./emulators/stella, Multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator

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Branch: CURRENT, Version: 6.7nb7, Package name: stella-6.7nb7, Maintainer: pkgsrc-users

Stella is a freely distributed multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator;
originally developed by Bradford W. Mott. Stella allows you to enjoy all
of your favorite 2600 games once again by emulating the 2600's hardware
with software.

Required to run:
[sysutils/desktop-file-utils] [graphics/hicolor-icon-theme] [graphics/png] [devel/SDL2]

Required to build:
[pkgtools/x11-links] [x11/xcb-proto] [x11/fixesproto4] [pkgtools/cwrappers] [lang/gcc6] [x11/xorgproto]

Master sites:

Filesize: 10039.281 KB

Version history: (Expand)

CVS history: (Expand)

   2025-02-12 07:45:45 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (850)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/flac-1.5.0
   2024-04-06 10:07:18 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (1490)
Log message:
* recursive bump for libxkbcommon 1.7.0

Marc Baudoin reported problems with using old binary packages
with the new libkxbcommon, so force everything to 1.7.0
   2024-01-30 15:22:43 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (672)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/pulseaudio-17.0
   2023-07-18 20:02:47 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (17)
Log message:
emulators: Adapt packages (where possible) to USE_(CC|CXX)_FEATURES
   2023-07-13 15:45:43 by Nia Alarie | Files touched by this commit (22)
Log message:
*: remove all instances of GCC_REQD where my name is the most recent in
"cvs annotate" (part 1)

Hopefully this commit can be reviewed later if a better replacement
for GCC_REQD is committed.
   2023-05-06 21:09:54 by Ryo ONODERA | Files touched by this commit (687)
Log message:
*: Recursive revbump from audio/libopus 1.4
   2023-01-12 11:25:26 by Thomas Klausner | Files touched by this commit (2)
Log message:
stella: add missing png files to PLIST

   2023-01-09 19:16:33 by Frederic Cambus | Files touched by this commit (2) | Package updated
Log message:
stella: update to 6.7.

6.6 to 6.7 (June 13, 2022)

    - Because of fixes to JSON handling, all remappings will be reset
      to defaults; if you had custom mappings, they will need to be
      re-entered again.
    - Because of internal changes, all state files are now invalid.

  * Completely reworked the file launcher:
    - Redesigned user interface
    - Added tracking of user favorites, recently played and most popular
    - Added virtual directories for selecting tracked games
    - Added quick path navigation
    - Added navigation history
    - Added icons for files and directories
    - Added option to show/hide file extensions
    - Extended context menu and shortcuts
    - Fixed sluggish behaviour when reading large and/or invalid files

  * Added hotkey display to tooltips.

  * Added option to automatically pause emulation when focus is lost.

  * Added option to toggle autofire mode.

  * Improved controller mappings for Paddles.

  * Improved controller mappings for Driving controllers.

  * Improved Mindlink support.

  * Added another oddball TIA glitch option for score mode color.

  * Enhanced TV jitter emulation (TODO: doc).

  * Enhanced support for CDFJ+ bankswitching type.

  * Added 0FA0 bankswitching for Fotomania ROMs.

  * Added ARM chip auto detection.

  * Extended support for older BUS (experimental) ROMs that worked
    with an older, obsolete version of the BUS scheme; special thanks
    to SpiceWare for the code.

  * Fixed Stella crash due to invalid ZIP files.

  * Fixed TV mode auto detection in some ARM ROMs.

  * Fixed color loss when switching TV mode from/to PAL.

  * Fixed score mode glitch emulation corner case.

  * Fixed state messages staying on screen forever.

  * Added M1 support for the macOS build.

  * Debugger improvements:
    - added PlusROM information
    - fixed patching code in ZP-RAM
    - improved bank origin detection

  * Updated internal ROM properties database to ROM-Hunter version 17
    (thanks go to RomHunter for his tireless research in this area).
    Related to this, updated the snapshot collection.