()`
   + gains `skip_with` argument to skip code in `with()`
     expressions. To be consistent with `R CMD check`, it defaults to
     `TRUE` (#941, #1458, @IndrajeetPatil).
   + Handles backticked symbols inside {glue} expressions correctly,
     e.g. ``glue("{`x`}")`` correctly determines `x` was used (#1619,
   + Detects problems inside R4.1.0+ lambda functions (`\(...)`) (#1933, \ 

* `spaces_inside_linter()` allows terminal missing keyword arguments
  (e.g. `alist(arg = )`; #540, @MichaelChirico)

* `brace_linter()` allows empty braced expression on the same line
  (e.g. `while (updating_condition()) { }`) regardless of
  `allow_single_line` to match the corresponding behavior in
  {styler}. This is an expedient while the style guide on handling
  this case awaits clarification:
  https://github.com/tidyverse/style/issues/191.  (#1346,

* `undesirable_function_linter()` and `undesirable_operator_linter()`
  now produce an error if empty vector of undesirable functions or
  operators is provided (#1867, @IndrajeetPatil).

* New linters which are also included as defaults (see "New linters" \ 
for more details):
   + `indentation_linter()`
   + `quotes_linter()`
   + `unnecessary_concatenation_linter()`
   + `whitespace_linter()`

* `lint_package()` also looks for files in `exec/` (#1950, @jmaspons).

## New and improved features

* New `get_r_string()` helper to get the R-equivalent value of a
  string, especially useful for R-4-style raw strings.  Previously an
  internal `lintr` helper, now exported to facilitate writing custom
  linters (#1493, @MichaelChirico).

* `object_usage_linter()` improves lint metadata when detecting
  undefined infix operators, e.g. `%>%` or `:=` (#1497,

* `unused_import_linter()` can detect datasets from imported packages
  and no longer warns when a package is imported only for its datasets
  (#1545, @IndrajeetPatil).

* When a linter triggers an error, `lint()` will provide a more
  actionable summary of where the error occurred, particularly useful
  for cases like `lint_package()` where both the responsible file and
  the responsible linter would be unknown (@MichaelChirico).

  Typically, linters should not themselves cause R to stop -- syntax
  errors lead to error lints, for example. Please report such failures
  as they are likely bugs.

* `pipe_continuation_linter()` recognizes violations involving the
  native R pipe `|>` (#1609, @MichaelChirico)

* `paste_linter()` also catches usages like `paste(rep("*", 10L),
  collapse = "")` that can be written more concisely as \ 
  10L)` (#1108, @MichaelChirico)

* `spaces_inside_linter()` produces lints for spaces inside `[[`
  (#1673, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `sprintf_linter()` also applies to `gettextf()` (#1677,

* Documentation for all linters contains examples of code that does
  and does not produce lints (#1492, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `implicit_integer_linter()` gains parameter `allow_colon` to skip
  lints on expressions like `1:10` (#1155, @MichaelChirico)

* `infix_spaces_linter()` supports the native R pipe `|>` (#1793, @AshesITR)

* `unnecessary_concatenation_linter()`
  (f.k.a. `unneeded_concatenation_linter()`) no longer lints on
  `c(...)` (i.e., passing `...` in a function call) when
  `allow_single_expression = FALSE` (#1696, @MichaelChirico)

* `object_name_linter()` gains parameter `regexes` to allow custom
  naming conventions (#822, #1421, @AshesITR)

* `literal_coercion_linter()` reports a replacement in the lint
  message, e.g. code like `as.integer(1)` will suggest using `1L`
  instead, and code like `as.numeric(NA)` will suggest using
  `NA_real_` instead (#1439, @MichaelChirico)

* Added `format()` functions for `lint` and `lints` (#1784, @AshesITR)

* `all_linters()` function provides an easy way to access all
  available linters (#1843, @IndrajeetPatil)

* `missing_argument_linter()` allows missing arguments in `quote()`
  calls (#1889, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `get_source_expressions()` correctly extracts indented code chunks
  from R Markdown documents, which helps avoid spurious lints related
  to whitespace (#1945, @MichaelChirico). The convention taken is
  that, within each chunk, all code is anchored relative to the
  leftmost non-whitespace column.

* `available_linters()` gives priority to `tags` over `exclude_tags`
  in the case of overlap. In particular, this means that
  `available_linters(tags = "deprecated")` will work to return
  deprecated linters without needing to specify `exclude_tags` (#1959,

* The {lintr} configuration file is now searched in the system's user
  configuration path; the lintr config filename can also be configured
  explicitly by setting the environment variable `R_LINTR_LINTER_FILE`
  (#460, @klmr)

* Errors in the {lintr} configuration file now produce more
  informative error messages (#886, @AshesITR)

### New linters

* `matrix_apply_linter()` recommends use of dedicated `rowSums()`,
  `colSums()`, `colMeans()`, `rowMeans()` over `apply(., MARGIN, sum)`
  or `apply(., MARGIN, mean)`. The recommended alternative is much
  more efficient and more readable (#1869, @Bisaloo).

* `unnecessary_lambda_linter()`: detect unnecessary lambdas (anonymous
  functions), e.g.  `lapply(x, function(xi) sum(xi))` can be
  `lapply(x, sum)` and `purrr::map(x, ~quantile(.x, 0.75, na.rm =
  TRUE))` can be `purrr::map(x, quantile, 0.75, na.rm = TRUE)`. Naming
  `probs = 0.75` can further improve readability (#1531, #1866,
  @MichaelChirico, @Bisaloo).

