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Making tests easy on the fingers and eyes
Branch: CURRENT,
Version: 6.4.0,
Package name: ruby32-shoulda-matchers-6.4.0,
Maintainer: pkgsrc-usersshoulda-matchers provides Test::Unit- and RSpec-compatible one-liners that test
common Rails functionality. These tests would otherwise be much longer, more
complex, and error-prone.
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Filesize: 86.5 KB
Version history: (Expand)
- (2024-09-18) Updated to version: ruby32-shoulda-matchers-6.4.0
- (2024-03-24) Updated to version: ruby32-shoulda-matchers-6.2.0
- (2024-02-03) Updated to version: ruby31-shoulda-matchers-6.1.0
- (2023-09-03) Updated to version: ruby31-shoulda-matchers-5.3.0nb1
- (2022-12-18) Updated to version: ruby31-shoulda-matchers-5.3.0
- (2022-09-18) Updated to version: ruby27-shoulda-matchers-5.2.0
CVS history: (Expand)
2024-09-18 17:25:01 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers: update to 6.4.0
6.3.0 (2024-08-09)
What's Changed
Bug fixes
* Fix uniqueness check for a polymorphic association with STI by @matsales28
* Add default qualifier to define_enum_for matcher by @matsales28 (#1627)
* Add validating qualifier to enum matcher by @matsales28 (#1630)
* Add without_instance_methods qualifier to enum matcher by @vaot (#1636)
* Update dependencies of rails-6.1 gemfile by @matsales28 (#1621)
* Update dependencies of rails-7_1 gemfile by @matsales28 (#1619)
* Update dependencies of rails-7.0 gemfile by @matsales28 (#1620)
* Support deprecated status code symbols by @ioquatix (#1637)
* Remove useless logger require by @Earlopain (#1634)
6.3.1 (2024-08-13)
What's Changed
Bug fixes
* Ensure DefineEnumForMatcher#validating handles Hash enum values correctly
by @mi-wada (#1646)
6.4.0 (2024-08-16)
What's Changed
* Add Rails 7.2 compatibility by @theodorton (#1632)
2024-03-24 15:14:39 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers: update to 6.2.0
6.2.0 (2024-03-15)
Bug fixes
* Allow beginless and endless ranges in validates_inclusion_of by @pjpires
* Ensure uniqueness validation matcher works with STI by @matsales28 (#1610)
* Add against method in allow_value matcher by @EduardoSCosta (#1543)
* Add support for strict_loading option in association matchers by
@rhannequin and @laicuRoot (#1607)
* Add have_delegated_type matcher by @matsales28 (#1606)
* Add support for foreign_type qualifier on AssociationMatcher by
@matsales28 (#1609)
* Lazy load ActionController and Routing matchers for
ActionController::TestCase by @ilianah (#1613)
* Call dynamic-readme reusable workflow by @stefannibrasil (#1617)
* Update dependencies by @matsales28 (#1611)
* Fix inline documentation for is_greater_than in validate_comparison_of
matcher by @jeduardo824 (#1616)
* Fix forgotten colon in documentation by @hotoolong (#1612)
2024-02-03 16:46:34 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers: update to 6.1.0
pkgsrc change: update HOMEPAGE.
6.0.0 (2023-12-22)
Backward-incompatible changes
* Drop support for Rails 5.2 and 6.0 as well as Ruby 2.6 and 2.7 they've
been end-of-lifed by @dougmrqs and @HeitorMC.
The gem now supports Ruby 3.0+ and Rails 6.1+. (#1521, #1522, #1547, #1548)
Bug fixes
* Fix validate_uniqueness_of matcher not supporting column of the type
timestampz by @callahat. (#1544)
* Ensure that validation specs work for ActiveModel without ActiveRecord by
@stonefield. (#1580)
* Add normalize matcher by @stephannv. (#1558)
* Add validates_comparison_of matcher by @matsales28. (#1552)
* Add support for Ruby 3.2 by @petergoldstein. (#1536)
* Add support for Ruby 3.3.0-rc1 by @mtasaka and @VSPPedro. ([#1579], #1588)
* Add support for Rails 7.1 by @matsales28. (#1573)
* Add support for array attributes on validate_length_of matcher by
@jarenas9539. #1560
* Allow length validation on associations by @matsales28. (#1569)
* Improve have_db_index to better handle columns with multiple indexes by
@abrom. (#1542)
* Implement of_sql_type qualifier on have_db_column matcher by
@matsales28. (#1555)
* When an unrelated error is seen with negated allow_value, give a hint by
@matsales28. (#1570)
Thanks everyone for the contributions!
6.1.0 (2024-01-19)
Bug fixes
* Fix negative form of validate_numericality matcher by @matsales28 (#1603)
* Add support for negated matcher on have_secure_password matcher by
@amalrik (#1593)
* Add encrypt matcher to test usage of the encrypts macro by @theforestvn88
* Add query_constraints qualifier on the association matchers by @matsales28
* Remove array_column? helper from ValidateAbsenceOfMatcher by @jarenas9539
* Bump rubocop version to 1.59.0 by @VSPPedro (#1600)
* Update Ruby version to 3.3.0 by @VSSPedro(#1599)
* Fix link returning 404 by @VSPPedro (#1602)
* Add support for globally enabled frozen-string-literals by @amalrik
* Adjust typos in the documentation by @matsales28 (#1597)
2023-09-03 17:42:32 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (13) |
Log message:
Bump revision RUBY_RAILS_DEFAULT change.
2022-12-18 15:23:20 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers: update to 5.3.0
5.3.0 (2022-12-16)
* Add in: range matcher to validate_numericality_of. (#1512)
* Support :uuid column type for validate_absence_of matcher. (#1518)
Bug fixes
* Fix confusing error message from validate_inclusion_of matcher when used
against a polymorphic association. (#1523)
2022-09-18 14:32:00 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (3) |  |
Log message:
devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers: update to 5.2.0
pkgsrc changes: reduce pkglint warnings.
5.2.0 (2022-09-17)
* Add without_scopes method to enum matcher. (#1453)
* Add support for Ruby 3.1. (#1474)
* Add allow_blank method to validate_presence_of matcher. (#1499)
* Add support for Rails 7.0. No new Rails 7.0 features are supported, but
only existing features that broke with the upgrade. (#1506)
2022-02-12 14:42:29 by Takahiro Kambe | Files touched by this commit (2) |  |
Log message:
devel/ruby-shoulda-matchers: update to 5.1.0
5.1.0 (2021-12-22)
Bug fixes
* Fix the undefined method error for non rails project due to use of many? -
method from ActiveSupport. (#1459)
* Add array option support for have db column matcher. (#1465)
* Add enum attributes support for validate_absence_of matcher. (#1464)
2021-10-26 12:20:11 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (3016) |
Log message:
archivers: Replace RMD160 checksums with BLAKE2s checksums
All checksums have been double-checked against existing RMD160 and
SHA512 hashes
Could not be committed due to merge conflict:
The following distfiles were unfetchable (note: some may be only fetched
./devel/pvs/distinfo pvs-3.2-solaris.tgz