Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/inputmethod/ibus-el
From: OBATA Akio
Date: 2011-01-24 08:34:47
Message id:

Log Message:
Update ibus-el to 0.2.1.

2010-11-03  IRIE Shinsuke <>
	* Version0.2.1
	* Added support for vim-mode
	* Added libexec directories to search paths for `ibus-agent-file-name'
	* Changed to execute fallback command in latin mode to simulate original
	behavior for the key event (IBus issue #1058)
	* Modified custom types of `ibus-kana-onbiki-x-keysym' and
	`ibus-kana-onbiki-key-symbol' so that they can be disabled
	* Modified to reset cursor color in consideration of color themes
	* Modified not to unnecessarily set cursor color for non-X frame
	* Modified not to unnecessarily check current buffer while command is running
	* Fixed bug: Keymap might not be updated when switching input focus from
	non-X frame to X frame
	* Fixed bug: ibus-mode is abnormally exited when automatically turning off
	monitor for power saving
	* Fixed bug: If starting emacs-w3m in one of multiple frames, ibus-mode's
	keymaps are incorrectly disabled in one of the other buffers
	* Fixed problem (maybe): ibus-el-agent crashes if failing to connect to
	X display when ibus-mode starts or display is changed (RH bug #627358)