* `redundant_equals_linter()` for redundant comparisons to `TRUE` or
  `FALSE` like `is_treatment == TRUE` (#1500, @MichaelChirico)

* `lengths_linter()` for encouraging usage of `lengths(x)` instead of
  `sapply(x, length)` (and similar)

* `function_return_linter()` for handling issues in function
  `return()` statements. Currently handles assignments within the
  `return()` clause, e.g. `return(x <- foo())` (@MichaelChirico)

* `boolean_arithmetic_linter()` for identifying places where logical
  aggregations are more appropriate, e.g.  `length(which(x == y)) ==
  0` is the same as `!any(x == y)` or even `all(x != y)`

* `for_loop_index_linter()` to prevent overwriting local variables in
  a `for` loop declared like `for (x in x) { ... }` (@MichaelChirico)

* `is_numeric_linter()` for redundant checks equivalent to
  `is.numeric(x)` such as `is.numeric(x) || is.integer(x)` or
  `class(x) %in% c("numeric", "integer")` (@MichaelChirico)

* `empty_assignment_linter()` for identifying empty assignments like
  `x = {}` that are more clearly written as `x = NULL`

* `unnecessary_placeholder_linter()` for identifying where usage of
  the {magrittr} placeholder `.` could be omitted (@MichaelChirico)

* `routine_registration_linter()` for identifying native routines that
  don't use registration (`useDynLib` in the `NAMESPACE`;

* `indentation_linter()` for checking that the indentation conforms to
  2-space Tidyverse-style (@AshesITR and @dgkf, #1411, #1792, #1898).

* `unnecessary_nested_if_linter()` for checking unnecessary nested
  `if` statements where a single `if` statement with appropriate
  conditional expression would suffice (@IndrajeetPatil and @AshesITR,

* `implicit_assignment_linter()` for checking implicit assignments in
  function calls (@IndrajeetPatil and @AshesITR, #1777).

* `quotes_linter()` is a generalized version of (now deprecated)
  `single_quotes_linter()`. It accepts an argument `delimiter` to
  specify whether `"` or `'` should be the accepted method for
  delimiting character literals. The default, `"`, reflects the
  Tidyverse style guide recommendation and matches the behavior of

* `unnecessary_concatenation_linter()` is simply
  `unneeded_concatenation_linter()`, renamed.

* `consecutive_assertion_linter()`
  (f.k.a. `consecutive_stopifnot_linter()`) now lints for consecutive
  calls to `assertthat::assert_that()` (as long as the `msg=` argument
  is not used; #1604, @MichaelChirico).

* `whitespace_linter()` is simply `no_tab_linter()`, renamed. In the
  future, we plan to extend it to work for different whitespace

## Notes

* {lintr} now depends on R version 3.5.0, in line with the tidyverse
  policy for R version compatibility.

* `lint()` continues to support Rmarkdown documents. For users of
  custom .Rmd engines, e.g.  `marginformat` from {tufte} or `theorem`
  from {bookdown}, note that those engines must be registered in
  {knitr} prior to running `lint()` in order for {lintr} to behave as
  expected, i.e., they should be shown as part of

  For {tufte} and {bookdown} in particular, one only needs to load the
  package namespace to accomplish this (i.e., minimally
  `loadNamespace("tufte")` or `loadNamespace("bookdown")`,
  respectively, will register those packages' custom engines; since
  `library()` also runs `loadNamespace()`, running `library()` will
  also work). Note further that {tufte} only added this code to their
  `.onLoad()` recently after our request to do so (see
  https://github.com/rstudio/tufte/issues/117). Therefore, ensure
  you're using a more recent version to get the behavior described
  here for {tufte}.

  More generally, there is no requirement that `loadNamespace()` will
  register a package's custom {knitr} engines, so you may need to work
  with other package authors to figure out a solution for other

  Thanks to Yihui and other developers for their helpful discussions
  around this issue (#797, @IndrajeetPatil).

* The output of `lint()` and `Lint()` gain S3 class `"list"` to assist
  with S3 dispatch (#1494, @MichaelChirico)

  + As a corollary, we now register an `as_tibble` method for class
  `lints`, conditional on {tibble} availability, to avoid dispatching
  to the `list` method which does not work with `lint()` output
  (#1997, @MichaelChirico)

* `object_usage_linter()` gives a more helpful warning when a `glue()`
  expression fails to evaluate (#1985, @MichaelChirico)

* The documentation of `object_name_linter()` now describes how `"symbols"`
works when passed to the `styles` parameter (#1924, @hedsnz).
   2022-12-18 03:47:04 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-lintr) Updated 2.0.1 to 3.0.2

# lintr 3.0.2

* Fix test to avoid leaving behind cache files in the global cache directory.

# lintr 3.0.1

* Skip multi-byte tests in non UTF-8 locales (#1504)

* `modify_defaults()` no longer uses the mistaken `"lintr_function"` \ 
S3 class, instead applying the
  `"linter"` class also common to `Linter()`. `Linter()` also includes \ 
`"function"` in the S3
  class of its output to facilitate S3 dispatch to `function` methods where \ 
appropriate (#1392, @MichaelChirico).

