./devel/ruby-actionmailer70, Email composition, delivery, and receiving (for Rails 7.0)

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Branch: CURRENT, Version:, Package name: ruby32-actionmailer70-, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Action Mailer -- Easy email delivery and testing

Action Mailer is a framework for designing email service layers. These
layers are used to consolidate code for sending out forgotten passwords,
welcome wishes on signup, invoices for billing, and any other use case that
requires a written notification to either a person or another system.

Action Mailer is in essence a wrapper around Action Controller and the Mail
gem. It provides a way to make emails using templates in the same way that
Action Controller renders views using templates.

Additionally, an Action Mailer class can be used to process incoming email,
such as allowing a blog to accept new posts from an email (which could even
have been sent from a phone).

This is for Ruby on Rails 7.0.

Required to run:
[mail/ruby-mail] [www/ruby-actionview70] [www/ruby-actionpack70] [devel/ruby-activejob70] [lang/ruby31-base]

Master sites:

Filesize: 30 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2024-02-24 15:49:29 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (16) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to

Update Ruby on Rails 7.0 and related pacakges to
This includes security fix:

	CVE-2024-26144 for devel/ruby-activestorage70
	CVE-2024-26146 for www/ruby-actionpack70

Action Pack

* Fix possible XSS vulnerability with the translate method in controllers


Active Storage

* Disables the session in ActiveStorage::Blobs::ProxyController and
  ActiveStorage::Representations::ProxyController in order to allow caching
  by default in some CDNs as CloudFlare

  Fixes #44136

  Bruno Prieto
   2023-09-10 16:19:02 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (20) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to 7.0.8

pkgsrc change: fix dependency of ruby-activestorage70

Active Support

* Fix TimeWithZone still using deprecated #to_s when ENV or config to
  disable it are set.  (Hartley McGuire)

* Fix CacheStore#write_multi when using a distributed Redis cache with a
  connection pool.  Fixes #48938.  (Jonathan del Strother)

Active Record

* Fix change_column not setting precision: 6 on datetime columns when using
  7.0+ Migrations and SQLite.  (Hartley McGuire)

* Fix unscope is not working in specific case


    Post.where(id: 1...3).unscope(where: :id).to_sql # "SELECT `posts`.* \ 
FROM `posts` WHERE `posts`.`id` >= 1 AND `posts`.`id` < 3"


    Post.where(id: 1...3).unscope(where: :id).to_sql # "SELECT `posts`.* \ 
FROM `posts`"

 Fixes #48094.  (Kazuya Hatanaka)

* Fix associations to a STI model including a class_name parameter

    class Product < ApplicationRecord
      has_many :requests, as: :requestable, class_name: \ 
"ProductRequest", dependent: :destroy

    # STI tables
    class Request < ApplicationRecord
      belongs_to :requestable, polymorphic: true

      validate :request_type, presence: true

    class ProductRequest < Request
      belongs_to :user

Accessing such association would lead to:

    table_metadata.rb:22:in `has_column?': undefined method `key?' for \ 
nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)

  (Romain Filinto)

* Fix change_table setting datetime precision for 6.1 Migrations
  (Hartley McGuire)

* Fix change_column setting datetime precision for 6.1 Migrations
  (Hartley McGuire)

Action View

* Fix form_for missing the hidden _method input for models with a namespaced
  route.  (Hartley McGuire)

* Fix render collection: @records, cache: true inside jbuilder templates

  The previous fix that shipped in 7.0.7 assumed template fragments are
  always strings, this isn't true with jbuilder.  (Jean Boussier)

Action Pack

* Fix HostAuthorization potentially displaying the value of the
  X_FORWARDED_HOST header when the HTTP_HOST header is being blocked.
  (Hartley McGuire, Daniel Schlosser)

Active Job

* Fix Active Job log message to correctly report a job failed to enqueue
  when the adapter raises an ActiveJob::EnqueueError.  (Ben Sheldon)


* Omit webdrivers gem dependency from Gemfile template (Sean Doyle)
   2023-08-26 17:29:22 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (14) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to (2023-08-22)

Active Support

* Use a temporary file for storing unencrypted files while editing
  [CVE-2023-38037] (2023-08-22)

* No changes between this and  This release was just to fix file
  permissions in the previous release.
   2023-08-11 16:14:44 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (14) | Package updated
Log message:
www/rails70: update to 7.0.7

Rails 7.0.7 (20223-08-10)

Active Support

* Fix Cache::NullStore with local caching for repeated reads.  (fatkodima)

* Fix to_s with no arguments not respecting custom :default formats
  (Hartley McGuire)

* Fix ActiveSupport::Inflector.humanize(nil) raising NoMethodError:
  undefined method `end_with?' for nil:NilClass.  (James Robinson)

* Fix Enumerable#sum for Enumerator#lazy.  (fatkodima, Matthew Draper,
  Jonathan Hefner)

* Improve error message when EventedFileUpdateChecker is used without a
  compatible version of the Listen gem.  (Hartley McGuire)

Active Model

* Error.full_message now strips ":base" from the message.  (zzak)

* Add a load hook for ActiveModel::Model (named active_model) to match the
  load hook for ActiveRecord::Base and allow for overriding aspects of the
  ActiveModel::Model class.

