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Collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 2.17.0,
Package name: py312-babel-2.17.0,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersBabel is a Python library that provides an integrated collection of
utilities that assist with internationalizing and localizing Python
applications (in particular web-based applications.)
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time/py-pytz] [
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Filesize: 9718.605 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2025-02-01) Updated to version: py312-babel-2.17.0
- (2024-10-14) Updated to version: py312-babel-2.16.0
- (2024-08-11) Updated to version: py311-babel-2.16.0
- (2024-05-06) Updated to version: py311-babel-2.15.0
- (2023-12-18) Updated to version: py311-babel-2.14.0
- (2023-10-27) Updated to version: py311-babel-2.13.1
CVS history: (Expand)
2025-02-01 19:29:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-babel: updated to 2.17.0
Version 2.17.0
* CLDR: Babel now uses CLDR 46,
* Dates: Allow specifying an explicit format in parse_date/parse_time
* Dates: More alternate characters are now supported by `format_skeleton`.
* Dates: Support short and narrow formats for format_timedelta when using \
* Messages: .po files now enclose white spaces in filenames like GNU gettext does.
* Messages: Initial support for `Message.python_brace_format`,
* Numbers: LC_MONETARY is now preferred when formatting currencies,
* Dates: Make seconds optional in `parse_time` time formats
* Dates: Replace `str.index` with `str.find`
* Dates: Strip extra leading slashes in `/etc/localtime`
* Dates: Week numbering and formatting of dates with week numbers was repaired
* General: Improve handling for `locale=None`
* General: Remove redundant assignment in `Catalog.__setitem__`
* Messages: Fix extracted lineno with nested calls,
* Messages: Fix of list index out of range when translations is empty,
* Messages: Fix the way obsolete messages are stored
* Messages: Simplify `read_mo` logic regarding `catalog.charset`
* Messages: Use the first matching method & options, rather than first \
matching method & last options,
Deprecation and compatibility
* Dates: Fix deprecation warnings for `datetime.utcnow()`
* Docs: Adjust docs/ to add compatibility with sphinx 8
* General: Import `Literal` from the typing module
* General: Replace `OrderedDict` with just `dict`
* Messages: Mark `wraptext` deprecated; use `TextWrapper` directly in `write_po`
2024-11-11 08:29:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (862) |
Log message:
py-*: remove unused tool dependency
py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
2024-10-14 08:08:41 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (21) |
Log message:
i*: clean up after python38 removal
2024-08-11 08:45:24 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-babel: update to 2.16.0.
Version 2.16.0
* CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 45 by @tomasr8 in :gh:`1077`
* Lists: Support list format fallbacks by @akx in :gh:`1099`
* Messages: Initial support for reading mapping configuration as TOML by @akx in \
* CLDR: Do not allow substituting alternates or drafts in derived locales by \
@akx in :gh:`1113`
* Core: Allow falling back to modifier-less locale data by @akx in :gh:`1104`
* Core: Allow use of importlib.metadata for finding entrypoints by @akx in :gh:`1102`
* Dates: Avoid crashing on importing localtime when TZ is malformed by @akx in \
* Messages: Allow parsing .po files that have an extant but empty Language \
header by @akx in :gh:`1101`
* Messages: Fix ``--ignore-dirs`` being incorrectly read (#1094) by @john-psina \
and @Edwin18 in :gh:`1052` and :gh:`1095`
* Messages: Make pgettext search plurals when translation is not found by \
@tomasr8 in :gh:`1085`
* Replace deprecated `ast.Str` with `ast.Constant` by @tomasr8 in :gh:`1083`
* CI fixes by @akx in :gh:`1080`, :gh:`1097`, :gh:`1103`, :gh:`1107`
* Test on Python 3.13 beta releases by @akx in
* Normalize package name to lower-case in by @akx in :gh:`1110`
* Add a mention to the docs that `format_skeleton(..., fuzzy=True)` may raise by \
@tomasr8 in :gh:`1106`
* Two hyperlinks (to CLDR) and some typos by @buhtz in :gh:`1115`
2024-08-10 08:29:30 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1) |
Log message:
py-babel: fix TEST_DEPENDS
2024-05-06 06:42:45 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-babel: updated to 2.15.0
Version 2.15.0
Python version support
* Babel 2.15.0 will require Python 3.8 or newer.
* CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 44
* Dates: Support for the "fall back to short format" logic for time \
delta formatting
* Message: More versatile .po IO functions
* Numbers: Improved support for alternate spaces when parsing numbers
* Upgrade GitHub Actions
* The Unicode license is now included in `locale-data` and in the documentation
2023-12-17 23:17:58 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-babel: update to 2.14.0.
Version 2.14.0
Upcoming deprecation
* This version, Babel 2.14, is the last version of Babel to support Python 3.7.
Babel 2.15 will require Python 3.8 or newer.
* We had previously announced Babel 2.13 to have been the last version to support
Python 3.7, but being able to use CLDR 43 with Python 3.7 was deemed important
enough to keep supporting the EOL Python version for one more release.
Possibly backwards incompatible changes
* ``Locale.number_symbols`` will now have first-level keys for each numbering system.
Since the implicit default numbering system still is ``"latn"``, \
what had previously
been e.g. ``Locale.number_symbols['decimal']`` is now \
* Babel no longer directly depends on either ``distutils`` or ``setuptools``; if \
you had been
using the Babel setuptools command extensions, you would need to explicitly \
depend on ``setuptools`` –
though given you're running ```` you probably already do.
* CLDR/Numbers: Add support of local numbering systems for number symbols by \
@kajte in :gh:`1036`
* CLDR: Upgrade to CLDR 43 by @rix0rrr in :gh:`1043`
* Frontend: Allow last_translator to be passed as an option to extract_message \
by @AivGitHub in :gh:`1044`
* Frontend: Decouple `pybabel` CLI frontend from distutils/setuptools by @akx in \
* Numbers: Improve parsing of malformed decimals by @Olunusib and @akx in :gh:`1042`
* Enforce trailing commas (enable Ruff COM rule and autofix) by @akx in :gh:`1045`
* CI: use GitHub output formats by @akx in :gh:`1046`
2023-10-27 11:04:24 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-babel: updated to 2.13.1
Version 2.13.1
This is a patch release to fix a few bugs.
* Fix a typo in ``_locales_to_names``
* Fix ``setuptools`` dependency for Python 3.12