## Changes to defaults

* `brace_linter()` allows opening curly braces on a new line when there is
  a comment ending the preceding line (#1433 and #1434, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `seq_linter()` produces lint for `seq(...)`, since it also cannot properly
  handle empty edge cases (#1468, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `seq_linter()` additionally lints on `1:n()` (from {dplyr})
  and `1:.N` (from {data.table}) (#1396, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `literal_coercion_linter()` lints {rlang}'s atomic vector constructors
  (i.e., `int()`, `chr()`, `lgl()`, and `dbl()`) if the argument is a scalar
  (#1437, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `redundant_ifelse_linter()`'s lint message correctly suggests negation when
  the `yes` condition is `0` (#1432, @IndrajeetPatil).

* `seq_linter()` provides more specific replacement code in lint message
  (#1475, @IndrajeetPatil).

## New and improved features

* `unreachable_code_linter()` ignores trailing comments if they match a closing \ 
nolint block (#1347, @AshesITR).

* New `function_argument_linter()` to enforce that arguments with defaults \ 
appear last in function declarations,
  see the [Tidyverse design \ 
guide](https://design.tidyverse.org/args-data-details.html) (#450, @AshesITR).

* New `allow_trailing` argument added to `assignment_linter()` to check when \ 
assignment operators are at the
  end of a line, and the value is on the following line (#1491, @ashbaldry)

## New features

* `commented_code_linter()` now lints commented argument code, containing a \ 
trailing comma, as well (#386, @AshesITR).
  For example a comment containing `#  na.rm = TRUE,` now triggers a lint.

## Bug fixes

* `object_length_linter()` does not fail in case there are dependencies with no \ 
exports (e.g. data-only packages) (#1509, @IndrajeetPatil).
* `get_source_expressions()` no longer fails on R files that match a knitr \ 
pattern (#743, #879, #1406, @AshesITR).
* Parse error lints now appear with the linter name `"error"` instead \ 
of `NA` (#1405, @AshesITR).
  Also, linting no longer runs if the `source_expressions` contain invalid \ 
string data that would cause error messages
  in other linters.
* Prevent `lint()` from hanging on Rmd files with some syntax errors (#1443, \ 
* `get_source_expressions()` no longer omits trailing non-code lines from knitr \ 
files (#1400, #1415, @AshesITR).
  This fixes the location information for `trailing_blank_lines_linter()` in \ 
RMarkdown documents without terminal
* The `vignette("lintr")` incorrectly cited `exclude` as the key for \ 
setting file exclusions in `.lintr` when it is
  actually `exclusions`. (#1401, @AshesITR)
* Fixed file exclusion detection in `lint_dir()` so it no longer errors if there \ 
are multiple exclusions or no global
  exclusions configured for a single file (#1413, #1442, @AshesITR).

## Other changes

* The minimum needed version for soft dependency `{withr}` has been bumped to `2.5.0`
  (#1404, @IndrajeetPatil).
* Changed the deprecation warning for `with_defaults()` to also mention \ 
`modify_defaults()` (#1438, @AshesITR).

# lintr 3.0.0

## Breaking changes

* All linters are now function factories (i.e., functions that return functions) \ 
for consistency. Previously, only
  linters with customizable parameters were factories (#245, @fangly, @AshesITR, \ 
and @MichaelChirico).

  This means that usage such as `lint("file.R", seq_linter)` should be \ 
updated to `lint("file.R", seq_linter())`, and
  the following update for custom linters:

  my_custom_linter <- function(source_expression) { ... }

  # becomes
  my_custom_linter <- function() Linter(function(source_expression) { ... })
* Exclusions specified in the `.lintr` file are now relative to the location of \ 
that file
  and support excluding entire directories (#158, #438, @AshesITR).
* Removed long-deprecated linters (they've been marked as deprecated since \ 
v1.0.1 in 2017):
   + `absolute_paths_linter()`
   + `camel_case_linter()`
   + `multiple_dots_linter()`
   + `snake_case_linter()`
   + `trailing_semicolons_linter()`
* Removed `return()` from `all_undesirable_functions` because early returns \ 
(which often improve
  readability and reduce code complexity) require explicit use of `return()`. \ 
Follow #1100 for
  an upcoming `return_linter()` to lint unnecessary `return()` statements \ 
(#1146, @AshesITR).

  Note that you can replicate old behavior by supplying `return` as a custom \ 
undesirable function:
  `undesirable_function_linter(c(all_undesirable_functions, list(return = NA)))`

