Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/math/maxima
Date: 2014-03-11 21:16:32
Message id:

Log Message:
Upcate to 5.32.1

   Maxima 5.32 change log

   Changes not backward compatible:

 * share function graph2d: removed in favor of plot2d

   New items in core:

 * function limit: limits for fresnel_c and fresnel_s
 * function plot2d: adaptive plotting for parametric plots
 * functions round, truncate: distribute over lists and other aggregate types
 * function zn_characteristic_factors: Shanks characteristic factors

   New items in share:

 * new package smath: glue code for SMath Studio (notebook interface)
 * new package logic: some functions for Boolean expressions
 * package lapack: new function zheev (eigenvalues of Hermitian matrix)

   Changes in core:

 * function labels: make 'labels' an ordinary function (not argument-quoting)
 * plotting: more general color specification
 * plotting: rework plot options machinery
 * plotting: introduce some new options

   Other changes:

 * Build and install mgnuplot.exe under windows

   Bug fixes:

 2668 Bigfloat Gamma Inaccurate for Small Inputs
 2666 plotdf ignores first of [x, ...] or [y, ...] if there are no other options
 2662 Maxima manual adjust
 2660 lapack puts binary files in binary/binary-$foo/share/lapack/binary-$foo/lapack
 2659 bug_report() directions for creating ticket need updating
 2649 Correction for $matrix evaluation
 2639 limit asks about internal variable
 2634 zgeev does not operate on real matrices
 2633 ev(integrate,numer) gives strange result
 2630 inverse_jacobi_cn(-2.0, 3.0) generates an error
 2629 elliptic_kc(3.0) not accurate
 2628 fourier elimination on equality
 2624 Erroneous limit result
 2615 Numeric evaluation of inverse Jacobi elliptic functions is wrong for some \ 
 2282 Problem in LISP with times function in sym

 unnumbered bugs:

 mailing list 2013-09-26: transcendental functions and compilation
 mailing list 2007-04-02: fixes a bug in plot2d-discrete
 GCL bug #40646 fixed (problem actually in Maxima)
 workaround GCL bug #40154 (some float literals parsed incorrectly)
 ensure that 'sign' does not make any changes to assume database.
 fix Postscript plotting on windows
 fix limit(-(3*n^2 + 1)*(-1)^n/sqrt(n^5 + 8*n^3 + 8),n,inf);
 fix bug in ldisplay and ldisp: need to display %t label
 fix: inv_mod(0,1) should return false
 fix cyclic-p, gf-eval, gf-irr-p
 fix gf-cminus-b, gf-prim-p
 fix bug in computing (.75b0+%i*1.5b0)^(%i/4)
 fix "describe" returning wrong entry with texinfo version 5
 plots using the dumb gnuplot terminal were not being displayed in the terminal \ 
when the gnuplot_pipes is used

   Maxima 5.31 change log

   Changes in core:

 * Galois fields: revision, introduction of extension fields
 * inverse_jacobi_sn: improve accuracy
 * Bessel functions: integral of bessel_i, bessel_j of arbitrary order
 * matrix functions: revise ModeMatrix, mat_function, dispJordan, diag, JF
 * signum: do not declare signum real- or integer-valued
 * carg: declare carg real-valued
 * parser: add L, l, W, and w to list of exponent marker characters

   Changes in share:

 * package stringproc: new functions readchar, md5sum, base64

   Other changes:

 * documentation: minor changes to make Texinfo 5 happy
 * build system: changes to make Maxima build correctly on Windows

   Bug fixes:

 * 2622 base64 type warnings
 * 2619 Function inverse_erf - error in numerical evaluation
 * 2612 known_units() broken
 * 2608 quad_qags(x,x) generates a lisp error
 * 2607 lbfgs documentation is incomplete
 * 2604 fft.dem is out of date
 * 2603 fft documentation
 * 2602 lu_factor regression
 * 2599 cl-info error handling
 * 2597 logcontract and subscripted log
 * 2594 Incorrect integration of product of cosines
 * 2591 risch gives Lisp error for sinh expression
 * 2583 sign error for integrate(x^(8*%i-1),x);
 * 2570 Make acos(cos(x)) simplify to x when on correct interval
 * 2569 translate rat(1,x) and rat([1]) incorrect
 * 2536 Lisp error in limit: \
 * 2501 %pi/8 is definitely not an integer
 * 2475 limit(x^(mu/x^g),x,inf) --> error

 unnumbered bugs:

 * mailing list 2013-05-22: "array-lambda error with 5.30.0"
 * mailing list 2013-05-07: "defrule regression compare to version 5.29.1"
 * fix rk() when the independent variable's initial value is nonzero
 * fix bug in asksign
 * fix wrong noun form returned for jacobi_nc(elliptic_kc(m)/n,m)

   Maxima 5.30 change log

   Changes not backward compatible:

 * function gf_set: renamed to gf_set_data

   Other changes:

 * function bfzeta: extend to complex plane
 * function gf_set: return a structure
 * function gf_exp: allow negative exponents
 * functions plot2d, plot3d: accept subscripted variables as independent variables
 * package dynamics: revise function rk
 * package ezunits: new functions expand_dimensional, solve_dimensional, other \ 
 * package linearalgebra(??): revise mat_function
 * ??: revise functions jordan, JF, diag

   Bug fixes:

 ??: limit((log(y+h)-log(y))/h,h,0,plus)
 2561: limit(log(x^2),x,-20) gives 2*log(-20)
 2557: abs_integrate leaks assumptions into enclosing context
 2541: (FIXED??)
 2531: Integration with inf
 2529: limit(x^n,x,minf) gives minf for n positive
 2528: imagpart etc. wrong when var declared real and complex
 2527: exponent too big in limit
 2509: fresnel_s incorrect for small values
 2458: to_poly_solve gives a wrong solution for cos(x)=sin(3x)
 2449: cabs(expr) fails when expr is 0
 2442: arrayinfo gives a Lisp error
 2412: Problems with integral (x/(exp(x)+1),x,0,inf)
 2219: tex2ooo literals format
  472: ctrl-D causes Maxima debugger to loop endlessly (clisp only)

 unnumbered bugs:

 mailing list circa 2013-03-30: load_pathname unset with maxima -b
 mailing list 2013-02-21: gamma_incomplete_regularized(a,0) returning the wrong \ 
noun form
 mailing list 2012-12-23: "let(simp) behaves different when loaded from \ 
batch file"
 mailing list 2012-12-14: "Maxima won,t pull out a constant from a linear \ 
 bern() with zerobern:false
 clean up facts introduced by sign functions
