Subject: CVS commit: pkgsrc/databases/mysql-connector-c++
From: Adam Ciarcinski
Date: 2015-08-01 11:35:52
Message id:

Log Message:
Changes 1.1.6:
* Security Fix: Connector/C++ 1.1.6 Commercial upgrades the linked OpenSSL \ 
library to version 1.0.1m which has been publicly reported as not vulnerable to \ 
* The std::auto_ptr class template is deprecated in C++11, and its usage has \ 
been replaced with boost::scoped_ptr/shared_ptr.
* Connector/C++ now provides macros to indicate the versions of libraries \ 
against which it was built: MYCPPCONN_STATIC_MYSQL_VERSION and \ 
MYCPPCONN_STATIC_MYSQL_VERSION_ID (MySQL client library version, string and \ 
numeric), and MYCPPCONN_BOOST_VERSION (Boost library version, numeric).
* With defaultStatementResultType=FORWARD_ONLY and a row position after the last \ 
row, using getter methods such as getInt() or getString() resulted in a \ 
segmentation fault.
* For prepared statements, calling wasNull() before fetching data resulted in an \ 
assertion failure.
* Result sets from prepared statements were not freed.
* Connector/C++ failed to build against Boost-devel-1.41.0-25 on OLE6.
* Configuration failed if the MYSQL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE option was specified and \ 
the MySQL installation path contained the characters -m. Installation failed if \ 
the build directory was not in the top source directory.
* For prepared statements, getString() did not return the fractional seconds \ 
part from temporal columns that had a fractional sections part.
* For queries of the form SELECT MAX(bit_col) FROM table_with_bit_col, \ 
getString() returned an incorrect result.
* For Connector/C++ builds from source, make install failed if only the static \ 
library had been built without the dynamic library.
