./devel/ruby-iruby, Ruby kernel for Jupyter/IPython frontends

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 0.8.1, Package name: ruby32-iruby-0.8.1, Maintainer: ryoon

IRuby is a Ruby kernel for Jupyter project.

Master sites:

Filesize: 112 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-23 15:02:22 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-iruby: update to 0.8.1

0.8.1 (2025-02-16)

What's Changed

* Add support for jupyter widgets by @matt-do-it in #350
* Suppress "literal string will be frozen in the future" warning by @tikkss
  in #353
* Fix warnings in project by @simpl1g in #356
* restore support for IRB <= v1.13.0 by @sealocal in #358
* Restore ruby 2.6 and 2.5 in CI by @sealocal in #359
* Add Ruby 3.4 to CI by @kojix2 in #360
* Fix NoMethodError in backend by @edsinclair in #364
* 0.8.1 by @kojix2 in #366

New Contributors

* @matt-do-it made their first contribution in #350
* @tikkss made their first contribution in #353
* @simpl1g made their first contribution in #356
* @sealocal made their first contribution in #358
* @edsinclair made their first contribution in #364
   2025-02-09 10:25:33 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (4) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-iruby: update to 0.8.0

0.8.0 (2024-07-28)

What's Changed

* Hide output on assignment by @ankane in #312
* Introduce the new Application classes by @mrkn in #317
* Fix Gnuplot issues in Ruby 2.7 (#321) by @kojix2 in #322
* Add Ruby3.1 to CI by @kojix2 in #323
* Update README.md by @marek-witkowski in #324
* ci: upgrade actions/checkout by @kojix2 in #325
* Add Ruby 3.2 to CI for ubuntu by @petergoldstein in #327
* Default to true for store_history if not in silent mode by @gartens in
* Add Ruby 3.3 to CI for Ubuntu by @kojix2 in #331
* Remove Ruby 2.3 and 2.4 from CI by @kojix2 in #332
* Fix typos by @kojix2 in #335
* Format README.md and ci.yml by @kojix2 in #337
* Fix PlainBackend for irb v1.13.0 by @zalt50 in #339
* Added date to header by @ebababi in #342
* Update CI Configuration for IRuby by @kojix2 in #344
* Add logger and Remove base64 to Fix CI Tests by @kojix2 in #345
* Update CI trigger configuration by @kojix2 in #346
* 0.8.0 by @kojix2 in #347

New Contributors

* @marek-witkowski made their first contribution in #324
* @petergoldstein made their first contribution in #327
* @gartens made their first contribution in #330
* @ebababi made their first contribution in #342
   2024-10-14 08:46:10 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (325)
Log message:
*: clean-up after python38 removal
   2024-07-20 15:01:40 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
ruby-iruby: not for Python 3.9 anymore
   2023-08-14 07:25:36 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1247)
Log message:
*: recursive bump for Python 3.11 as new default
   2023-08-02 01:20:57 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (158)
Log message:
*: remove more references to Python 3.7
   2023-05-04 19:49:28 by Adam Ciarcinski | Files touched by this commit (1)
Log message:
ruby-iruby: not for Python 3.8
   2022-09-03 16:03:21 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) | Package updated
Log message:
devel/ruby-iruby: update to 0.7.4

0.7.1 (2021-06-21)


* Add support of to_iruby_mimebundle format method #304 (@mrkn)

Bug Fixes

* Prevent unintentional display the result of Session#send (@mrkn)
* Update display formatter for Gruff::Base to prevent warning (@mrkn)

0.7.2 (2021-06-23)

Bug Fixes

* Fix IRuby.table for Ruby >= 2.7 #305 (@topofocus)
* Fix PlainBackend to include modules #303 (@UliKuch, @mrkn)

0.7.3 (2021-07-08)

Bug Fixes

* Do not call default renderers when to_iruby_mimebundle is available (@mrkn)

0.7.4 (2021-08-18)


* Install zeromq library automatically #307, #308 (@mrkn, @kou)
* Remove pyzmq session adapter (@mrkn)
* Make cztop session adapter deprecated (@mrkn)