Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/www/typo3
From: Takahiro Kambe
Date: 2011-02-26 04:03:00
Message id:

Log Message:
Update typo3 package to 4.5.2.  This is maintenance release.

2011-02-26  Ernesto Baschny  <>

	* Release of TYPO3 4.5.2

2011-02-25  Steffen Kamper  <>

	* Fixed bug #17772: Repository update deletes description of repository
	* Fixed bug #17769: Em use wrong property for db updates
	* Removed double applied patch in tx_em_tools

2011-02-25  Ernesto Baschny  <>

	* Merged Linkvalidator 1.0.2 to be included in 4.5.2 (Thanks to Michael Miousse \ 
and Christopher Stelmaszyk)
	* Fixed bug #17728: PHP warning in page module (e.g. in TemplaVoila) with \ 
active open_basedir
	* Fixed bug #17732: Install Tool doing Fatal error when APC PHP module is \ 
loaded (no session is stored)

2011-02-25  Stefan Galinski  <>

	* Fixed bug #17431: "Show Page" in contextmenu results in new browser \ 
window (Thanks to Simon Schaufelberger)

2011-02-24  Steffen Kamper  <>

	* Fixed bug #16788: Flexform inputfields remain empty (Thanks to Andreas Kiessling)
	* Fixed bug #17735: Class 'tx_em_XmlException' not found when Retrieve / Update
	* Fixed bug #17692: Updating translations does not work anymore
	* Fixed bug #17758: EM: After update repository the info labels are not updated
	* Fixed bug #13309 Text on "Settings" tab needs more space
	* Fixed bug #13310: PHP Warning "array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an \ 
array" in class.tx_em_settings.php
	* Fixed bug EM rev 4188: Reimplemented removed function in em_tools and deprecate it
	* Renewed fix #17701: Generated t3x are corrupted in 4.5.1-dev and trunk
