./devel/php-xdebug, PHP extension for debugging

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 3.4.1nb1, Package name: php82-xdebug-3.4.1nb1, Maintainer: jdolecek

The Xdebug extension helps you debugging your script by providing
a lot of valuable debug information.
The debug information that Xdebug can provide includes the following:

* stack traces and function traces in error messages with:
o full parameter display for user defined functions
o function name, file name and line indications
o support for member functions
* memory allocation
* protection for infinite recursions

Xdebug also provides:

* profiling information for PHP scripts
* code coverage analysis
* capabilities to debug your scripts interactively with a debug client
* garbage collection statistics

Required to run:

Required to build:
[pkgtools/cwrappers] [devel/pcre2]

Master sites:

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-08 04:41:15 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (18)
Log message:
multiple PHP support

* Use PHP_BASE_VERS in DEPENDS if required.

   2025-01-10 16:48:01 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/php-xdebug: update to 3.4.1

3.4.1 (2025-01-06)

Fixed bugs:

* Fixed issue #2306: Segmentation fault on each HTTP request when not
  listening to debugging connections
* Fixed issue #2307: Segmentation fault due to a superglobal being a
  reference while checking for triggers
* Fixed issue #2309: Installation on Windows with PHP PIE failing
* Fixed issue #2310: xdebug 3.4.0 crashes php8.1-fpm after script execution
   2024-12-11 17:21:50 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/php-xdebug: update to 3.4.0

3.4.0 (2024-11-28)

New features:

* Fixed issue #2239: Add 'XDEBUG_IGNORE' GET/POST/COOKIE/ENV to make the
  step debugger ignore that specific request
* Fixed issue #2281: PHP 8.4 support


* Fixed issue #2261: Send control socket location in init packet

Fixed bugs:

* Fixed issue #2262: PHP 8.4: Closure names need different wrapping
* Fixed issue #2283: SoapClient usage causes segfault with codecoverage
* Fixed issue #2294: Nette Tester always crashes in all test jobs when
  running with XDebug 3.4.0beta1 active
* Fixed issue #2304: Seg fault on throw exception
* Fixed issue #2305: Segfault when checking whether to ignore creating a
  debug connection during shutdown functions
   2024-05-12 16:24:11 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/php-xdebug: update to 3.3.2

pkgsrc change: drop support for php80 (PHP 8.0).

3.3.2 (2024-04-15)

Fixed bugs:

* Fixed issue #2216: With PHP8.3 and Apache 2.4.58 error_reporting() causing
  Apache process to hang
* Fixed issue #2230: Crash when xdebug and blackfire extensions are active
* Fixed issue #2233: High and continuous Apache server CPU use
   2023-12-16 15:01:57 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/php-xdebug: update to 3.3.1

3.3.1 (2023-12-14)

Fixed bugs:

* Fixed issue #2220: Test failure

* Fixed issue #2221: Crash when other extensions run PHP code without the
  stack being initialised yet

* Fixed issue #2223: Xdebug's constants are not available with

* Fixed issue #2226: xdebug_get_function_stack(['from_exception']) does not
  always find stored trace

* Fixed issue #2227: Crash with return value and observers

* Fixed issue #2228: Return value can not be fetched with property_get if
  top frame is an internal function
   2023-12-14 16:44:20 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/php-xdebug: update to 3.3.0

3.3.0 (2023-11-30)

New features:

* Fixed issue #2171: Support for PHP 8.3

* Fixed issue #1732: Add support for flame graph outputs

* Fixed issue #2219: Add control socket on Linux to obtain information and
  initiate debugger or breakpoint

* Fixed issue #1562: Add 'local_vars' option to 'xdebug_get_function_stack'
  to include variables for each st

* Fixed issue #2194: Add 'params_as_values' option to
  'xdebug_get_function_stack' to return data as values

* Fixed issue #2195: Add 'from_exception' option to
  'xdebug_get_function_stack' to return the stack trace where an exception
  was thrown


* Fixed issue #2077: Bring back xdebug.collect_params

* Fixed issue #2170: Show contents of Spl's ArrayIterator

* Fixed issue #2172: Show contents of SplDoublyLinkedList and

* Fixed issue #2183: Bubble up exception message when using code evalution
  through protocol

* Fixed issue #2188: Step over with fibers does still step into fiber

* Fixed issue #2197: Add time index and memory to output of

* Fixed issue #2203: Increase default max nesting time out from 256 to 512

* Fixed issue #2206: Optimise debugger breakpoints checking

* Fixed issue #2207: Add filenames for include and friends to flamegraph

* Fixed issue #2217: xdebug://gateway pseudo host does not support IPv6

Fixed bugs:

* Fixed issue #450: "Incomplete" backtraces when an exception gets rethrown

* Fixed issue #476: Exception chaining does not work properly

* Fixed issue #1155: Local variables are not shown when execution break in

* Fixed issue #2000: Debugger evaluate expression: "can't evaluate

* Fixed issue #2027: Branch/path code coverage for traits drops trait name
  since 3.1.0

* Fixed issue #2132: Errors when mountinfo does not have enough information
  for finding systemd private tmp directory

* Fixed issue #2200: PECL package file has wrong max PHP version number, and
  peclweb refuses the package

* Fixed issue #2208: Superfluous `...` (three omission dots) in var_dump()

* Fixed issue #2210: Flamegraphs crash when using `start_with_request`

* Fixed issue #2211: File wrappers get wrong filename location in stack.

* Fixed issue #2214: Array keys aren't escaped in traces
   2023-07-30 06:57:04 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/php-xdebug: update to 3.2.2

3.2.2 (2023-07-14)

Fixed bugs:

* Fixed issue #2175: Crash with EXC_BAD_ACCESS in xdebug_str_create
* Fixed issue #2180: Crash on extended SplFixedArray
* Fixed issue #2182: Segfault with ArrayObject on stack
* Fixed issue #2186: Segfault with trampoline functions and debugger
   2023-04-24 15:42:42 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/php-xdebug: update to 3.2.1

3.2.1 (2023-03-21)

Fixed bugs:

* Fixed issue #2144: Xdebug 3.2.0 ignores xdebug.mode and enables all
* Fixed issue #2145: Xdebug 3.2.0 crash PHP on Windows if xdebug.mode = off
* Fixed issue #2146: apache2 segfaulting with version 3.2.0 on PHP 8.0
* Fixed issue #2148: Icon for link to docs in xdebug_info() HTML output does
  not always render correctly