## Deprecations

* Lints are now marked with the name of the `linter` that caused them instead of \ 
the name of their implementation
  function. Deprecated the obsolete `linter` argument of `Lint()` (#664, #673, \ 
#746, @AshesITR). Downstream custom
  linters should follow suit.
* Renamed `semicolon_terminator_linter()` to `semicolon_linter()` for better \ 
  `semicolon_terminator_linter()` survives but is marked for deprecation. The \ 
new linter also has a new signature,
  taking arguments `allow_compound` and `allow_trailing` to replace the old \ 
single argument `semicolon`, again for
  signature consistency with other linters.
* The following linters were subsumed into `brace_linter()` and are now \ 
deprecated; see the item on `brace_linter()`
   + `closed_curly_linter()`
   + `open_curly_linter()`
   + `paren_brace_linter()`
* The `...` argument for `lint()`, `lint_dir()`, and `lint_package()` has been \ 
promoted to an earlier position to
  better match the [Tidyverse design \ 
principle](https://design.tidyverse.org/args-data-details.html) of
  data->descriptor->details. This change enables passing objects to `...` \ 
without needing to specify non-required
  arguments, e.g. `lint_dir("/path/to/dir", linter())` now works \ 
without the need to specify `relative_path`.
  This affects some code that uses positional arguments (#935, @MichaelChirico).
   + For `lint()`, `...` is now the 3rd argument, where earlier this was `cache`.
   + For `lint_dir()` and `lint_package()`, `...` is now the 2nd argument, where \ 
earlier this was `relative_path`.
* Deprecated argument `source_file` to exported functions `with_id()` and \ 
`ids_with_token()`. It has been renamed to
  `source_expression` to better reflect that this argument is typically the \ 
output of `get_source_expressions()`.
  For now, the old argument `source_file` can still be used (with warning). The \ 
now-private functional versions of many
  linters also underwent the same renaming (`source_file` -> \ 
`source_expression`). This has no direct effect on
  packages importing lintr, but is mentioned in case custom linters imitating \ 
`lintr` style had also adopted the
  `source_file` naming and want to adapt to keep in sync.
* Deprecated `with_defaults()` in favor of `linters_with_defaults()`, and add \ 
`modify_defaults()` which is intended to
  be used more generally to modify (i.e., extend, trim, and/or update) a list of \ 
defaults. Note that the argument
  corresponding to `with_defaults()`'s `default=` is called `defaults=` (i.e., \ 
pluralized) in both of these, and that
  usage like `with_defaults(default = NULL, ...)` should be converted to \ 
`linters_with_defaults(defaults = list(), ...)`
  (#1029, #1336, #1361, @AshesITR and @michaelchirico).
* Deprecated the `find_line()` and `find_column()` helpers from the item-level \ 
`expressions` returned with
  `get_source_expressions()`. These helpers were typically associated with \ 
regex-based logic for building linters,
  which is rarely needed and prone to false positives; now that lintr almost \ 
exclusively uses XPath-based
  logic for linters, these are no longer necessary (#1373, @MichaelChirico).

