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Setuptools plugin for Rust support
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 1.10.2,
Package name: py312-setuptools-rust-1.10.2,
Maintainer: minskimSetuptools helpers for rust Python extensions implemented with PyO3
and rust-cpython.
Required to run:[
devel/py-setuptools] [
lang/python37] [
textproc/py-toml] [
Required to build:[
Master sites:
Filesize: 302.065 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2024-10-03) Updated to version: py312-setuptools-rust-1.10.2
- (2024-08-05) Updated to version: py311-setuptools-rust-1.10.1
- (2024-02-25) Updated to version: py311-setuptools-rust-1.9.0
- (2023-10-31) Updated to version: py311-setuptools-rust-1.8.1
- (2023-10-28) Updated to version: py311-setuptools-rust-1.8.0nb1
- (2023-10-26) Updated to version: py311-setuptools-rust-1.8.0
CVS history: (Expand)
2024-11-11 08:29:31 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (862) |
Log message:
py-*: remove unused tool dependency
py-setuptools includes the py-wheel functionality nowadays
2024-10-03 10:41:44 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-setuptools-rust: updated to 1.10.2
1.10.2 (2024-10-02)
- Fix deprecation warning from use of `wheel.bdist_wheel`.
2024-08-05 07:37:32 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-setuptools-rust: updated to 1.10.1
1.10.1 (2024-08-04)
- Fix regression in 1.10.0 where editable builds would be built in release mode
1.10.0 (2024-08-03)
- Extend macOS build flags to iOS, tvOS and watchOS.
- Support Python 3.13.
- Add `SETUPTOOLS_RUST_PEP517_USE_BASE_PYTHON` environment variable to use the \
base interpreter path when running inside a virtual environment to avoid \
recompilation when switching between virtual environments.
- Delay import of dependencies until use to avoid import errors during a \
partially complete install when multiple packages are installing at once.
- Deprecate `--build-temp` argument to `build_rust` command (it does nothing).
2024-02-25 16:22:28 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-setuptools-rust: update to 1.9.0.
## 1.9.0 (2024-02-24)
### Changed
- Deprecate `py_limited_api` option to `RustExtension` in favour
of always using `"auto"` to configure this from `bdist_wheel`.
2023-10-31 21:22:54 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-setuptools-rust: updated to 1.8.1
1.8.1 (2023-10-30)
- Fix regression in `install_extension` crashing since 1.8.0.
2023-10-28 21:57:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (516) |  |
Log message:
python/ simplify a lot, and switch to 'installer' for installation
This follows the recommended bootstrap method (flit_core, build, installer).
However, installer installs different files than pip, so update PLISTs
for all packages using and bump their PKGREVISIONs.
2023-10-26 15:08:49 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
py-setuptools-rust: updated to 1.8.0
1.8.0 (2023-10-26)
- Drop support for Python 3.7.
- Remove direct imports from `pkg_resources`.
- Add support for setting a custom cargo profile with the \
`SETUPTOOLS_RUST_CARGO_PROFILE` environment variable.
2023-08-23 07:32:00 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
py-setuptools-rust: updated to 1.7.0
1.7.0 (2023-08-22)
- Remove direct imports from `distutils`.
- Include `py.typed` when packaging to denote that setuptools-rust includes type \
- Add support for `pyproject.toml` configuration using `[tool.setuptools-rust]` \
- Fix `plat_name` handling in the case `bdist_wheel.plat_name` is set via \
configuration file (e.g., `setup.cfg`).