Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/textproc/chasen
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2004-05-06 15:32:11
Message id:

Log Message:
Update chasen's version to 2.3.3.

ChaSen 2.3.3 (2003/08/16)
- bug fix
- print null strings with empty readings and pronunciations.
- read the paths of chasenrc and grammar files from the registry
  on Windows.

ChaSen 2.3.2 (2003/08/01)
- bug fix
- new dictionary format for registoring conjugation form specified

ChaSen 2.3.1 (2003/06/19)
- removed PATDIC, SUFDIC
- introduced -i option (Character Encoding)
        (e: EUC-JP, s:Shift_JIS, w:UTF-8, a:ISO-8859-1)

ChaSen 2.3.0 (2003/02/24)
- introduced a double array library "Darts" for dictionary look up
- bug fix for sortdic
- extension for the module reading `cforms.cha'
    -- to change BASE_FORM name
- increased the number of dictionaries (*.int/pat/ary) from 5 to 32.
- removed server and client mode
- removed command interpreter