## Other changes to defaults

### Updates to `default_linters`

* New `brace_linter()` which combines several curly brace related linters, \ 
deprecating the following predecessors
  (#1041, @AshesITR):
   + `closed_curly_linter()`; both now also allow `}]` in addition to `})` and \ 
`},` as exceptions, i.e., `}` doesn't
     need to be on its own line if paired with a closing square bracket, a \ 
closing parenthesis, or a comma. Also
     improved lint metadata so that source markers land at the closing brace \ 
instead of the closing parenthesis to
     improve the experience of fixing the lint (#583, @AshesITR).
   + `open_curly_linter()`; both also no longer lint unnecessary trailing \ 
whitespace (use `trailing_whitespace_linter()`
     for this) and also allow `(`, `,`, and `%>%` on preceding lines as \ 
exceptions, i.e., `{` can be alone on a line if
     the previous line is terminated with an opening parenthesis, a comma, or a \ 
pipe (`%>%`) (#487, #1028, @AshesITR).
   + `paren_brace_linter()`; `brace_linter()` also lints `if`/`else` and \ 
`repeat` with missing whitespace.
   + `brace_linter()` also newly enforces the following rules surrounding curly \ 
braces (originally Google linters, see
      - Require `else` to come on the same line as the preceding `}`, if present \ 
(#884, @MichaelChirico).
      - Require functions spanning multiple lines to use curly braces (#987, \ 
      - Require balanced usage of `{}` in `if`/`else` conditions, i.e., if the \ 
`if` branch uses braces,
       then so must the `else` branch, and _vice versa_ (#983, @MichaelChirico).
* New `paren_body_linter()` checks that there is a space between a right \ 
parenthesis and a body expression (#809,
* Added `semicolon_linter()` as a default because it enforces a tidyverse style \ 
guide rule (#683, @AshesITR).
* `assignment_linter()` (#915, @MichaelChirico):
  + Right assignments are now linted by default (`->` and `->>`).
  + New argument `allow_cascading_assign` (`TRUE` by default) toggles whether to \ 
lint `<<-` and `->>`.
  + New argument `allow_right_assign` (`FALSE` by default) toggles whether to \ 
lint `->` and `->>`.
* `commented_code_linter()`: use the parse tree to find comments, eliminating \ 
some false positives (#451, @AshesITR).
* `equals_na_linter()` (#545, @MichaelChirico):
   + Extended to lint `x != NA` (before, only `==` was caught) and `NA == x` \ 
(before, only `NA` on RHS was caught).
   + Extended to skip usages in comments like `is.na(x) # use is.na(x), not x == NA`.
* `function_left_parentheses_linter()`: improved location information (#1266, \ 
#1267, @AshesITR).
* `infix_spaces_linter()`:
   + Added argument `allow_multiple_spaces` (`TRUE` by default) which toggles
     whether to generate a lint for operators used with multiple spaces, e.g. `x \ 
  +   2`.
     The default setting allows extra spacing to be used to increase
     line-to-line alignment (#940, @f-ritter and @MichaelChirico).
   + Extended so that usages like `a~b` and `function(a=1) { ... }` are linted \ 
(#930, #michaelchirico).
   + Added argument `exclude_operators` to disable lints on selected infix operators.
     By default, all "low-precedence" operators throw lints; see \ 
`?infix_spaces_linter` for an enumeration of these.
     (#914, @MichaelChirico).
   + Add an exception for `/` usage in `box::use()` declarations (#1087, @klmr).
* `line_length_linter()`: place the source marker at the margin of the affected \ 
line to improve user experience
  during de-linting -- just press <kbd>Return</kbd> (#735, @AshesITR).*
* `no_tab_linter()`: use more reliable matching (e.g., excluding matches found \ 
in comments; #441, @russHyde).
* `object_length_linter()`: correctly detect generics and only count the \ 
implementation class towards the length.
  This prevents false positive lints in the case of long generic names, e.g.
  `very_very_very_long_generic_name.short_class` no longer produces a lint \ 
(#871, @AshesITR).
* `object_name_linter()`:
   + Improved generic detection -- in user-defined method `my_method.upstream.class`,
     `upstream.class` no longer throws a lint because the generic (`my_method`)
     properly uses `snake_case` (#737, @AshesITR).
   + Exclude special R namespace hook functions such as `.onLoad()` (#500, #614, \ 
@AshesITR and @MichaelChirico).
   + Correctly detect imported functions when linting packages (#642, @AshesITR).
   + Correctly detect assignment generics like `names<-.class_name` (#843, \ 
   + Added new styles `"symbols"` and `"SNAKE_CASE"` (#494, \ 
#495, #615, #670, @MichaelChirico and @AshesITR).
      - `"symbols"` is a new default style which won't lint all-symbol \ 
object names. In particular, that means
        operator names like `%+%` are allowed.
   + No longer lints names used in `$` extractions (#582, @AshesITR).
* `object_usage_linter()`:
   + Detect global variables if there are top-level dollar-assignments (#666, \ 
   + Report usage warnings spanning multiple lines (#507, @AshesITR).
   + Detect usages inside `glue::glue()` constructs (#942, @AshesITR).
   + Extended to include functions assigned with `=` instead of `<-` (#1081, \ 
   + Detect functions exported by packages that are explicitly attached using \ 
`library()` or
     `require()` calls (#1127, @AshesITR).
   + Improved location information in some cases where the previous regex-based \ 
approach didn't work, e.g. unicode
     characters in variable names (#1285, @AshesITR).
   + Correctly detect functions declared within `assign()` and `setMethod()` \ 
(#1322, @AshesITR).
* `spaces_inside_linter()`: ignore spaces preceding trailing comments (#636, \ 
* `T_and_F_symbol_linter()`:
   + Added as a default because it enforces a tidyverse style guide rule (#517, \ 
   + No longer lint occurrences of `T` and `F` when used for subsetting, and \ 
give a better
     message when used as variable names (#657, @AshesITR).
* `trailing_blank_lines_linter()`:
   + Extended to lint files without a terminal newline (#675, @AshesITR).
   + Also, running `lint()` on a file without a terminal newline no longer \ 
throws a `warning()`.
* `trailing_whitespace_linter()`:
   + Extended to also lint completely blank lines by default (#1044, @AshesITR).
   + Added argument `allow_empty_lines` (`FALSE` by default) to toggle this behavior.
   + Improved so that trailing whitespace inside string literals does not \ 
trigger a lint (#1045, @AshesITR).
   + Added argument `allow_in_strings` (`TRUE` by default) to toggle this behavior.
* `undesirable_function_linter()`:
   + Added new functions to `default_undesirable_functions` related to debugging \ 
(#876, @MichaelChirico):
      - `browser()`
      - `debug()`
      - `debugcall()`
      - `debugonce()`
      - `trace()`
      - `untrace()`
   + No longer lints `library()` and `require()` calls attaching a package with \ 
an undesired name,
     e.g. `library(foo)` (#814, @kpagacz and @MichaelChirico).
   + No longer lints undesirable symbols if they are used as names in `$` \ 
extractions (#1050, @AshesITR).
   + Added more explanation why certain functions might be undesirable and what \ 
alternatives to use;
     ditto for `undesirable_operator_linter()` (#1133, #1146, #1159, @AshesITR).

### Other noteworthy changes

* `cyclocomp_linter()`: set the default `complexity_limit` to 15. This brings \ 
the default into sync with what
  is enforced via `default_linters` (#693, @AshesITR).
* `lint_package()` now lints files in the `demo` directory by default (#703, \ 
* Moved the default lintr cache directory from `~/.R/lintr_cache` (which was a \ 
violation of
  CRAN policy) to `R_user_dir("lintr", "cache")`. Note that \ 
3.0.0 is a major version update and invalidates
  the old cache anyway, so it can be safely deleted (#1062, @AshesITR).

