Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-Test-Pod
From: Thomas Klausner
Date: 2010-03-15 13:23:57
Message id:

Log Message:
Update to 1.42:

1.42 - 2010-03-10T19:41:20
    * Fixed invalid Pod link. Thanks to Markus Sonderegger.
    * Changed license in the POD to "Same as Perl" to match the \ 
license listed in
    * Changed `Build.PL` to require Module::Build 0.30. It already does in
      `configure_requires`, but also doing so on the `use` line helps provide
      a more useful error message in older toolchain tools that don't use
    * Updated `MANIFEST` so that the `README` is actually included in the
    * Now recognizes `.bat` files as Perl files when they contain
      "--*-Perl-*--" on the first line. Thanks to Olivier 'dolmen' \ 
Mengué for
      the patch (RT #46973).
    * `all_pod_files_ok()` now operates on directories as well as files.
      Thanks to Adriano Ferreira for the patch (RT #33025).
    * Files with no POD now have " (no pod)" added to test name. Thanks to
      Adriano Ferreira for the patch (RT #34955).
    * Updated documentation to note that `.PL` files are considered Perl
      files. Thanks to Adriano Ferreira for the spot (RT #34955).
    * `all_pod_files_ok()` now lets `pod_file_ok()` set the default test name,
      rather than doing so itself. Thanks to Adriano Ferreira for the spot (RT