Active Record

* Restores functionality to the missing method when using enums and fixes.

* Fix StatementCache::Substitute with serialized type.  (ywenc)

* Fix :db_runtime on notification payload when application have multiple
  databases.  (Eileen M. Uchitelle)

* Correctly dump check constraints for MySQL 8.0.16+.  (Steve Hill)

* Fix ActiveRecord::QueryMethods#in_order_of to include nils, to match the
  behavior of Enumerable#in_order_of.

  For example, Post.in_order_of(:title, [nil, "foo"]) will now include \ 
  with nil titles, the same as Post.all.to_a.in_order_of(:title, [nil,
  "foo"]).  (fatkodima)

* Revert "Fix autosave associations with validations added on :base of the
  associated objects."

  This change intended to remove the :base attribute from the message, but
  broke many assumptions which key these errors were stored.  (zzak)

* Fix #previously_new_record? to return true for destroyed records.

  Before, if a record was created and then destroyed,
  #previously_new_record? would return true.
  Now, any UPDATE or DELETE to a record is considered a change, and will
  result in #previously_new_record? returning false.  (Adrianna Chang)

* Revert breaking changes to has_one relationship deleting the old record
  before the new one is validated.  (zzak)

* Fix support for Active Record instances being uses in queries.

  As of 7.0.5, query arguments were deep duped to avoid mutations impacting
  the query cache, but this had the adverse effect to clearing the primary
  key when the query argument contained an ActiveRecord::Base instance.

  This broke the noticed gem.  (Jean Boussier)

Action View

* Fix render collection: @records, cache: true to cache fragments as bare
  Previously it would incorrectly cache them as Action View buffers.  (Jean

* Don't double-encode nested field_id and field_name index values.
  Pass index: @options as a default keyword argument to field_id and
  field_name view helper methods.  (Sean Doyle)


* Update default scaffold templates to set 303 (See Other) as status code on
  redirect for the update action for XHR requests other than GET or POST to
  avoid issues (e.g browsers trying to follow the redirect using the
  original request method resulting in double PATCH/PUT).  (Guillermo Iguaran)
   2023-07-09 05:30:34 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (14) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to 7.0.6

Active Support

* Fix EncryptedConfiguration returning incorrect values for some Hash
  methods.  (Hartley McGuire)

* Fix arguments being destructed Enumerable#many? with block.  (Andrew

* Fix humanize for strings ending with id. (fatkodima)

Active Model

* No changes.

Active Record

* Fix autosave associations with validations added on :base of the
  associated objects.  (fatkodima)

* Fix result with anonymous PostgreSQL columns of different type from json.
  (Oleksandr Avoiants)

* Preserve timestamp when setting an ActiveSupport::TimeWithZone value to
  timestamptz attribute.  (fatkodima)

* Fix where on association with has_one/has_many polymorphic relations.


	Treasure.where(price_estimates: PriceEstimate.all)
	#=> SELECT (...) WHERE "treasures"."id" IN (SELECT \ 
"price_estimates"."estimate_of_id" FROM \ 


	Treasure.where(price_estimates: PriceEstimate.all)
	#=> SELECT (...) WHERE "treasures"."id" IN (SELECT \ 
"price_estimates"."estimate_of_id" FROM \ 
"price_estimates" WHERE \ 
"price_estimates"."estimate_of_type" = 'Treasure')

  (Lázaro Nixon)

* Fix decrementing counter caches on optimistically locked record deletion.

* Ensure binary-destined values have binary encoding during type cast.
  (Matthew Draper)

* Preserve existing column default functions when altering table in SQLite.

* Remove table alias added when using where.missing or where.associated.

* Fix Enumerable#in_order_of to only flatten first level to preserve
  nesting.  (Miha Rekar)

Action View

* No changes.

Action Pack

* No changes.

Active Job

* Fix error Active Job passed class with permitted?.  (Alex Baldwin)

Action Mailer

* No changes.

Action Cable

* Fix Action Cable Redis configuration with sentinels.  (Dmitriy Ivliev)

Active Storage

* Fix retrieving rotation value from FFmpeg on version 5.0+.

  In FFmpeg version 5.0+ the rotation value has been removed from tags.
  Instead the value can be found in side_data_list.  Along with this update
  it's possible to have values of -90, -270 to denote the video has been

  (Haroon Ahmed)

Action Mailbox

* No changes.

Action Text

* No changes.


* Avoid escaping paths when editing credentials.  (Jonathan Hefner)
   2023-06-27 15:39:05 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (14)
Log message:

Rails (2023-06-26)

Action Pack

*   Raise an exception if illegal characters are provide to redirect_to

    *Zack Deveau*
   2023-05-28 03:54:18 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (15) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to 7.0.5

7.0.5 (2023-05-24)

Changes are too many to write here, please refer
<https://github.com/rails/rails/releases/tag/v7.0.5> in detail.
   2023-03-15 14:35:17 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (15) | Package updated
Log message:
www/ruby-rails70: update to (2023-03-13)

Active Support

* Implement SafeBuffer#bytesplice


Action View

* Ignore certain data-* attributes in rails-ujs when element is