## New and improved features

### New linters

* `backport_linter()` for detecting mismatched R version dependencies (#506, \ 
#1316, #1318, #1319, @MichaelChirico and
* `duplicate_argument_linter()` similarly checks that there are no duplicate \ 
arguments supplied to function calls (#850,
* `missing_argument_linter()` to check for empty (missing) arguments in function \ 
calls (#563, #1152, @renkun-ken and
* `missing_package_linter()` to check if packages in calls to `library()` and friends
  are missing (#536, #1037, @renkun-ken and @MichaelChirico).
* `namespace_linter()` to check for common mistakes in `pkg::symbol` usages \ 
(#548, @renkun-ken).
* `package_hooks_linter()` to run a series of checks also done by `R CMD check` \ 
on the `.onLoad()`, `.onAttach()`,
  `.Last.lib()` and `.onDetach()` hooks (#882, @MichaelChirico).
* `pipe_call_linter()` to enforce that all steps of `magrittr` pipelines use \ 
explicit calls instead of symbols,
  e.g. `x %>% mean()` instead of `x %>% mean` (#801, @MichaelChirico).
* `sprintf_linter()` to check for common mistakes in `sprintf()` usage (#544, \ 
#624, @renkun-ken and @AshesITR).
* `unused_import_linter()` to detect unnecessary `library()` calls in R scripts \ 
(#239, @jimhester, @AshesITR).

#### Google linters

Google is a heavy user of lintr internally, and has developed a large set of \ 
linters improving code consistency
and correcting common R usage mistakes. This release includes many of these \ 
linters that are
of general interest to the broader R community. More will be included in future \ 
releases. See, e.g.
#884, #979, #998, #1011, #1016, #1036, #1051, #1066, and #1067; special thanks \ 
to @MichaelChirico and @michaelquinn32.

* `any_duplicated_linter()` Require usage of `anyDuplicated(x) > 0L` over \ 
`any(duplicated(x))` and similar.
* `any_is_na_linter()` Require usage of `anyNA(x)` over `any(is.na(x))`.
* `class_equals_linter()` Prevent comparing `class(x)` with `==`, `!=`, or \ 
`%in%`, where `inherits()` is typically
* `condition_message_linter()` Prevent condition messages from being constructed \ 
like `stop(paste(...))`
  (where just `stop(...)` is preferable).
* `conjunct_test_linter()` Require usage of `expect_true(x); expect_true(y)` \ 
over `expect_true(x && y)` and similar.
* `consecutive_stopifnot_linter()` Require consecutive calls to `stopifnot()` to \ 
be unified into one.
* `expect_comparison_linter()` Require usage of `expect_gt(x, y)` over \ 
`expect_true(x > y)` and similar.
* `expect_identical_linter()` Require usage of `expect_identical()` by default, \ 
and `expect_equal()` only by exception.
* `expect_length_linter()` Require usage of `expect_length(x, n)` over \ 
`expect_equal(length(x), n)` and similar.
* `expect_named_linter()` Require usage of `expect_named(x, n)` over \ 
`expect_equal(names(x), n)` and similar.
* `expect_not_linter()` Require usage of `expect_false(x)` over \ 
`expect_true(!x)`, and _vice versa_.
* `expect_null_linter()` Require usage of `expect_null(x)` over `expect_equal(x, \ 
NULL)` and similar.
* `expect_s3_class_linter()` Require usage of `expect_s3_class(x, k)` over \ 
`expect_equal(class(x), k)` and similar.
* `expect_s4_class_linter()` Require usage of `expect_s4_class(x, k)` over \ 
`expect_true(methods::is(x, k))`.
* `expect_true_false_linter()` Require usage of `expect_true(x)` over \ 
`expect_equal(x, TRUE)` and similar.
* `expect_type_linter()` Require usage of `expect_type(x, t)` over \ 
`expect_equal(typeof(x), t)` and similar.
* `fixed_regex_linter()` Require `fixed = TRUE` or `stringr::fixed()` for \ 
regular expressions that can be
  expressed statically, e.g. `strsplit(x, "[.]")` can be `strsplit(x, \ 
".", fixed = TRUE)`.
   + Added parameter `allow_grepl` (default `FALSE`) to toggle whether `grepl()` \ 
usages should be linted.
     These might be treated separately because `grepl("^x", NA)` is \ 
`FALSE`; the `startsWith()` equivalent to
     get `FALSE` for missing input is clunkier, but more explicit: `!is.na(x) \ 
& startsWith(x, string)` (#1376, @MichaelChirico).
* `ifelse_censor_linter()` Require usage of `pmax()` / `pmin()` where \ 
appropriate, e.g. `ifelse(x > y, x, y)` is
  `pmax(x, y)`.
* `inner_combine_linter()` Require inputs to known-vectorized functions to be \ 
combined first rather than later,
  e.g. `as.Date(c(x, y))` over `c(as.Date(x), as.Date(y))`.
* `literal_coercion_linter()` Require using correctly-typed literals instead of \ 
direct coercion, e.g. `1L` instead of
* `nested_ifelse_linter()` Prevent nested calls to `ifelse()` like `ifelse(A, x, \ 
ifelse(B, y, z))`, and similar.
* `numeric_leading_zero_linter()` Require a leading `0` in fractional numeric \ 
constants, e.g. `0.1` instead of `.1`.
* `outer_negation_linter()` Require usage of `!any(x)` over `all(!x)` and \ 
`!all(x)` over `any(!x)`.
* `paste_linter()` lint for common mis-use of `paste()` and `paste0()`:
   + `paste0()` encouraged instead of `paste(sep = "")`.
   + `toString()` or `glue::glue_collapse()` encouraged instead of `paste(x, \ 
collapse = ", ")`.
   + Lint `sep=` passed to `paste0()` -- typically a mistake.
* `redundant_ifelse_linter()` Prevent usage like `ifelse(A & B, TRUE, \ 
FALSE)` or `ifelse(C, 0, 1)`
  (the latter is `as.numeric(!C)`).
* `regex_subset_linter()` Require usage of `grep(ptn, x, value = TRUE)` over \ 
`x[grep(ptn, x)]` and similar.
* `string_boundary_linter()` Require usage of `startsWith(x, ptn)` over \ 
`grepl("^ptn", x)` or `substr(x, 1, 3) == ptn`
  and similar.
* `strings_as_factors_linter()` Check for code designed to work before and after \ 
the `stringsAsFactors = FALSE` default
  change in R 4.0 by examining code for `data.frame()` usages susceptible to \ 
assumptions about the default value
  of `stringsAsFactors=`.
* `system_file_linter()` Prevent usage like \ 
`file.path(system.file("A", package = "pkg"), \ 
"B")` where simply
  `system.file("A", "B", package = "pkg")` is more \ 
concise and readable.
* `unreachable_code_linter()` Prevent code after `return()` and `stop()` \ 
statements that will never be reached
  (extended for #1051 thanks to early user testing, thanks @bersbersbers!).
* `vector_logic_linter()` Require use of scalar logical operators (`&&` \ 
and `||`) inside `if()` conditions and similar.
* `yoda_test_linter()` Require usage of `expect_identical(x, 1L)` over \ 
`expect_equal(1L, x)` and similar.

