Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/devel/p5-CPAN
From: Makoto Fujiwara
Date: 2015-03-15 14:16:17
Message id:

Log Message:
Update 2.05 to 2.10 (PKGVERSION is 2.0500 to 2.1000)
2015-03-13  k  <>
	* release 2.10
	* same code as 2.10-TRIAL

2015-02-22  k  <>
	* release 2.10-TRIAL
	* Fix Makefile/Build file test in prereq_pm (Craig A. Berry; RT 98265)
	* Don't use list assignment to %ENV in Distribution::make (Craig A.
	Berry; RT 98265)

	* Bump $VERSION in changed modules (for integration into blead, post
	5.21.9) (Steve Hay)

	* bump requirement for on Windows (Alexandr Ciornii)

2015-02-02  k  <>
	* release 2.09-TRIAL
	* tune verbosity of failing tests in 30shell.t (Andreas Koenig)
	* find or fetch MIRRORED.BY -- github #84 (brian d foy)
	* bump $VERSION in modules changed since CPAN-2.00 -- github #83 (Steve

2015-01-05  k  <>
	* release 2.08-TRIAL
	* fixes binary test files github #81 (brian d foy)

2015-01-04  k  <>
	* release 2.07-TRIAL
	* add support for Cwd::getdcwd and introduce workaround for a
	misbehaviour seen on Strawberry perl 5.20.1 (Andreas Koenig)

	* fixes bug that possibly CPAN::Meta::Requirements was not loaded in
	time (Andreas Koenig)

	* silences unini warnings from missing environment variables (tlhackque)
	* fixes chdir after building dependencies bug github #79 and #80 (David

	* some new and some improved distroprefes files, and some have gone too
	(Andreas Koenig, Slaven Rezic)

	* introduces experimental support for plugins/hooks (#apw2014 in
	Salzburg; Andreas Koenig, Branislav Zahradnik)

	* catches more user errors on the 'o conf' commandline (Andreas Koenig)
	* integrates the App::Cpan sources taken over from brian with lots of
	cleanup from him, so that they have less chance to digress (brian d foy)

	* fixes clear_credentials that were completely broken (Len Jaffe)
	* fixes typos (David Horner)

2014-08-06  k  <>
	* release 2.06-TRIAL
	* lazy load CPAN::Meta::Requirements (David Golden)
	* fix $rtt handling in App::Cpan (Peter Martini)
	* bump CPAN::Meta::Requirements requirement (Karen Etheridge)
	* fix unini warning in App::Cpan (mudler)
	* tiny distroprefs fixes (Andreas Koenig)
	* remove beta warning from distroprefs documentation (Andreas Koenig)
	* do not check recursion on optional dependencies (Andreas Koenig)
	* address #95271: sanity check META.yml to contain a hash
	(Alexandr Ciornii, Andreas Koenig)