### Other features and improvements

* **Documentation**: Reorganize linter documentation into new tag-based Rd pages \ 
(#888, #1015, @AshesITR).
   + Each linter has its own help page.
   + `?linters` also links to tag help pages, collecting linters with a similar goal.
   + Each linter can have multiple tags.
   + `available_linters()`: new function to list available linters and their tags.
     This feature is extensible by package authors providing add-on linters for \ 
   + `available_tags()`: new function to list available tags.
   + `linters_with_tags()`: new function to help build a list of linters using tags.
* **Encodings**: lintr now supports non-system character Encodings. The correct \ 
the correct encoding
  is auto-detected from .Rproj or DESCRIPTION files in your project.
  Override the default in the `encoding` setting of lintr (#752, #782, @AshesITR).
* **Jenkins CI**: Support for writing comments to GitHub repo when running in \ 
Jenkins CI (#488, @fdlk).
* **Performance**: Optimized performance-critical functions in lintr, such as \ 
`get_source_expressions()` resulting in
  about 2x speedup in our test suite and even more for complex files (#1169, \ 
#1197, #1200, #1201, #1214, @MichaelChirico
  and @AshesITR). Average `lint_package()` execution time is down about 30% and \ 
the median package sees about 40%
* **Raw strings**: Several linters tightened internal logic to allow for raw \ 
strings like `R"( a\string )"`
  (#1034, #1285, @MichaelChirico and @AshesITR).
* **Selective exclusion syntax**: New syntax to exclude only selected linters \ 
from certain lines or passages.
  Use `# nolint: linter_name, linter2_name.` or `# nolint start: linter_name, \ 
  in source files or named lists of line numbers in `.lintr`. Note the terminal \ 
`.` is required.
  Also allows for partial matching as long as the supplied prefix is unique, e.g.
  `# nolint: infix_spaces.` works to exclude `infix_spaces_linter` (#605, #872, \ 
   + Added the linter name to lintrs output to facilitate discovery of the \ 
correct name (#1357, @AshesITR).
* Improved S3 generic detection for non-standard S3 generics where `UseMethod()` \ 
is called after several
  preceding expressions (#846, @jonkeane).
* New `sarif_output()` function to output lints to SARIF output (#1424, @shaopeng-gh)
* `extraction_operator_linter()`: no longer lint `x[NULL]` (#1273, @AshesITR).
* `is_lint_level()`: new exported helper for readably explaining which type of \ 
expression is required for a custom
  linter. Some linters are written to require the full file's parse tree (for \ 
example, `single_quotes_linter()`).
  Others only need single expressions, which is more cache-friendly (most \ 
linters are written this way to leverage
  caching) (#921, @MichaelChirico).
* `lint_dir()` excludes the `renv` and `packrat` directories by default (#697, \ 
* `lint()`: new optional argument `text` for supplying a line or lines directly, \ 
e.g. if the file is already
  in memory or linting is being done _ad hoc_ (#503, @renkun-ken).
* `seq_linter()`: improve lint message to be clearer about the reason for \ 
linting (#522, @MichaelChirico).
* `unneeded_concatenation_linter()`:
   + Correctly considers arguments in pipelines (`%>%` or `|>`; #573, \ 
#1270, @michaelquinn32 and @AshesITR).
   + New argument `allow_single_expression`, default `TRUE`, toggling whether \ 
`c(x)` should be linted, i.e.,
     a call to `c()` with only one entry which is not a constant. In some such \ 
cases, `c()` can simply be dropped,
     e.g. `c(a:b)`; in others, the parentheses are still needed, e.g. `-c(a:b)` \ 
should be `-(a:b)`;
     and in still others, `c()` is used for the side-effect of stripping \ 
attributes, e.g.
     `c(factor(letters))` or `c(matrix(1:10, 5, 2))`. In this last case, `c()` \ 
can (and should) in most cases
     be replaced by `as.vector()` or `as.integer()` for readability. In fact, we \ 
suspect it is _always_
     preferable to do so, and may change the default to `allow_single_expression \ 
= FALSE` in the future. Please
     report your use case if `as.vector()` does not suit your needs (#1344, \ 
* `use_lintr()`: new exported helper for creating a minimal `.lintr` \ 
configuration (#902, @AshesITR).
* `xml_nodes_to_lints()`: new exported helper for converting `xml_node` objects \ 
obtained using linter logic
  expressed in XPath into `Lint` objects (#1124, #1216, #1234, @MichaelChirico \ 
and @AshesITR).

## Bug fixes

* **RStudio**: Source markers are cleared when there are no lints (#520, @AshesITR).
* Error message for mismatched starts and ends of exclusion ranges is now more \ 
  (#571, #860, @AshesITR and @danielinteractive).
* Improved location information for R parse errors (#894, #892, @renkun-ken and \ 
* `get_source_expressions()`:
   + Fix possible error on invalid XML produced by \ 
`xmlparsedata::xml_parse_data()` (#559, @renkun-ken).
   + Fix handling zero-length variable name error (#566, @renkun-ken).
   + Malformed Rmd files now cause a lint instead of an error (#571, @AshesITR).
   + No longer fails if `getParseData()` returns a truncated (invalid) Unicode \ 
character as parsed text (#815,
   + Fixes the `text` value for `STR_CONST` nodes involving 1- or 2-width octal \ 
     (e.g. `"\1"`) to account for an R parser bug \ 
(https://bugs.r-project.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18323; #1056,
   + Handle Rmd inputs containing unevaluated code blocks with named format \ 
specifiers (#472, @russHyde).
* `line_length_linter()`: fix a bug causing duplicate lints for lines containing \ 
multiple expressions (#681, @AshesITR).
* `lint_package()`:
   + Warns and returns `NULL` if no package is found (instead of giving a \ 
peculiar error message; #776,
   + Stricter about what is considered to be a package -- folders named \ 
`DESCRIPTION` are ignored (#702,
* `linters_with_defaults()` (formerly `with_defaults()`):
   + No longer duplicates the `lintr_function` class when it is already present \ 
(#511, @AshesITR).
   + Warns if a named argument is `NULL` but its name is not in `defaults` \ 
(#1049, @AshesITR).
* `linters_with_defaults()` handles automatic naming of very long arguments \ 
correctly (#774, @MichaelChirico).
* `save_cache()` will now recursively create the cache directory; this avoids \ 
errors that could arise if any parent
  directories do not exist (#60, @dankessler).
* `spaces_left_parentheses_linter()`: fix a bug causing warnings like "In \ 
`parent == parent[before_operator_idx]`
  longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length" in \ 
nested expressions (#654, @AshesITR).

## Internals

* Added a new, more restrictive test workflow - `test-package` - that fails on \ 
warnings emitted by tests
  (#1263, #1272, @AshesITR).
* Added a secondary, more restrictive lint workflow - `lint-changed-files` - for \ 
newly written / modified code
  (#641, @dragosmg).
* Several optional `Imported` packages have become `Suggested` dependencies: \ 
`httr`, `testthat`, and `rstudioapi`.
  This should allow snappier CI builds for usages not relying on some more \ 
"peripheral" features of the package.
* Special thanks to @bersbersbers for early testing on the 3.0.0 changes.
* Switched CI from Travis to GitHub Actions, using the full tidyverse \ 
recommended `R CMD check`. Code coverage and
  linting are implemented using separate GitHub Actions workflows (#572, @dragosmg).
* Updated R CMD GitHub Actions workflow to check for R 3.6 on Ubuntu, instead of \ 
R 3.3, and for R 4.0 on Windows,
  instead of R 3.6 (#803, @ dragosmg).
* `lintr` now uses the 3rd edition of `testthat` (@MichaelChirico, @AshesITR, \ 
#910, #967).
   2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016)
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums

All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes

Could not be committed due to merge conflict:

The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched

./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz
./devel/eclipse/distinfo eclipse-sourceBuild-srcIncluded-3.0.1.zip
   2021-10-07 15:44:44 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3017)
Log message:
devel: Remove SHA1 hashes for distfiles
   2020-09-20 06:41:37 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
(devel/R-lintr) updated 2.0.0 to 2.0.1
# lintr 2.0.1

## New features

* Lintr now supports GitHub Actions and will print the lints as warning
  messages if lints are printed during an action.

## Minor fixes and features

* `single_quote_linter()` no longer causes a print issue when open quote
  appears at a column > than close quote (#457, @jamieRowen)
* `absolute_path_linter()` and `nonportable_path_linter()` now handle
  file-paths that are wrapped with double-quotes (#433, #437, @russHyde).
* `get_source_expressions()` has been changed to handle `expr_or_assign_or_help`
  tokens arising when parsing code containing equals-assignments in R-devel
  (#403, #456, @russHyde).
* `object_usage_linter` has been changed to ensure lint-position is indicated
  relative to the start of the file, rather than the start of a defining
  function (#432, @russHyde).
   2020-02-13 14:25:05 by Makoto Fujiwara | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
(devel/R-lintr) Convert TEST_DEPENDS to DEPENDS